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Gent Falls And Damages His Nox- Minelab Responds

Guest Tnsharpshooter

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Interesting thread - new control box for peanuts - no valid warranty claim - has a new day dawned at ML?  After all the hits I have taken (often justified) for being a ML downer, things seem to be changing.  Heck the entire hobbiest detector market is in an uproar and the Equinox didn’t start it, I suspect it is just a very smart response to new realities....

Anyway, here’s what I posted on the above thread just a while ago....

Seriously, I am not surprised. 

Minelab had for years a reputation for being very agressive not only for detector pricing but for spares/repairs pricing. Those who suffered from this were often pretty open about their opinion of the whole business. I mean, contrast it with, for example Tesoro (RIP - pause while I wipe away an actual tear), Whites and first Texas whose repair policies have been largely somewhere between wonderful and benign. 

Fast forward to now - who is this company pretending to be Minelab. First they destroy the market for the CTX and Excalibur with their Equinox pricing, then they get a new repair subcontractor set up who seeems, by all accounts, to be doing awesome work - and now the sneaky devils (masquerading as Minelab) are replacing entire control modules for the price of a few gourmet pizzas! Will wonders never cease. 

OK, I’ve had my fun, but seriously if this is one more sign of a whole new approach to the hobbiest detector market by Minelab, then the rest of the industry ought to take notice. 

What cred do I have for my opinion in this matter - I have resolutely been a critic of pretty much everything about ML except for the performance of their machines. Now - even I must wonder if a new day hasn’t dawned.

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Guest Tnsharpshooter

I should have commented above.  I think that is very reasonable.

The reason I posted this thread is because we have seen few folks who indeed have had accidents and damaged their detectors.  Plus seems there are a few ding dongs who were trying to say the Equinox was like a butane  lighter.  Throw away basically if something went wrong with it.

Kudos to Minelab here.  

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I was a little pissed at 1st for the guy blaming it on the EQ being unbalanced.  There are numerous detectors that have some kind of issue with balance, ergonomics, weight, too long,  bulky etc.  Each one could be a hazard to someone on any given day, if they fall.  Bottom line is...Minelab stepped up and did a fantastic job at a really cheap price for the guy.

I agree, the Minelab Repair Department of OLD, has finally turned a new young shiny face.  Lets hope they keep it that way.

Thanks for sharing the thread.


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Well I know when I fall on and break something it’s never my fault! :smile:

Hey Rick, I have to admit it is fun watching you rationalize other companies putting out high priced product after you dumping on Minelab for years for them thinking they need to recoup their own engineering expenses and make a profit. :smile::smile:

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Shoot!  I broke the housing off my old AT Pro by just sitting it down too hard.  It was only held on by two screws and plastic studs.  I repaired it myself by using longer screws, epoxy and a hose clamp.  It was plenty secure after that.

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"Special one time deal". Hmm I wonder what it would be when not on "special"?  It was good of them to do that for the owner though, regardless. They really are trying. Can't fault them here at all.

Seems like they are staking a lot on the Equinox series and pressing hard on the customer service side also. That's really going to peeve Minelab haters off. It does appear they are determined to apply lots of pressure to stagnant metal detector companies.

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