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My First Equinox Gold Nuggets

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Part of me is like wow, so cool and the other part of me is like you're killing me larry! 

It's really neat to see what the Equinox can do in capable hands. 

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17 minutes ago, goldrat said:

So much to read and take in !! I seem to be grasping the majority of the technical talk , but I can't be sure about the new gold mode Is it multi frequency in the 5 frequencies or just 20 kHz & 40 kHz . 

Thanks and Cheers




Will be hard to get an exact answer at this point, but I think in very simplistic terms it is Multi Frequency in all 5 frequencies with the signal processing favoring the input from the 20 and 40 khz signals.

A more in-depth discussion can be found in this thread: 


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Steve, Is there iron discrimination in the multifrequency gold mode?   From yours and Jonathan's pictures its clear the Equinox is able to hit micro gold jewelry.  But there is still a need for a ferrous rejection with jewelry hunting, even when its micro jewelry hunting.  


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Steve, as a more general follow on to Mike’s question (once you get the gag order rescinded) can you speak in a more general sense how Disc is implemented in the various modes.  I assumed you could manually set disc as required for any mode, but did not think about the default disc setting that would be applied in each mode out of the box (assume the answer is not “no disc”).  Any enlightenment in this regard would be appreciated.

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8 hours ago, Mike Hillis said:

Steve, Is there iron discrimination in the multifrequency gold mode?   From yours and Jonathan's pictures its clear the Equinox is able to hit micro gold jewelry.  But there is still a need for a ferrous rejection with jewelry hunting, even when its micro jewelry hunting.  


Mike, the Gold Mode features full on screen target id capability plus target masking. I actually mentioned this already in another post but wanted to make sure I was not getting ahead of myself. Looks like instead of erasing my previous hint I am ok to proceed at least this far. :smile:

Chase, the modes have disc presets but I can’t get into details quite yet. The bottom line is they are just starting points anyway that generally focus on preset ferrous rejection. The detectors are made for use worldwide, so putting a pattern in Park Mode 1 that was preset for U.S. coins (for instance) would just irritate users elsewhere.

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That's very exciting.  Nice nuggets!

I think a lot of the discussion once the Eq is released will be focused on the differences between each mode.  It's increasingly clear, and stated by Minelab, that the Multi-IQ frequency "mix" is different for different modes.  Park 2 and Field 2 already showing themselves to be good on small gold in a number of different environments.  There is already speculation that Beach 2 will be good for deep silver because according to Minelab it has a "very low weighted frequency combination."  Makes sense, if it's weighted more towards 5 and 10 kHz. 

So, what the different modes are best for, and what is really going on behind the scenes (like default settings for each mode, etc.), is going to be a hot topic.  My thought is that the "secret sauce" is going to turn out to be how the different modes mix and match the frequencies and differences in the DSP algorithms among the modes.   

It will be great fun when these get out in our hands and the reports start coming in! 

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