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Everything posted by Alluminati

  1. That is cool, I think I'd rather have the forged coin as well.
  2. Well the weekend is almost here so I thought I would have a look at the forecast. There is a decent amount of wind out there, at least it feels windy lol. The direction is pretty typical for the area, though it matters less and less as time goes on, it's more to do with the directional changes then absolute direction now. IMO. By tomorrow morning the winds will get almost northerly before it changes to almost south by Sunday morning. I am going to see if I can hit the 7th consecutive gold tomorrow, or at least get something this weekend. The streak will have to end at some point, but why not roll with it for now. I'll be using the new shaft this weekend which is nice. I still have to replace the cuff with a Nylon version, but I'll get to that one evening. Here is the thread if you don't know what I am talking about. Diy Equinox One Piece Straight Shaft If I think of it I want to bring some magnets out there. I've been meaning to put magnets in my scoop for years. Also I want to kinda sample different colours of sand to compare for mineralization, curiosity. The third thing would be to see if dragging an magnet around has the ability to pick up any iron, in areas where the clay is exposed or almost exposed.
  3. Its probably real, just the description made it sound like it was cast with poorer metal. Some old coins do have lots of fakes though. In reality the coin could have spent part of it's life in the water. Even freshwater can pit a coin after 50 or so years, it depends and the coin and more specifically the alloy. A higher alloy sterling silver might pit less then "coin" silver.
  4. Is there a chance its a fake coin? If not I suppose salt etc. could do it.
  5. Me too, without a ruler I can't do anything. I'm not so much designing as I am building and tearing down with virtual lego. Here is the revised cuff that finished yesterday, with the feet added. I've already made one revision to make the top of the feet a little thicker, as seen as the drawing, however I don't think I will do a print just for that reason yet. I will give it some thought this week, most likely I will be printing a Nylon version this weekend. I can't forget the little plug too for the end of the shaft, I could probably squeeze that in in the evenings after work.
  6. I was just sitting here wondering if anyone is going out detecting, bound to be some good areas exposed by this storm along the coasts.
  7. I guess in some ways that is OK if you they are getting compensated well for the show,. They still get to be the ones that found it, perhaps in the long run the show pays better then the cut of a few gold barsanyway, if they could keep them.
  8. I am getting ready to print another prototype tonight, I'm just waiting for the model to finish slicing then I will see what happens lol. Feet have been added, holes for the clamping mechanism have been spread out 5mm each to accommodate the feet. Revised some fillets. (Curves on the edges, some added, some removed) It will sit a little lower then the factory shaft, perhaps adding stability while sitting. The trade off being the clamp mechanism hangs down between the feet a bit more then the factory shaft, this could get center bound on rocky terrain. Not a huge concern IMO, I like to keep the feet functional, yet compact. The feet are 10mm (about ~3/8") narrower in stance compared to the factory shaft, as I didn't want it wider then the cuff itself. In reality they should function the same as the factory feet, a little narrower, a little lower but same general stance. Hopefully this will be done before I head to work tomorrow morning. There are lots of things I can do to speed up the print, but this is also trial run for the Nylon print, speed is secondary to quality so I will just let it do it's thing.
