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Australia 2019


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Crikey, take no notice of em MN, just don`t forget the "Aeroguard"...……….

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Cane toads are nothing. Probably the only thing that freaks me a little while out in the bush is walking into a golden orb weavers web. They're not a little spider and their web is fairly strong so you tend to spend the next 10 minutes looking to make sure the spiders not in your hair or on your shirt. Although I do think they are relatively harmless.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_silk_orb-weaver

The big inch ants are the other thing to watch out for. The suckers have big nippers that they use to hold on while they sting you with their tail. And they really hurt! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrmecia_forficata

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4 hours ago, phrunt said:

I'll never forget the day when I was a kid in Australia and I put my shoes on to go to school that I had left outside for the night and I struggled to get my foot in, took my shoe off and shook it and a dirty great big cane toad with its guts hanging out fell out of my shoe, I crushed it trying to force my foot in, I thought maybe I'd left my socks screwed up in my shoes which I tended to do, never did that again ?


They're ugly suckers and it bounced off like nothing happened even though its guts was hanging out.

He died doing what he loves the most




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12 hours ago, SteelPhase said:

Cane toads are nothing. Probably the only thing that freaks me a little while out in the bush is walking into a golden orb weavers web. They're not a little spider and their web is fairly strong so you tend to spend the next 10 minutes looking to make sure the spiders not in your hair or on your shirt. Although I do think they are relatively harmless.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_silk_orb-weaver

The big inch ants are the other thing to watch out for. The suckers have big nippers that they use to hold on while they sting you with their tail. And they really hurt! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myrmecia_forficata

Those ants are nasty, they seem to coordinate the attack as well.

Couple of weeks ago I got stung by them, 1 on my leg & 2 under my shirt, but it all happened at the same time. Very nasty, they were painful but the itchiness lasted a good 3 weeks.

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13 hours ago, kiwijw said:

You Aussies....you keep all your nasty bitey, stinging, poisonous, creepy crawly, man killing things over your side of the pond, & I am just talking about your women.....:laugh::laugh::laugh:

JW :smile: 

You forgot the 'soul destroying' bit ??

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I grew up in Florida where we had big banana spiders that could make a web across a path in just a couple of hours and there was many a time of walking or running a normal path when you found yourself covered in web.  You felt like you had to fight your way out.

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On a more serious note ... are there 'bad' things to watch out for there like we have rattlesnakes and fire ants here.  Many wear snake guards but I don't.

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Australia is full of things that bite and sting but  all jokes aside, if you got worried about every little thing , you'd never leave the house. You have more chance of being hit by a car than getting seriously hurt out in the bush (as long as you use common sense).

I wear snake gaitors sometimes, especially if wearing shorts. Not only for the snakes but they give protection against some of the undergrowth.

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