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Rye Patch Claim Jumpers?

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Thanks for your clarification.  It is humbling to know that my 'common knowledge' and research is inadequate and incomplete in this matter.

I'll have to look at more than Land Management and claims when I research open ground.  


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10 minutes ago, mn90403 said:


Thanks for your clarification.  It is humbling to know that my 'common knowledge' and research is inadequate and incomplete in this matter.

I'll have to look at more than Land Management and claims when I research open ground.  


It takes a real man and a true prospector to say this on an open forum of peers.

You've got my respect Mitchel.

Trust me I learn something new every day about mining for gold.

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26 minutes ago, mn90403 said:


Thanks for your clarification.  It is humbling to know that my 'common knowledge' and research is inadequate and incomplete in this matter.

I'll have to look at more than Land Management and claims when I research open ground.  


It wasn't personal Mitchel. You know I'm always looking for a good opportunity to educate and you just happened to be the one to bring the right materials for me to work with. :biggrin:

From our conversations and meetings I know you are always concerned with the status of the land you prospect. Thanks for letting me play a little on your dime.


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I also applaud the forthright and educational tone of the thread.  I am sure most people looking on learned something. Thanks to everyone who participated.


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Next time I'm out there I'll ask around about section 19 and stick to dans claims. I know they have outing events on 19 all the time. Even sponsored events right at burn. But just doing what everyone else does doesn't make it right.  If I figure anything out I'll post. 

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29 minutes ago, benzyoc said:

Next time I'm out there I'll ask around about section 19 and stick to dans claims. I know they have outing events on 19 all the time. Even sponsored events right at burn. But just doing what everyone else does doesn't make it right.  If I figure anything out I'll post. 

Would like to meet with you out there. 

Still lots of gold in Rye Patch.  

There are several areas not hit by the best detectors. 

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Research, research, research,

My memory has been shaken into action by the events of the last few days here.  Many details had escaped me about my many trips to Rye Patch since 2011. (Most of the gold was already gone by then also according to my sources. Most is of course a relative term!)

I'm not going to go much into the gold but address the odd numbered sections to try and get to the 'bottom of this' once and for all if possible.

My primary reason for wanting to go to Rye Patch the first time was because of Chris Ralph's web pages.  They are still a good read:


In those pages he says:

Property ownership of the area is split between BLM land and private railroad land. The even numbered sections are BLM land  and the odd numbered sections are private (originally Railroad Property), even though the surface rights on those odd numbered sections in this area belong to the BLM. There are a number of claims on the BLM property, so investigation into land status is necessary - be sure to check before prospecting and stay off private claims. 

That seems to be our last understanding here although I would quibble with the wording of the odd numbered sections being called private considering many of the normal private surface rights of land have been conveyed to the BLM.  This is not the same private land in other odd number sections if you get my drift.

Last year I participated in a Rye Patch thread on another forum.  On the third page of that forum thread it got around to land ownership as a result of an inquiry of Clay (Barry).  There was some confusion about the requested search and you can read about it here:


A conclusion that relates to our discussion here about sections 17 and 19 (probably 21 also) are:

The odd numbered sections in the Majuba were reconveyed to the US in 1960, including the minerals. They no longer belong to the railroads they are public land.  Reconveyed lands are not open to location so no claims can be made there. The odd numbered sections in Township 32N 31E to the west of the Majuba are still private land.  

So now I have 3 dates of 1934, 1960 and 1961 for possible reconveyance.  If this statement is correct then my statement is also correct when I said there is no private land in 32N 32E.

Later in the thread Wes says:

Pretty sure the mineral rights on section 17-19 in 32 N 32E, and some other odd sections around there, are owned by Newmont mining.

Someone had it leased from them awhile  back. Thats why they were allowed to do all the mechanized work as seen on the cover of the journal.





I'll grant that the odd sections have been confusing for many years, long before I ever heard of Rye Patch or the Majuba Placers.  Many, many old timers worked that land with metal detectors and more.  I don't know what enforcement actions have taken place but I do know when I first saw 17 in 2011 there were huge holes all over it.  Sometime in the last 2-3 years it has been rehabilitated to a large degree.  Maybe some of you have pictures of what the old 'burn barrel' area looked like from before 2010.

I welcome you to give more clarity to these odd sections.




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I now use the Master Title Plat because this is the document that the BLM uses to keep track of land status.  

Clay Diggins is far more knowledgeable than me and he will weigh in again I bet Mitchel.  

You bring up great points that do need further discussion.  

The Master Title Plat for T32N R32E is here:


We can see that Section 19 has Restricted Minerals as do the other odd-numbered sections. 

I'll ask that Clay Diggins perhaps explain this in his way because he is so good at it.  

Bottom line is many of us expend a lot of time and money to locate and maintain our Rye Patch claims.  

We have to protect what is lawfully ours and I'm glad we are having this discussion.

We have plans to scrape down a couple feet in areas that have never been scraped.

We never prospect anywhere but where we know our prospecting is right by the mining laws.  

This has been educational for all of us.  

In the end we'll all be on the same page and we need to mentor others on the correct way to prospect.  

Many thanks.   

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