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Gear In Use:

  1. Where can one purchase metal free boots? And how many of you detectorists wear them?
  2. It’s said If you can’t lick them then join them. Well Garrett here I am in all my glory. I got to thinking I’ve got a shirt the same color as that arm cuff. I’m going to be strutting with my new detector and my shirt to match. I could just show up on the door steps of Garrett next week with this shirt on . Chuck
  3. Since I got interested in two-box detectors, and the use of a data-logger, and purchasing Both a 900 and 1200 from Treasure Baron in the Discovery models, my lack of non-metal boots is becoming a problem. Ever step is making a noise. can't have that. Can anybody give me a brand, and model of boot that has zero metal? All help appreciated. Lug soles would also be nice. Jim
  4. Hi there, like to know good quality non metal boots when i detect with my gpx 6000. I tried Bates boots, they came apart and seem not to have good support for climbing. Thanks, Mike
  5. Hi all - i need new boots. My bogs tillamook boots sprung a leak and are unfortunately low top and closer to shoes than boots. Im looking for recommendaptions on waterproof boots. Preferably tight fitting neoprene that kind of suction tight arpound your foot. I walked miles with no blisters wirh my low top bogs but want to hear what else is out there. Im at the beach a few times a week and put on some miles!
  6. My knee start to sore/pain due to motorcycle accident at young age.. I think my acl was torn due the accident or something if I remember correctly lol.. looking for outdoor knee guard/brace to use when metal detecting.. any suggestions? Thank you in advance
  7. I've been using a pair of basic knee pads for years and finally got sick of getting dirt in the tops and down between the pad and my pants. So I've been trying knee pads and thus far I'm a striking out. Here are the two I've tried: NoCry These were recommended by a buddy. They have too many straps, slip down your legs and the lower pad cuts into your shin when you walk .Selstrom (like Doc's) I liked these but when you bend down the articulated pieces open up a gap into which dirt can get it. Also kind of hard padding. Anybody recommend any?
  8. Looking for some recommendations on backpacks and metal free boots. I might have some unrealistic expectations here, but this is what I am looking for. I use the GPZ 7000. So I'm looking for a backpack that I can replace the supplied Minelab harness. I also use the Hipstick and bungee. So the backpack would have to have heavy duty shoulder straps to accommodate the detector weight and movement. I'm not into using the Camelback water bladder. But want a compartment to be able to hold water and a lunch and keep them from getting hot and the food squished. Also a little extra room to put a jacket or sweatshirt when starting on cold mornings. I also like to keep my pick up and away from the detector, so I like to holster it behind my shoulder blades. As far as metal free boots, I want something somewhat water resistant. I purchased these Reebok boots. They are very comfortable. But not water resistant at all, even with putting a waterproof coating on them. And for the soles on these Reebok boots are terrible. I have only wore them about a dozen times, and from the boot scrapes the tread is peeling off in chunks. So I'm looking for something else in a boot. I'd appreciate any info on what you other detectorists are using.
  9. Hats now available for distribution. If anyone is interested, PM me to arrange. $20 each, to cover our cost & shipping. This is the brain-child of a local friend of mine : "Aaron". Initially in response to a "Karen" type ranger, who had questioned a few guys md'ing on a certain beach in our area. But once he pushed back with the "lead removal" retort, the lady ranger seemed satisfied. We got a good laugh out of that. So the idea of the hat was born. And strangely enough, at another beach, a month or two later, it actually came in handy : Because it turns out, a nature-lover Sierra club hippy-type griped that our detecting on a low tide bedrock surface, was harming the Sea Anemones, or kelp, or whatever. But we pointed to the hat, showed them a handful of sinkers, and explained that we were doing a volunteer lead removal service for the wildlife. The person brightened up , and began to praise our efforts ! Brilliant Not sure about other parts of the USA, but where we're at, has various self-appointed "nature monitor" types. Who will chide you if they think you're bothering mating sea-lions. Or if you're harming the ice-plant, blah blah. And then of course any archie-minded ranger types who might think we're bumping into cultural heritage issues on the beach (which, thankfully, has never gained traction on state-of-CA ocean beaches) And it's actually a truism that : Lead is bad for the environment. A quick google search shows this. This is why, for example, lead bullets are outlawed for certain types hunting now. And why, for example, construction/demolition sites (building tear-downs) can be required to have hazmat measures, if inspectors think they've found lead in the soil. So let's all help our planet ! We're not out for old coins or jewelry. NNNeeeooohh. Those are only the pesky objects that get in the way of our lead sinker abatement objective. If you're interested in getting some of these hats : PM me.
  10. I had a high speed blowout on one of my detecting boots yesterday but due to my amazing physical abilities and fast thinking I was able to maintain course and continue detecting. I'm a pretty even tempered, mellow kind of prospector and I keep my cool ,even when the world is collapsing down around my ears. So back to the subject at hand------------ WHY ^%(&#@^!!* CAN'T SOME ^&%+)$&@& COME OUT WITH A ^%_)$!* PARE OF %&$#(#@ DETECTING BOOTS THAT WILL LAST FOR ONE &%$(%#!@ SEASON!? Thank you Dr. Herschbach for the therapy session. I feel much better now.
  11. I live on the far Northern California coast. We basically have two seasons, wet and dry. In light rain, I generally ignore it. But I'd like to go out a bit more often. For those that hunt in the rain, what gear do you use? I've got a decent jacket and boots, but I'm looking for a good pair of rain pants. Durability and range of motion are concerns. Also looking for some gloves, as leather work gloves aren't so great when soaked and it's cold out. Mud is also an issue.
