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Trying To Find Good Video Tutorials And Hunts

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   I have been scouring the youtube site for many months, I have subscribed to many users checking their latest videos for every little tip and trick in my spare time. I was just wondering if steve herschbach has a youtube channel or some sort of video tutorial site to check out. I have found this forum very informative and thought maybe there is some real life video footage of some of this stuff!! All that video editing and extra crap that goes along with it is probably a little too time consuming with what he has going on as it is...Any suggestions other than youtube, or is that my best bet?

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If you have not watched Goldhounds videos, you might try them. These guys are charming, funny, smart and brave. They know what they are doing. Their videos are immersive. You live what they are living. They have taken the time to show us their way of life and anyone who detects for gold will be better for watching their generous and evocative videos.


Also, of course, any video by the hobby's most renowned and deservedly famous prospector and cheerleader for us all, Jonathan Porter, is worthy 

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Hey underscore I am in the process of purchasing the equipment I need to make the very exact type of videos you are looking for. I have the camera and just purchased a powerful new laptop for soul purpose of editing the footage, which will arrive on the 6th of February. This spring I will be creating videos on gold detecting and geology relating to detecting for gold. They will not be YouTube videos. They will however be dad's that will be available to buy. I have searched for a long time for just such videos as well several years ago. Not much out there so I decided I needed to undertake that myself. I hope to have the first one done by June or July. Let me know if you are interested. I would like to know what kind of info on tips has been in your mind that you are looking for.

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    The kind of tips I am looking for would be little things like good simple tools of the trade and how to wear/use them such as pouches or makeshift pouches, tool holders, and water tools like a rope or bungee to hold your detector while you use and deal with your scoop in deep or shallow water, if your bouncing around in the water I am sure the pouch would need a zipper or way to close it. Is there something that you can attach to your detector to keep it up and out of the mucky sand when put it down to dig like a little fold out stand you can quickly flip out or is that overkill? I am just looking for cool little hunting ideas, I have seen quite a few ideas already and have not really come across a dedicated video site for that, aquachigger youtube guy has some good videos out for great ideas and is not totally sold out on a single brand, although seems to be pushed towards garrett a little of course. The more I hunt I guess the more I will come up with my homemade things to make things easier I guess. 

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13 hours ago, undersc0re said:

I was just wondering if steve herschbach has a youtube channel

I don’t. Lots of people shooting lots of video out there so I can’t imagine anything detecting has not been done at least a dozen times. I don’t watch YouTube myself though so I have nothing more than the vaguest idea of who is doing what in that regard. Hopefully others can be more helpful.

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Underscore, the DVD's I will be making will have plenty of how to tips in regards to looking for the clues to put yourself where the gold should be hiding as well as to look when it is not where it typically should be trapped. There will be input on hunting creeks, bedrock in and out of the creek, how to find the earliest stream level of a creek you want to detect. By earliest, I mean the beginning of that creeks history. This can put you in areas to detect for gold that many people may overlook. I will talk about tools for different types of hunting, a lot of it is not rocket science but things that can speed up retrieval. I will have footage of hunting dredge piles, hydraulic pits, hunting for eluvial and alluvial deposits, bench deposits, residual deposits, recognizing the important rocks associated with gold, the type of research you want to undertake to find out what exactly was taking place with the gold deposits in the area you want to search, understanding your detector. I am a Minelab kind of guy so I will only talk about their detectors in depth. I my opinion their detectors are the highest quality and best performance and I have used other brands with much less success than Minlabs. Just my opinion based on my experience going back to 1980. There is a reason Minelab has 50 engineers developing their detectors. I will have much more in my videos as well such as gold detecting with specific detectors like the gold monster and the Xterra 705. They will be in dvd cases with a front and back cover and single dvd's will probably be $19.95 and videos that will be a two DVD set will be $29.95. The singles will be around an hour long and two hours for the two dvd set. I am curious as to what state you are hunting for gold in?

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goldseeker4000, I am hunting for gold in BC, Canada, around the fraser and thompson rivers more or less in the low water bedrock, also around the hills maybe where some host rock might be for gold although highly unlikely I will find that as I am not going to be hunting too much for that. Most of my detecting will hopefully be river banks, beaches, old historic sites, and old gathering sites. Some snorkle hunting at the local park campground beaches later in the season when the water is low and warm as well, some magnet fishing at the local boat launch docks as well lol.

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Underscore, I don't know what BC's laws are concerning detecting historical sites but here in Montana if someone gets caught doing that they can face thousands of dollars in fines, confiscation of their equipment and vehicle and up to 20 years in prison. Check your laws before searching those areas. Better safe than sorry, you know. My videos will be of great benefit to you in your region. Don't discredit finding gold on the mountain sides for float or residual gold deposits. Those are excellent places to search. A friend of my sold a claim to a couple guys and their first trip there detecting netted them 6 ounces of gold/quartz specimens.

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I did not really mean actual legal historical sites, but sites with good old time history that could leave items long lost in the dirt or gravels, like old river crossings and old train stations etc. I am not one to walk to a local park with perfect grass, or a nice soccer field and start digging in them....just seems wrong.

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