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Lost Favourite Scoop

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Six months ago my scoop detached unnoticed from my belt on thick bushes whilst detecting . Every time I go passed these particular diggings I drop in for a quick search with no luck . Now your thinking so what !!!! plenty of scoops out there , but no this was a special one that I loved . It was made in USA and I bought it online . I know it was made privately and was issued to stores until stock ran out . Description as follows . It had 3 initials in upper case on handle . (can't remember) The handle was flat to the scoop area which prevented pellets rolling into the usual small gap jamming pellets . Sides slightly angled not round and it had 4 riffles at toe of scoop . Nothing in Australia like this . Pretty sure this chap stopped making , hoping someone else has commenced . Any clues or comments would be appreciated . Very trivial request but just bugging me and my SDC misses it .




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Thanks for your suggestion Nugglorious that was close until Lunk hit the jackpot .Thanks Lunk that's the one . You're not a bad detective considering my description . Now all I have to do is go through all the metal detector shops and hope someone has a spare or advertise for a second hand one .


gold rat

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Thanks GoldEn , will contact them and see if they have any in stock . The reason I like this scoop it is easy to put small amounts of dirt in when you are finding 0.01 to 0.015 gram nugglets . Too much dirt sometimes and you don't get a reading and you are back in the hole starting again . A lot of prospectors laugh at me wasting my time , but at the smallest 0.01 grams every month they all add to the weight with the bigger bits . I set myself a target of 5 grams per month for approx 6 outings @ 5 hours . I love the SDC .


gold rat

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Thanks Steve ,

                       Have emailed Dan @ Promack Treasure Hunting awaiting a reply in the future . Noticed you were on web 1 hour ago , for my knowledge what day and time is it over there now . I am sending this on Monday 8.46 pm .



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