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KS Stick

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  1. I used a bulletin board magnet i bought at Walmart it snaps in and you can remove it, helps find small nails and iron bits just reverse your pinpointer. 30 Magnets in a box the 6 large ones are just the right size. about $5.
  2. 2024 Red book list 1870 indian head cent as G4- $75.00 Hard to grade dug coins. Stick
  3. Your Watch could be German Silver they turn brown in the dirt try and polish it with silver polish good luck with the new hobby Stick
  4. Cleaning Musket balls just wash them with water and a little Oxi Clean Powder swirl them the dirt will come off and leave the white oxidation Rince with clear water. I have cleaned 100;s of them this way Stick.
  5. Here is my cleaning method having cleaned $2500 worth of clad with no rejects, Zink cents go in the trash COIN CLEANING 1 and ½ pounds of coins ½ cup of pea gravel 1 once Conklins multi Surface cleaning Gel 1/3 tsp. Dawn soap Cover with 1 inch water Tumble for 2 to 3 hours. Rinse and tumble with Stainless shot and dawn soap For another hour or 2. Stick.
  6. George my collection is a lot smaller, but now i have the Deus 2 I have to say the old ones are just for wall decorations its not that i dont like them its I am 85 years old and cant hunt for 8 hours like I used to. The Deus weight of 2 lbs lets me have at least 3 hours of hunting its been a lifesaver for some one that still likes to hunt, Keep the post comming your collection is outstanding. Stick.
  7. The American Gold Prospector has this video on YouTube of a diehard gold prospector there is on before the storm on the beach at Nome and one after the storm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFG7-AtEvL4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyJdK_BFM-E Stick.
  8. Does the Deus 11 support any wireless pointers? I am old and hard of hearing and with gloves I can barely feel the vibration on my Garrett. Stick
  9. Looks like a center to a hub cap from the 60's or 70's Stick
  10. If they had reworked the workings of the Compadre and made a discriminating and waterproof pin pointer they could have sold thousands of them. Stick.
  11. Head light Overalls from 1904. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=12&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjbtpz_j43iAhVEs6wKHU8ODR8QFjALegQIBxAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.denimbro.com%2Fheadlight-overalls_topic3641.html&usg=AOvVaw0N22ATMa2griVbYCMWzpEV Stick.
  12. If you Google hand made nails there is a old video showing how the nails were made. Stick.
  13. Seeker read what I posted on Stricks gold coin, I give you the same advice don't lock it up, enjoy it and show it to all your friends. Stick.
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