  9. Let it ride baby! I hit the 6th consecutive gold today! If you could only see the shit eating grin on my face right now, almost tears of laughter. I went out today to field test my new straight shaft with the hopes of maybe, just maybe snagging another gold for the weekend. (Its Thanksgiving here) With a thunderstorm just over the horizon, I didn't have much time. This gold is a little different in that I didn't pull it from the clay like the last 5 golds, this was much farther offshore. It's always a good sign when you kick your scoop into the sand and up comes a dark blue-grey plume. I call this blue sand. I like this sand because it is dense enough to hold onto gold for some time, how long I don't know, but I don't find gold in blonde sand like I do in this blue sand. I think it is a mixture of heavier sand particles and dissolved clay. The picture below is of the gold in the scoop as found. I hope you appreciate it, I had to take the double layer of plastic off my phone, my detector floated away a bit and decided to bob over a rusty chain from the swim-line while I was try to take the picture. Ah well it was a special occasion I suppose. It would be easier if I had one of those action cameras to yell at. "GoPro stop recordin" lol. The second picture shows a couple other earrings I found today. I don't think the Opal is real. The gold is 1.6 grams, unknown karat. I love how this machine has revitalized my site. I have previously haunted this place for rings, I've probably taken over 100 rings from this beach with about 25 or so of them being gold. I rarely found any kind of trinkets like these, and rarely any high-alloy. It was always 9K, 10K and 14K once in a blue moon. The earring from today looks to be a high alloy again. It is also another broken loop, it was found in the open position. Say what you want about conditions and luck, but I've walked over that necklace I found the other day for years. YEARS. lol I've had other machines that could hit chains, but not with numbers, let alone Minelab® multi-frequency derived numbers. This machine has got the hots for that mellow yellow.
  10. I managed to get out for a good couple of hours before the thunder chased me away. My field test went very well. I kept my expectations realistic, the result was a pleasant experience. I didn't think I would notice much of a difference in the water, but I did. I attribute this to three things. -The tilted handle is just more comfortable for me, it allows my arm to operate in a more natural "curled" position that relieves pain in the muscles along the inside of my arm. The same day I got my Equinox I gave my elbow a good whack on a door and I've been feeling it ever since with the new machine. Today was the first day in a while where I didn't have pain almost every swing. Take that with a grain of salt because I had 2 Advil liqui-gels before I headed out. -The arm cuff fits better. This is pretty straightforward, the stock Equinox cuff is very wide and has almost straight sides. This new cuff has a smaller diameter (100mm same as XP Deus) and has a round profile that lets the strap integrate into the cuff better, feeling more continuous. -The shaft is just plain stiffer. Before I had a piece of tape in the factory shaft that removed the infamous slop, (That tape held up all this time BTW) however I never realized how much flex the stock 3 piece shaft has even with the slop fixed. This Kevlar shaft just feels more responsive and snappier in the water. The detector has a nice tactile feel to it now, swinging it on land feels great. I am going to make another iteration or two of the arm cuff then I will print one off in Nylon. I will also make a little plug I guess to put on the top of the tube. This has been a very worthy project, I am glad Mineslab went with the standard 7/8" bicycle handle bar diameter shaft, it makes for a machine that we can customize easier compared to the Explorer series style of shaft.
  11. Thanks Steveg. ? Alright I have the test cuff on there. It already feels better, especially with the strap on there, though I will probably be taking the strap off as I don't really need/use them if the cuff fits reasonably well. Either way I guess. There is a bit of rain here and there, but I think I am going to go try it out out in the water.
  12. I hear ya, just that a lot of areas are completely stripped of placer so I was just trying to encourage him. My area is not a known gold area, for placer anyway, (Glaciers) but it was still fun to locate quartz and pegmatite veins within the granite around here. If I lived in an area that had a known gold mine, I would absolutely be looking closely at any schists, serpentine, gabbro, diorite, chert, feldspars, granite, greenstone etc. as the gold is hosted in these metamorphic rocks. I understand that the indicators are in the veins themselves, but he is already in a known gold bearing area so he should be looking for host rock with quartz inclusions. In this context a hot piece of granite could definitely be an indicator. I've never hit on granite with a metal detector, but I can locate mineral rich quartz or pegmatite veins within granite with a metal detector. IMO historically a lot of hardrock mining was done with eyeballs, so there could be something here and there for a guy with a detector. Sorry for the confusion, thanks for the input.
  13. A piece of granite with a chunk of quartz hanging of the side of it is an indicator if you are in an area of an old hard rock mine. IMO That is what they look for here. Lode. I said potentially to be an indicator, because it could be tailing with a chunk of quartz on it right? There is more then just placer gold out there and we don't know the composition of the rock just by looking at it, just saying. I used to get in arguments all the time about the diamonds we have in Canada, because Canada doesn't have diamonds. ? In the spirit of prospecting with a detector, maybe you can give jadawg some suggestions and tips on what to look for.
