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Gold I Found in Victoria With The GPZ

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Thanks for sharing mate. Rip Snorta of a Z find. :)


Don't know if you into questions as I know you coped a lot of unfair crap in my opinion  on some of our Aussie forums,But I do have one if you find time to answer.



Gold mode and Ground Type was General/Difficult, Sensitivity on 12 and Audio Smoothing at OFF. These are the best settings for large deep gold (1 oz+) in the noisy ground in Victoria's Golden Triangle.


I hunt in the Warwick Queensland Australia area as it's the closest Gold fields to me ( 3 hour drive) Our ground out there is highly mineralized in dry conditions, worse in wet.


I run my GPZ 7000 to those conditions using mainly these settings ( listed below) to do other wise I get several lots of ground noise with each swing making it impossible to distinguish a good target.That is unless I enable Sever or smoothing which I feel would give me less depth.Any advise from you  would be greatly appreciated. 




Gold mode : High Yield

Ground type : Difficult

Volume :18

Volume limit :18

Auto Smoothing : off

Sensitivity : 4

Ground Balance : auto

Threshold Pitch : 53

Threshold level : 27

GB on auto

Using WM Wireless module speaker with GreyGhost head phones plugged in.






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Thanks for sharing mate. Rip Snorta of a Z find. :)

Don't know if you into questions as I know you coped a lot of unfair crap in my opinion on some of our Aussie forums,But I do have one if you find time to answer.


Gold mode and Ground Type was General/Difficult, Sensitivity on 12 and Audio Smoothing at OFF. These are the best settings for large deep gold (1 oz+) in the noisy ground in Victoria's Golden Triangle.

I hunt in the Warwick Queensland Australia area as it's the closest Gold fields to me ( 3 hour drive) Our ground out there is highly mineralized in dry conditions, worse in wet.

I run my GPZ 7000 to those conditions using mainly these settings ( listed below) to do other wise I get several lots of ground noise with each swing making it impossible to distinguish a good target.That is unless I enable Sever or smoothing which I feel would give me less depth.Any advise from you would be greatly appreciated.

Gold mode : High Yield

Ground type : Difficult

Volume :18

Volume limit :18

Auto Smoothing : off

Sensitivity : 4

Ground Balance : auto

Threshold Pitch : 53

Threshold level : 27

GB on auto

Using WM Wireless module speaker with GreyGhost head phones plugged in.


Sounds like there is a fair component of salt in your ground down that way, to get less salt signal try the General Xtra Deep/Difficult mode and increase the Gain/Sensitivity to compensate for signal response reduction. Best way to determine Salt is to lift the coil above knee height, if there's a strong signal as you bring the coil away up to knee height and above then salt is present.


Edited to make things clearer

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When you say Gain your saying sensitivity? Gotta ask, seems names have to change to make the razzle dazzle of the product come thru but for me I like general terms ;) Thanks and a fine nugget there!

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Gain and Senstivity are the same thing on most metal detectors. What is usually meant is Recieve gain or sensitivity. Some detectors also let you adjust the Transmit Gain or power. I personally think in terms of receiver sensitivity and transmitter gain myself. Unless the person says otherwise however gain and sensitivity tend to be used interchangeably to refer to receiver sensitivity.

On the GPZ when you adjust the mode you are adjusting the transmit side of things and sensitivity the receive side. This governs how sensitive the detector is to gold but also to ground mineralization. Too much sensitivity overwhelms the coil with ground signal so counter intuitively less sensitivity can be better than more. It is like the gas pedal on your car. Keeping it fully depressed is not usually a good idea.

Reducing sensitivity can also help alleviate electrical interference issues.

GPX Manual page 23 http://www.minelab.com/__files/f/262220/4901-0176-1%20Inst%20Manual%20GPZ%207000%20EN.pdf


A high sensitivity setting will allow the detector to detect smaller or deeper targets, however it may also increase the effects of interference and ground noise. Higher sensitivity settings are only recommended for mild soil conditions and areas of low interference.

In highly mineralised soils, or high interference areas, a lower sensitivity setting can provide better performance by reducing false signals, allowing gold to be heard.

Using the highest stable sensitivity setting will achieve the best performance. You can adjust the sensitivity setting to your preferred level.

Adjust Sensitivity Settings

Select Sensitivity on the Detect page. An adjustment bar with a range from 1 to 20 will appear.

While detecting, use the left and right Arrow buttons to adjust the Sensitivity until false signals begin to occur. Reduce the Sensitivity level just enough that these false signals disappear.

Press Select when done.

The threshold tone will become silent for approximately one second with each button press.

Sensitivity controls the amount of amplification applied to signals received by the detector. The Sensitivity control has a range from 1 to 20 with a default setting of 9.

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Thanks Steve.  I work with so many different names it gets a bit overwhelming at times but I full appreciate the information and reminder of what I'm dealing with.  Typically I adjust sensitivity up till things are noisy then back off.  With audio smoothing on can sensitivity be increased once you have found the quite point after adjustment in normal mode?

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My go-to Sensitivity settings for the GPZ are 9 to 12 for Difficult Ground Type mode and 6 to 10 for Normal Ground Type modes. High Yield/Difficult needs to be lower than General/Difficult in same ground types on a specific day, twitchyness in a GPZ manifests differently compared to a 5K so you have to be careful deciding what is acceptable when making the call, my go-to adjustment is the Sensitivity setting when things get difficult, even on low Sens settings the GPZ has oodles of grunt. I've seen and heard of people who are running the Sensitivity way too high in the last couple of days, and then complaining about the detector being twitchy.


On the subject of Audio Smoothing: Off on the GPZ = 20 on the GPX 5000, Low equals 15 and High equals 10. I run my GPZ 7000 on OFF at all times. It should take about a day to become familiar with Audio Smoothing OFF, everything has more presence in OFF position but within that presence is a plethora of information that has never been truly accessible on the previous Minelab high end gold machines that came before.



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Thanks for the info Steve and JP

Cant wait to get out and try a few different settings combos I have floating around in my head.

The boys are out as we speak testing the GPZ and comparing it to the 5000 on one of our productive areas, will be interestig to see how they go.

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