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  2. @Steve Herschbach just an FYI, I haven't received an email, I have checked my SPAM folders, I checked here to be sure my email address on my profile is correct. Just wanted to post to see if anyone else has or hasn't received the email? I also just realized I have never received an email notification from this forum...but when I just checked all of the notifications options weren't set to "email", they are now, so hopefully someone will quote this so I can see if I get an email on it?
  3. WTG ... and with the 15! What did they sound like?
  4. Today
  5. Steve: Like others have said, I do greatly appreciate all of your hard work and the tremendous amount of information available on this web site. Of the many websites I have visited, this is my NUMBER ONE web site. So I will reiterate what others have said, do what you have to do to keep this wonderful site up and running. I fully support you.
  6. Best Wishes on your fight and you are in my prayers.
  7. Thanks for all the hard work that’s constantly going on in the background for this excellent forum, Steve. Yes, please, whatever needs to be done to save the forum that will cause you the least hassle - and much appreciated that you’re able to give a little heads up time before implementing the fix. I’ve already got a couple recent threads archived that I wanted to save.
  8. Everything on computers is perfect and will never glitch or lose data. Yeah , sure . Everybody knows that's more ain't right than I am !. Git 'er done. We're all big kids now. Pick the easiest path. Copying posts is easy compared to running the back stage part on a forum . A month is more than enough time to redo email specs. It's easy , I just did it last week. (I can even still remember the password ! ) 👍🖖
  9. Better to not need the antibiotic and have it to take than a doctor fighting you over it. That's what happened to me. Full bullseye rash that was extremely itchy. Stupid doctor at the time wouldn't give me antibiotics. I had to go back again, and again the idiot wouldn't listen. I started to have other problems like aches in my joints and muscles. Then it got even worse with heart rate changes and hurt a lot. Went to another doctor and got tested. Lyme. Had to take 3 rounds of antibiotics. I also ditched that first "doctor" that wouldn't do anything. Lyme Disease is no joke.
  10. Yesterday I decided to just hunt with my Manticore and the 15" coil and I was only hunting from around 7:30 am to 10:45 am and this is what I got
  11. I ran the MX5 for a few years and preferred it over the MXT. The stock spider coil and large SEF coils will serve you well. Only coil I’d add would be the small Shooter coil, although the small SEF coil in the picture may be just as good. I never ran that coil. I did have the SEF WSS 5x10 coil and it was fantastic coil for recent drops, just not as big a field as the clean sweep. It has a very narrow detection field and good depth in moderate soils.
  12. If this is your biggest problem than life is pretty good.
  13. Im not saying it is wolves. But 3 of the wolves had collars 1 male 2 females, I would bet there were more but in a few years of breeding that could be 25 to 30 alone. Wolves have a giant voice, i have heard them from both long and short range, and iy will raise the hairs neck.
  14. For alittle insiight, I have hunted Predators for 40 years now, Bobcats, Yotes, MtLions, bears and Wolves. So I keep up on movements of them. I do have connections with CA Fish And Game and NV Div of Wildlife. As far as Bigfoot goes, no idea, have seen evidence both ways but im always open. Believe me, if you really look, you will see things that are not supposed go be there, but are. I called in 2 wolves in northern Washoe county while chasing Coyotes. I know what wolves are but NV Div of Wildlife said noway. That was 12 years ago, now they say, yes there have been sightings. Most predators will not be seen unless they want to or get surprised. Predators will not make noise while hunting, but once they make a kill or to warn others of a danger, they really let lose with vocals. Stay safe out there, from both 4 and 2 legged predators.
  15. Hi New to this and have acquired an old Garrett A2B goldhunter . After lots of reading I see conflicting accounts. Would it be unrealistic to try to use this old detector in heavy mineralised West Australian soils? Was hoping it was a cheap starting point for my daughter but some accounts on the net seem to be they just can work in hit soils? Thank you in advance
  16. I'm sure that's possible. However, there are currently no resident population of wolves in the Sierras. The point being made was that the sounds were not from wolves. The sounds sounded nothing like any wolf could ever make in my honest opinion.
  17. Yes, there are wolves in the Sierra NV mountains. There was a small pack of three in plumas county, that was confirmed by fish and game. They had tracking collars on them. There may and probably are more without collars. I am saying this because fish and game has confirmed this publically. I know of more but will not say until its released.
  18. I used a NEL Tornado 12 x 13 DD Coil on mine. DEEP!
  19. As far as the tick goes...if you got it removed the same day it attached you really have nothing to worry about. I just had to go get one removed from my back and they gave me an antibiotic but I'm told it wasn't needed
  20. I have zero issues with loading the backup. I haven't posted anything that will be missed lol Do what needs to be done to save the forum.
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