  12. Hats off to Minelab, hats off to you all, hats as giveaways, I’ll throw my hat... you get it, but doing a search of past topics didn’t hit many if any results on protection from the sun and detecting comfort on a search although a topic buried in here in places I’m sure. Mitchel mentioned a hat solution in a discussion thread with Norvic for using headphones with the 6000 and it got me looking to see what was available at the moment if I want to use headphones instead of my preferred earbuds I have to ditch my wide brim sun hat for a ball cap and put up with the heat of the sun on the back of my neck and shoulders. I was going to convert that hat with hot glue and Velcro to headphone ready but decided to try a commercial version first. Looking around there were only a couple of options, one a sporty outback looking hat be fit on any fashionable lad that I liked but the sun protection was minimal so I ordered a stingray brand audiophile hat that looks like it should be good with the 6000’s headphones. anyone here tried one of these out or have another solution, what’s your preferred protection from Mother Nature and to stay comfortable detecting?
  13. I'm looking for a pair of light weight and comfortable boots with hiking soles and no metal eyelets or hooks. The key words are Light Weight and Comfortable! Anyone know of any? Thanks! Walt
  14. I was looking at wet suit’s and it said 7mm but I wanted to know what’s that in inches. Well here’s the formula to find out . 7mm 7. divided by 25.4 = inches Maybe some of you knew this but I didn’t. Chuck
  15. How much do scuba drysuit cost in the USA? What is the best quality / price ratio?
  16. I just been reading on another forum about snake gators, Do any of you wear them and do they work and who makes the toughest/Best ones you can Buy// If you have photos etc please feel free to post them, Thanks Everyone,,, John
  17. I use a water proof, metal free calf boot most of the time when I walk on the beach. I have bought them from various places like Walmart, sporting goods stores and online. They are both styles of fishing boots and muck boots for agriculture and the like. All of them crack after just a few months (many miles) and they leak. In the past I have tried glue, tapes and other things to get more life out of them. I've tried different brands. My last purchase was a pair of Tingley's and they are probably the best so far but they have now cracked down near my big toe. They have lasted since February. They have gone up 50% in price since then. Does anyone know a glue or fix for this? I wouldn't mind even slopping something over the outside but it has to be flexible. When the water is warm I could use a Clog or slipper but they don't provide the support and protection when I refill my holes. Mitchel
  18. Just got a pair of gloves to replace my work gloves I had snagged from a local hardware store and got these: https://garrett.com/accessories/garrett-gear-books/garrett-detecting-gloves Made really well and have a padded palm. Less money than they junk work gloves I had before.
  19. I got a call to find an wedding ring for a guy when it was 8000 degrees. I get there and after 1 hr I am dead. He asks me if I would like to use his cooling vest. I said no due to me not knowing what it was. He starts explaining it to me so I gave it a try... ITS AWESOME!!! I detected in 110 heat index and felt kinda chilly. It lasted around 85 min before he changed out the packs. Anyone ever used a cooling vest?
  20. As usual, some of us got off topic a few days ago on this thread: We got into a discussion about insect repellants, what works in some areas and for some insects, etc. I have a question and decided to start a new thread, on this specific topic, which will also probably get hijacked. My specific question to 2Valen is: what concentration of Permethrin are you using? I have some spray stuff but it's only 0.5% Permethrin. I doubt that's what you are dilluting. Also, you say "add the correct amount...". Could you be more specific. I get eaten alive by chiggers and although spray Deet works OK, they still seem to find a way around that to a limited extent.
  21. Reminds me when I kept getting sporadic falsing and turned out to be my steel toe work shoes. At least I didn't dig for them.
  22. I'm sure many of you detect in colder weather than I've been in the last couple days (38F = 3C). I can keep everything warm but my fingers. Even with gloves (one on my detecting hand and two on my digging hand) I can't keep my fingers warm. My detecting hand has a fairly thin (mechanic's) glove so I can handle the controls. Both hands have been dry so that isn't the problem. Any advice appreciated.
  23. Maybe waterproof some of the time. Maybe warm some of the time. Sensitive enough to find small targets without having to take gloves off. And rugged. Maybe one pair for warm and another for waterproof. And then I will be going to the UK in late April so what would be good for over there? Any ideas of what has worked ( and not worked) would be much appreciated. thanks. I saw one YouTube vid where a guy was wearing Sealskinz but the reviews on Amazon weren't all the best and they are expensive.
  24. Apologies if im posting a lot, but im really into this hobby. My finds arent stunning by any means, but it does show that this machine is very capable! Its only a matter of time before the treasure is found, hehehehehe. Cheers Peeps! Edit: You may think this is a lot of finds for the amount of time ive been hitting it, but kindly take note, i was informed one location was the spot of an old wishing well. LOL. Andy
  25. I was at a loss just where to post this new look for the coin and nugget shooter. So I said this is the best place for all to see. I had to do something being every time I put my tool bag on before I started detecting it would pull my jeans down. Then when I’d bend over I don’t have to tell you what would show. My wife was always pointing that out to me. Well lady’s and gentleman I have found What I think that will fix our problem. Lady’s this may be a man problem only but you may want to give it a try. My wife said she won’t be going anywhere with me wearing my new look. Just think that’s money you already have saved by her staying at home when you go out for dinner. I must say they may be a little hot now but well worth it. You can find them at Walmart. The brand name is Liberty and they are all cotton. Get Ready For The New Look For 2018 By Chuck
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