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The Day We Rolled An Expensive Prospecting Rig

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 We are still snowed in here in the Northern Sierras so I have no new adventures to share with you all so I guess I'll have to reminisce a bit.

My cousin seems to have escaped the family curse of the prospector and is a member of normal society as long as he avoids bad influences -like me.

  I told him about an interesting spot on an old map that I would like to go find and ask if he would like to go along. He readily agreed but he didn't have much time so we decided to take his rig instead of my old Jeep because it was much faster. We left out of town and very quickly took a steep path that took us up several thousand feet.  I was able to direct him to where we could look down on the prospecting spot  but but it was obvious that we would need my Jeep to get all the way into it so we turned around and headed back to town. Well, My cousin got to playing around in his fancy (and expensive) rig, going way too fast and tipping it way to one side and then way to the other side then he ask me if it made me nervous. "Not in the least I replied". I was not nervous- I was terrified. He tipped the rig WAY up on it's side again except this time, OOPS , it rolled completely over but fortunately it came  back upright. In the interest of keeping the story brief I will just say we made it back to town ok but I now know that my old Jeep is a much better prospecting rig than a North American T28. 

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Crikey, KL it seems you are blessed with few family members who are normal. My mob are near all normals,  who are cursed with very few prospectors. However I am no where near positive that I am more blessed, could we do a trial swap to sort this out for a bit or maybe if I send my lot upover to bless you in that snowed in cabin for a winter or two. 

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Here ya go...The other one is the T38 Talon. I spent the summer of '71 at the training base for the T38 in Arizona. I was a radar tech.


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7 hours ago, Norvic said:

I send my lot upover to bless you in that snowed in cabin for a winter or two. 

 Do the come with their own beer and a bit extra?

Thanks for the photo Jim. - sorry about the initial goof in the original post The T28 is a whole lot of motor with an airplane attached. It's very complicated to know and do all that is necessary to fly the danged things but I was only a passenger/ observer a few times in total ignorant bliss.

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They`ll come fully supplied, beer, extra, tucker, blankets etc, would be also wise to you hide your old Jeep keys and of course the T38`s as well. 

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Normal cousin - maybe when he is walking? But ahhhh, if from your point of view THAT is normal, then Klunker, to maintain your crazy prospector status, you must think your Jeep's roll bars are there to take fall line shortcuts to your prospecting sites instead of those pesky rutted roads.  Good story btw.

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