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I Still Don't Know If I Like It ( Euro Coins & Jewelry )


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This is my first "serious" post on this nice forum.

When the equinox was announced, I ordered one before reading any information about it. Then the user manual came online….

I am searching beaches in Europe. As soon as I was able to read the online user manual, and that was months before I got my 800, I thought there was a problem for EU beach hunters.

Pulltabs and bottlecaps are too close to the best coin we have here...2€...

When I started using the 800, I soon noticed that beach setting (MULTI ONLY) was pretty unusable on dry sand….Bottlecaps, bottlecaps...No matter the tricks we can use…(pumping, backwards coil swinging, etc) they still come through...

So I quickly decided to hunt the dry sand in park 2, and 5 Khz… This way, I'm able to eliminate ALL bottlecaps. OK, The 800 is a versatile detector, isn't it???

I started lookig after gold one week ago...In the summer months, I'm a "coins only" hunter, as our coins here are very valuable compared to US ones...I tend to discriminate the lower 10€cents, and the Equinox can do that perfectly. 

But now I started to look for gold on wet sand beaches, and that is a real disaster !

Every bottlecap and his brother in law shows up as a good target...Pumping, sweeping the coil backwards does NOT help.

At this point, I have to say that my CTX 3030 is MUCH better on wet sand. 

I'm thinking of selling my 800... I put my Sovereign for sale recently, but I am thinking of getting it back home.

I am still to be amazed by the nox 800, and that annoys me more than a bit.

My CTX isn't "obsolete", nor is my ace 400i (great in iron trash)

To sum it up...The 800 did not convince me...

Happy hunting




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Bottlecaps are easy to recognize especially at the beach after you get dome swing hours in.  The only "trick" I use is searching in AM.  The bottlecaps are then pretty obvious with their weak, flutey tone and the accompanying iron grunt as I swing the coil edge off the target.  Pull tabs are hard, but at the beach it just takes a few seconds to scoop 'em and move on.  Otherwise, if the CTX is so much better in wet sand (I actually doubt that statement when it comes to gold jewelry), that's great, no one is forcing you to use the Equinox.  The fewer Equinoxes I see on the beach the better as far as I'm concerned.  HH.

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  • The title was changed to I Still Don't Know If I Like It ( Euro Coins & Jewelry )

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