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Steve Herschbach

Mike Haer

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I would like to thank Steve for putting together such a great forum. I came across it a few month back on accident while doing some research. I ended up reading a post by Steve that I was blown away by and started looking up some of his other posts. Steve tells it like it is and his knowledge is incredible. Then I started coming across other posts from other people and I knew this was a place I want to be.

 In my personal opinion this is the best forum, I love the layout and the great conversations by a lot of knowledgeable people. Thank you Steve for having such a great place for all of us to discuss metal detecting!

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On 7/1/2018 at 8:50 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

Thank you Mike, and all the other forum members also. I am shifting the website focus from prospecting to all types of detecting. Whether that will catch hold or not only time will tell.

As I was logging on this morning I thought to myself " I love this place and I need to start mentioning it on every podcast" keep up the great work Steve!

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On 7/1/2018 at 9:50 AM, Steve Herschbach said:

I am shifting the website focus from prospecting to all types of detecting.

A while back (last autumn?) you broke the forum into different topics.  That seemed to allow people faster access to the topics they were interested in and less scanning/searching through posts they weren't.  IMO that worked well.

In the last several months the Equinox Fan Club (a special sub-forum) appears to have dominated the traffic.  I see the advantage of that special forum and I do think it needs to continue.  However, now that much of the excitement, anticipation, frustration, etc. has calmed down significantly I wonder if many of the "finds" reports being posted there should revert to the (now) traditional forums (coins and relics, jewelry, etc.).  If a topic/post is primarily questions or comments about settings, features, peripherals, etc. then the Fan Club forum still seems like the appropriate spot.

Even though I have an Equinox, I've wondered if the 'club' aspect has turned away and/or maybe even hurt some feelings of those who don't share in that common bond.  They all use detectors and dig interesting stuff -- that is one of the things that bring us together here.  Why don't we join them back on the appropriate forums when reporting our finds?

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The fan club aspect of the Equinox forum was to give people an alternative to other forums at the time which were being heavily trolled. It is by intent that it drive people away who are not fans of the detector. It is also to prevent any other forums from getting buried in Equinox posts.

However, all the manufacturer forums and the Equinox forum in particular are intended to focus on things specific to the brand or model of detector. If people just want to talk generically,.... that is exactly why the Coin & Relic forum exists (for example). More about the activity than specific detectors. Still, if everyone who has an Equinox went to the Coin & Relic forum and started posting all about "Equinox finds" that can be overdone.

Anytime a new detector comes out it dominates traffic. Equinox is just the flavor of the month. 

Bottom line is all I can do is set up the framework and nudge people in a general direction, but in the end people choose where to hang out and post. If I see stuff really out of place or maybe too concentrated in one location I do move threads, but I try to keep that to a minimum.

Anyway, I agree, if people are just posting about a jewelry find - post on the Jewelry forum. If it is about the settings used on the Equinox to find the ring, then the Equinox forum.

No right or wrong answers really and I don't want people to worry about it too much

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  • 2 weeks later...

I second everything Mike said. This forum and the one before and all the other forums of the past, which Steve was admin on and placed content, were/ are second to none and on many levels -- not just expertise at a level that's hard to come by, but a man who cares/ gives a damn, which shows in every thread via the responses and posts made, which takes massive investments of time/ energy and a 100% full time commitment, not to mention such high value thoughts/ expertise/ knowledge/ tips/ ideas/ experiences/ guidance/ equip analyses and so on. Just top tier all the way around and rare. And a humble guy despite all of his accomplishments -- here in the great white north he's a bonafide legend among prospectors/ miners/ detectorists. Everyone knows of or knows who Steve Herschbach is. Plus, a talented writer with a knack for teaching and able to dive into complexities with ease and not confuse those who have far less knowledge, namely myself. Prior to 2010 I bought almost everything I own at his former business, Alaska Mining & Diving.

I've been a lurker on this forum, and other gold forums for years, but only visting in the winter months when it was not doable to be out actually doing the fun, and yet that's backwards, I should have made the effort to join/ interact during the summer months, during the "in-season zone" and made connections and learned more. My stubborness has a downside just ask my wife. In close, I appreciate the forum including all members. I just wish all the forum posts/ comments could be played on the radio instead of read. That radio would be continuously on and I'd feel no stress about wanting to soak up more knowledge yet also wanting to be outside out of cell range. 

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Thank you, JW, much regard for your kind words. I was hestitant to be so expressive, due to how that sort of thing can be perceived. So much appreciate your backup on it! And thanks for the warm welcome ... this is such a great group

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have been away for a few months due to some medical issues that I had to have taken care of but I agree with everything you said I was starting to have with drawls from laying in bed still cant detect but I gues this place is the next best thing to it

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