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Makro Racer First Impression / Gold Racer Preview

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The older machines did not employ more modern high gain, low noise circuits. I think there were some serious quality control issues with the Gold Strike - I've heard stories of machines that were fine and others that had a horrible lack of sensitivity. It was made in those last chaotic years before FTP took over the company.

A state of the art modern Induction Balance (VLF type) machine with 30 Khz might be really good.

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Good source and another review... but with one little minus... I'm little disappointed, because, today they edit review... and remove some important section about problems with wireless headphones sound quality and signal delay. New version of video is shorter without this opinion. Someone wipeout this...

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Chris, I am with you on the Racer Gold set at 30khz, I would like a modern replacement for my GB2, with more options to use, screen iron id, vdi numbers, lighweight, auto gb, etc. So far no one has approached the GB2 for tiny gold in hot ground, but maybe the Racer Gold will do the trick. I got buddies that work hardrock for vein gold, they have tried every new vlf gold detector that comes along for tiny gold, nothing works for them but the GB2 so far chasing tiny vein gold looking for pockets.


Steve, super nice review of the Makro Racer, nice pics.

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How about something like current Racer at 14 kHz push a button and now your have 28 kHz? Coils can usually be made to work well at harmonic multiples.

One thing usually is if the frequency gets too high you lose resolution at the high end of the VDI scale but gain on the low end. Not so good for coin detecting per se but good for separating low conductors.

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The Racer is a very high gain detector susceptible to overload signals. From Link deleted since Findmall Forum update broke all old links


"The electronic gain of the RACER consists of 3 levels to eliminate the internal electromagnetic noise and to adjust the saturation level. The electronic gain change points correspond to levels   39 and 69 on the Gain setting. In case of saturation (overload), you may raise your search coil a bit or adjust the Gain to the lower electronic gain level. For example, in the All Metal and Two Tone modes, if the Gain is set to 70 or above and if saturation occurs, adjusting the Gain to 69 or 39 will minimize or eliminate the saturation. Similarly, if you  experience saturation in the Three Tone mode, adjusting the Gain to 39  will be sufficient. Reducing the gain will not cause a dramatic decrease in depth."

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