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First Two With The SDC


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I finally had a chance to get back out with the SDC 2300 since the meeting out in Rye Patch last month. This time there was nobody there to hold my hand. I did the research and found a spot in the Mother-lode a couple hours from my house...... and BINGO! Two real gold nuggets! All by myself! They may be small but you got to start somewhere I guess. Cant wait to get back out....




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nice, exactly where did you find them? :) and where the heck is Oakley?

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Thanks Fellas for the encouragement!. The little one is 0.8 grain and the other one is 2 grains. They were no more then 3-5 inches underground. barely hear the smaller one.  I'm hoping for the big one Fred...a whole one grammer for me would be like hitting a grand slam during the bottom of the 9th last game of the world series! Heading out again tomorrow...in the rain. Oakley is in the east bay Gambler...



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Thanks Shasta Gold! I went back to the same place but got the big skunk this time. Not as much fun digging in the muck. Kinda have to pan out what you have in your plastic scoop...luckily there was lots of water in the area. Lots of square nails and small pieces of steel. Bird shot is exciting right down to the last second when you finally identify it. Trying hard... Love the SDC 2300





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