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Newbie, First Detector Purchase, SDC2300 vs SD2100

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Hi there, 


I'm in the market to buy my first gold metal detector. My heart wants a new SDC2300 but my wallet is not cooperating with this idea. Unfortunately there seems to be virtually zero used SDC2300 models on the market. However, I've found a used SD2100 for sale for $850. Are the two models even comparable in quality and ability? Please lend me your perspective. 

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I've detected awhile and have never used any of minelabs detectors but i watched the used market, and yes their few and far between, but i scored an SDC 2300 for $2800 last week. I'd hold out for a deal myself. Being new to detecting i'd actually buy myself a Fors Gold or Gold Bug Pro. Both very good machines and currently very reasonably priced. I have used a Gold Bug Pro for the last year and i have done pretty good. 

Gold detecting definitely takes patience and perseverance so if you buy a cheaper machine and you end up not liking chasen the yellow brick road your not out a kidney.


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I agree with featherdfishead.

If this is your first metal detector I would pick up a VLF machine and learn it first.

You will want both types in the long run anyway.

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Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. Cabin Fever, is the SDC2300 not a VLF machine? ... What about the Minelab Eureka Gold? 

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You need to go to the archive's here. Steve give plenty of info to make informed choices. The sdc2300 is a PI. The Eureka Gold is a VLF. Both great detectors. So you will half to decide what kind of soil you will mostly be wanting to detect for gold in? If the ground is mild, a vlf will probably work. If the ground (soil) is hot ( mineralized) then a PI is a better choice.


Hope that helps.

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The SDC is Pulse Induction.

I don't know much about the Eureka Gold but I think it is VLF.

I was just thinking if I was just starting out metal detecting for the first time

I would pick up a simple VLF machine and start off coin detecting in a local park

or school and just learn how to find stuff. Then hit the gold fields.

There are quite a few good mid priced detectors out there that are good for finding gold as well as

Coins, relics, jewelry etc.

Not that a PI machine can't do that but there is very limited discrimination on most of those type of

Detectors and they are vey expensive.

Steve has a lot of great info. On his site about all the different brands.

If you get serious about nugget hunting you will end up with both a PI and VLF detector if not a couple of each like some of the members here.

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Cool. Thanks everyone for the feedback.


I checked out the archive but I wanted to know if there's a strong consensus on SDC2300 vs SD2100, since I heard some experts prefer the old models.


I will be detecting in northern Minnesota, which is the worlds foremost iron ore producer. However, I don't know if that necessarily means the surface here is full of iron. I should find out. 

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I have an SDC 2300. It is my first detector. I bought it because it is really easy to fold-up/carry and because it is waterproof. Apart from the physical functionality it is also really sensitive. I've found tiny shot pellets a few inches down that screamed at me. An old rusty iron spike half buried in the ground nearly blew my ears off.


It is expensive, but if the GPZ is a big success you wlll see more and more SDCs coming on to the second hand market.


For me it was a toss up between the ATX and the SDC. I went with the SDC because it was physically smaller, lighter and better on smaller gold. The ATX is a great all round machine and possibly more flexible in the long term. It's also cheaper.


I don't know about VLF machines, but if the Gold Bug 2/Pro folded up small I'd get one tomorrow.


Just ask away. All the folks here give great advice and don't bite.

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