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Another Equinox VDI Chart...


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Steve --

I DID get one, I haven't done a lot of reporting yet.  Seems I was too dad gum excited, once I unboxed it, to do proper testing first...and went straight to my local "hunted out" park to start swinging it!! LOL!  I got it Tuesday; it took until last night before I finally did some air testing for ID numbers (hence that chart), and I have YET to take it out to the test garden!

Testing is forthcoming, but just couldn't wait to hunt it!

No "great" finds yet; a couple of wheats and a buffalo nickel, but that's pretty darn good for this park, anymore.  One of those wheats was a solid 8" deep, amongst iron, in one of the trashiest parts of this particular park.  That dig, among a few others, really impressed me.

It's deep, it's fast, it's light, and I LOVE its descriptive language (I've hunted exclusively 50/multi-tone).  I need to learn its "dialect," but I can tell that it has a lot to "tell me," once I know how to decipher the nuance.  I've stayed in Park 1, but have adjusted Iron Bias and Reactivity settings a bit, and I'm running it as hot as I can -- 25 sensitivity.  I really like hitting the "horseshoe" button, and running with no disc.  That "gap" between the highest iron tone and the lowest non-ferrous tone, is great.  It allows the iron to be heard, but very "unobtrusively," with non-ferrous tones standing out starkly against the background iron grunting.  Learning how those low tones and high tones co-mingle, so as to indicate co-located non-ferrous and iron (versus just plain iron "falsing") is what will take me a little time, but I can tell the tonal nuance is there, once one learns to decipher it.

The headphones are really nice -- comfortable and they sound real good, the machine is built well, the screen is great, the backlight is perfect (love the adjustability), the pinpoint mode is SUPER-accurate...

I could go on, but it's nothing you don't already know!  I just need time on the machine, and I really want to get it out to my test garden and compare to the CTX.  I stink at video, and know nothing about editing, so probably no video...

Here is one VERY bizarre thing I did notice.  

While air testing, I tested the two rings I wear -- my 14K wedding band, and a "coin ring" a friend made for me out of a Walking Liberty half (see the ID chart in my first post).  After testing it "flat," with respect to the coil, I wondered if passing it under the coil "on edge" might alter the VDI a bit, so I tried it.  Would you believe it would NOT HIT THE RING?  Even "scrubbing the coil," it would not detect it!  Just an occasional pop or chirp!  I need to verify if I was still running "no disc," or if the machine defaulted back to the standard "Park 1" disc (-9 to 1), but either way, it shouldn't have mattered -- I was floored!  It sang out perfectly with the ring "flat," with a 34-35 VDI, but I could get SQUAT from it, when turned "on edge!"  SO -- I took my wedding band back off, to try it.  And -- it was FINE.  On edge, or flat, it gave a good, clean, "as-would-be-expected" result.  But that coin ring?  NO JOY, if turned on edge, no matter the distance from the coil.  I have no explanation...  (see below, for a picture of the ring).

Anyway, in summary, I love the machine!  It's just plain fun!  I see why you like it so much!  ;)



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4 hours ago, steveg said:

I know I'm not the first, but maybe there are a few items in here that are not on other charts...





Thanks Steve... the more data points the better!!  Tim.

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Wow!  That ring on edge thing inspired me to do some testing..  My Equinox does not like big silver on edge!  Took a Franklin Silver half dollar and stood it on edge. Reads 1 and 2 on the ID scale while on edge..  I did the same test with an Indian Head and mercury dime and it performed as it should with high ID numbers. I broke out my E-Trac to see how it did on the half dollar and it screamed high silver on edge.  I’m not sure what going on with the big silver and the Equinox.. Something’s not right.  Would like to hear from others on this.


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More testing. My very thin silver rings read properly on edge.  If the ring has any thickness to it, it reads anywhere from iron to 1 and 2 on the ID scale. Silver quarter on edge also reads 1-2.   Not happy!  Tested on Park 1.. No discrimination..

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Thanks guys for the Big silver on edge info....Have not ordered yet and will wait to see how this turns out before I do. following this thred closely. 


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Cabin Fever --

THANKS for testing those coins "on edge."  I was rushed last night, headed to work, and didn't do any more extensive testing; I was focused on just getting the air-test values, to get them posted online for anyone that might be interested.  So, though I noted with interest that "ring on edge" thing, I didn't have enough time to test coins "on edge," or anything else.  Glad that you followed up, and did so; I was planning to do more, and still will.  This is something I expect Minelab will look at, and hopefully adjust for.

strick -- I hope this little "quirk" doesn't "spook" you; it's really a super machine.  "Quirks" like this are inevitable, is the way I look at it.  Getting the brand-new machines released and into the hands of the masses means instead of "tens" of testers, there are suddenly "thousands," and no doubt "quirks" will be uncovered, some of which need will need to be addressed.  The beauty is, the units are "upgradeable," software-wise.

I'm sure Minelab is aware, or will be, of what we are finding here...


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Thanks Steve...Have 3030 and deus on hand so no reason to rush into things right now. Preliminary reports look mostly good so far and even if I ordered one now it would be a while before I got it so for now I'll just sit and watch....but thanks for that post as I'm sure it will get some attention. I cant imagine Minelab not testing high thick conductors at every angle. Watching closely.. Birthday not till April :smile:


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