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To Clean Or Not To Clean - This Is The Question

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Yes kac  I always wondered about  that cleaner stuff is it any good?  It all looks a little expensive to me about $45 a Litre I think. I just use water or sometimes mix it with vinegar. I do have a homemade recipe if you would like to try it. https://ultrasonic-cleaners.org/how-to-make-homemade-ultrasonic-cleaner-solvent.html Tried it once or twice but not what I really  expected. This Blue stuff here is supposed to be pretty good, maybe I'll try some and let you know what I think about it, fairly cheap too. 2 x 8oz for $9 US iSonic and it's a concentrate 1:20 ratio.  


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Be honest the really fine walnut shell did a good job on the slag change. I don't think it was strong enough to actually take any of the metal but did take dirt and some of the patina down making dates visible. Typical of any tumbling media is they only get the high spots and can't clean close to inside edges or inside of lettering.

I have Yellow Magic because I use it to clean the raw resin off of my 3d printed parts as an alternative to Isopropyl Alcohol that is typically used. IPA when mixed with raw resin makes a toxic mess that is difficult to dispose of and not very environmentally friendly.

I do know it isn't so good on aluminum so after use you need to rinse the part off which you should do anyways. 

I also have tried laundry soda which I had used for reverse electrolysis and seems to do ok as a degreaser. I think the big trick is as long as the cleaner is potent and has a very low viscosity they should work in an USC.

I'll have to check out the blue stuff and see how it does on my 3d parts.

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8 hours ago, Lobo Lover said:

Yes kac  I always wondered about  that cleaner stuff is it any good?  It all looks a little expensive to me about $45 a Litre I think. I just use water or sometimes mix it with vinegar. I do have a homemade recipe if you would like to try it. https://ultrasonic-cleaners.org/how-to-make-homemade-ultrasonic-cleaner-solvent.html Tried it once or twice but not what I really  expected. This Blue stuff here is supposed to be pretty good, maybe I'll try some and let you know what I think about it, fairly cheap too. 2 x 8oz for $9 US iSonic and it's a concentrate 1:20 ratio.  


It looks like the same thing as Ezest.  It's not inexpensive, but it does a pretty good job when you get crudded up silver.

Always wanted to try an ultrasonic cleaner, but figured they probably wouldn't do a very good job on crusty coins?

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Ultrasonic cleaners won't take corrosion off. They only take dirt off. I never tried my pickling solution which is a mild acid, might give that a try on some slag change.

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