  14. Greenstone belts found in granite and gneiss have gold, which is why in my limited experience this rock could potentially be an indicator. Although jadawg hasn't given much else to go on as to the local geology coupled with statistics of rocks without gold, then yes I agree it's probably just a rock lol.
  15. After my turkey induced nap today, I figured I better get around to the arm cuff. I am printing this prototype below, it will be done in the wee hours of the morning if all goes well. I haven't drawn the offset feet yet, like I did on my Deus cuff. (See earlier in thread) The Equinox is kinda top heavy, so I want to see what kind of angle, if any I can get away with. For water detecting I don't need the feet at all. On land they would probably be needed, although the coil does already have a flat spot of it's own. I'm not totally against putting factory style feet on there, just I would prefer if they weren't there. I suppose another option would be to have a removable stand that attaches separately to the shaft for land detecting. I didn't care for this idea at first but now it seems reasonable. I am making this first prototype out of cheaper plastic, just to check out the fit of the hardware and comfort. I am using two 1/4" x 3/4" SS machine screws and lock nuts for the clamping mechanism.
  16. Granite is a metaconglomerate, could that not be associated with gold bearing quartz?
  17. I guess it says Kriegsmarine on the top? That would be cool if it was from the wolfsrudel. It's right around the time when they scrapped plan Z and started building U-boats.
  18. I just tried to watch the pre show episode zero for gold rush Alaska, I shut it off lol. I will wait for the first real episode next week. It just looked like a recap of last year. Those are some nice size nuggets there Bob(AK)
  19. Well I went out this morning with the goal to find any old piece of gold to keep this streak alive.... I found it! It's a little gold earring back that barely weighs anything, lol. By itself on the scale it weighs 0.0 grams but if I add it with a 1.3 gram silver ring, the weight goes up to 1.5, giving me upwards of 0.2 grams! It looks like a high alloy too, It's the yellowest piece I have right now and reminds me of a 22K piece I found in the area a few years back. It's got to be 18K for sure. Assuming it is 18K its worth about $7.50 here, $9 if it's 22K. Another record setting day of sorts, the streak is up to 5 consecutive hunts with gold and I have found my smallest gold to date. lol it isn't much, but hey that's the way she goes when she goes. Also pictured are the junk finds, tungsten ring, brass chain, another earring back and a moderately attractive copper locket with a horse carved into the front of it. Another day with no iron, the only thing that went in the trash pouch was lead and copper and 2 beercaps. I kinda had a feeling the caps were caps, but they at least started off with good numbers (10) for long enough (3-4 swings) to make me committed to the target. I was co-located with other iron so it's tough to tell in those situations if the cap is spitting negatives, or the iron around it. The gold earring back was a 4 in the water, though it goes up and down a bit when I swing it over the coil with my hand. The necklace from yesterday was 8 then 10 in the water, but it too is jumpier in the air with 4 and 1 also coming up depending on the orientation.
  20. Ah Bering Sea gold. I enjoy that one lol, despite the shenanigans. Here are the screen shots of the alleged Spanish gold bar, from two slightly different angles to try and get that warm glow. It sure looks good, as you say the reales are great correlation.
  21. Pyrite is paramagnetic so I suppose you could have hit on it, although that rock is a metamorphic conglomerate so it could be the detector is responding to something the rock as a whole? Its actually not a bad indicator mineral. It could also be Pyrrhotite, that might be slightly more reactive to a metal detector. What kind of detector are you swinging and what is the general description of the geology without giving away your location? You want to find some bits of gold bearing quartz from within or around that schist, if you are searching near an old hard rock mine or area that historically had gold.
  22. Those look to be good enough for the bank machine, I have given them much much worse. There will be a layer of sand and crumbled zinc on the floor when they remove the coinstar machine here. lolol. I've used some automotive polish by hand to put a shine on a few higher denomination coins that I've spent in person. It works well but more trouble then its worth probably.
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