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Moving To Florida

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I will be moving to the Clearwater area in July. Anyone on this forum that is in the area and is willing to show me the ropes of beach detecting? I currently am landlocked in the western U.S., so I don't have any idea how to read a beach. The only beach success I have had was on vacation in Puerto Rico a few years back. I took my AT Pro and found out quickly that it is not so good on the beach! However, the night before leaving the island, checking through the finds from the week, there was a copper Maravedi from just after 1500--something I thought was junk. Goes to show that we should take the junk with us and check our finds before pitching them in the trash. I have an Equinox 800 on the way, so salt and water should not be a problem now. 

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From what I understand bout beach hunting in Florida is that you will have plenty of competition. I would PM Dewcon here and see what he can share as he's a known master of the Florida beaches. 

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I'm actually envious of you. I live in Southern California where my taxes have continued to outpace inflation. We took a trip two years ago to Amelia Island and i fell in love with it there. We day tripped to st. Augustine as well. It was summer and hot but to me it was perfect. My wife hated it though due to the same weather. Something about her hair and humidity. :sad: 

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I have hunted Florida beaches just a tiny little bit. Most are HUGE and hunted by entire troops of local retirees daily. My main advice - extreme patience. Targets can be very few and far between. You almost have to live there so you can take advantage of storm conditions that strip beaches of sand. Otherwise beaches get “sanded in” between storms and the only finds are what was dropped in the last few weeks - and missed by the troops. I would personally seek out weird oddball places that might be less hunted. Any big popular beaches are obvious targets and very well hunted.

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Steve’s on target.  We get more than our fair share of “depositors” but we also have more hunters than the average beach.  Places like Daytona and Cocoa beaches get hit hard.

Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

One area on the beach that many people overlook is the "walking track" just above the waterline.  Of course that changes with the tides, but that area has been pretty good to me lately.

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I hunt clearwater often, right now it is hard to find anything except clad coins. By July it will be better hunting. There is a club here SRARC, look them up on the internet and plan on coming to a meeting or two. You will meet lots of fellow hunters and become involved with Ring Hunters if you join SRARC. We hunt peoples lost items and return them at no charge. They can make a donation to the club but we hunters refuse  money for what we return, but the smile on the face of someone that is returned a ring they thought lost forever is priceless.

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