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Thanks Ken, Do they work and what are they made of, Although I am from OZ originally I never worried about using such things although I have had a few close shaves and I saved a mate once who was about to get Tagged by the Biggest King Brown I have ever seen,

For A while I was getting paranoid because they always seem to make a B-Line for me, and it has been the same with other Bities that seem to want to share my space, Only thing is Now I can't afford to get Bitten due to health reasons,


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I wear snake gaiters...bought at bass pro couple years back, after almost walking on 3 rattlers in about 20 minutes. Cant tell ya if they work or not, havent tested them yet,lol. But they make me feel little better when hiking in rattlesnake infested areas.

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I wear snake gaiters...bought at bass pro couple years back, after almost walking on 3 rattlers in about 20 minutes. Cant tell ya if they work or not, havent tested them yet,lol. But they make me feel little better when hiking in rattlesnake infested areas.

3 in 20 minutes that's tempting Fate just A Bit, No wonder you wear them,



Yes they do work great. Not really sure whats in them. I almost think its a Kevlar panel, they are lite and do not hinder me at all while walking.

I Think I might try and find some if they are that good, I need something because I cant afford to take the Risks,

Thanks again,, John

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