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Everything posted by kac

  1. Haven't been out too much as weather been iffy and I been lazy. Getting back into the swing of things (pun intended) thanks
  2. Was in an old 1940 school yard that used to be a farm and got all giddy at first when I dug this up, was pretty deep about 14" or so. Thought it was a large cent in good shape but still kind of neat. Medal is bronze.
  3. The part looks like it was from some old farm equipment. Hard to tell how old because iron gets that crust and seems to stay that way for a long time and depends so many factors. The park could have fill or was once a farm. If it was a farm then look on old maps and see if it was hay fields or picked crops. Pick crops should have some old coins. You can do some reverse electrolysis on it to take the rust off, might be a marking on it.
  4. Old farm? If you got a pair of headphones, listen for the shorter softer sounds. Junk usually has a pop to the beginning and end of the tone, better stuff has a round sound to it, soft-louder-soft. If you have a DD the only thing that might throw you off is steel bottle caps as they sound bit like quarters. In open fields with a DD on my Tesoro I set my discrimination so iron nails will just chirp and approach the target at angles if there is a spike to make sure nothing is masked. Parks and modern areas where there is can slag you may need to nudge it up to the foil line.
  5. Might be from a hat or bag? Looks like it had a cloth covering in the middle at one time.
  6. Even my SeaHunter that can go to 200ft has a window to show any condensation. Steve is right about changing batteries. Battery compartments could easily be isolated and be better waterproofed imo. Wonder if you could use a wireless charging? https://batteryuniversity.com/index.php/learn/article/charging_without_wires
  7. My brother knows I'm trying to build my own machine and sent me this diagram. Thought it was pretty funny 🙂
  8. I think on the pinpointers the Rx is on the tip and Tx above that so adding metal to it like taping a coin to the side (preferably an uncirculated morgan dollar) might add to the Tx signal. That's my guess :)
  9. Is the PI more sensitive to small gold? Anyone have a Carrot and F-point they can compare?
  10. If I didn't have my ATP for slugging through the sludgy ponds I would look at the Multi Kruzer. Not that it's better or worse than the Nox but rather I like the eliptical coil better in my area vs round, the s handle looks more comfortable than the Amphibio and Nox as I am used to those. Vibration is handy as if I miss the target the water gets really murky and lastly they have a 9" round concentric coil available which would be killer in parks with a lot of beer bottle caps. If your looking to hit the beach then the Nox is your best choice as far as VLF's Just my thoughts.
  11. I tried Jameco as they have switchcraft but not that one of course. Thanks
  12. I would would be more inclined to believe those are knock offs. If they came out of a reputable dealer with some sort of certification I'm sure they wouldn't be that cheap.The last places I would buy a coin is Ebay and Amazon hehe.
  13. Is the Delta 4 pin connector proprietary or is it something someone sells somewheres? Looking into building a coil for my Tejon and if that goes well will use it on a Lobo mod. Thanks
  14. It seems all the brands have their issues. I am happy with my Profind35 but considering I have recently got into beach combing/bobby pin removal services and needed to buy a pp now I would get an F-Point but if was sorting through piles of dirt the Pulse Dive might be a better option. Not sure with is more sensitive to tiny bits.
  15. I have the Profind 35, initial ones were sent back for replacement this current one works well and has a bit of iron discrim. It is pretty sensitive to small foil and jewelry, no nuggets in my neck of the woods to test it on :( Was thinking of the Fisher F-point which is pulse which would good for my beach hunting but not sure how good those are.
  16. Good point, I have recovered dimes and pennies that were paper thin from the salt yet their diameter was fairly close to original. I think you could be right, here are some what looks like collectable knock offs on amazon that are very similar to yours: https://www.amazon.com/YEARS-Ancient-GLADIATOR-CHRISTIANITY-Velvet/dp/B07RR3V787?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duckduckgo-ffab-20&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B07RR3V787
  17. Check some of the early Irish coins. That could be what is left of a Hibernia. Diameter might be blown away from the erosion but what should help is there are not of early coins with a head facing right. One's I know of are Hibernia and early King Georges. Hibernia date in early 1720's, think the KG's are 1780's.
  18. The 8x11 widescan is an ok coil, I have the 10x12 and it goes slightly deeper ie nickel at 16" air test. I have found the DD on the Tejon can go blind on iron when the coil is in over iron and target in parallel BUT you can lay a dime right next to a pile of old rusty nails with the 8x9 concentric and tone out the iron and hear the dime perfectly clear as if there is nothing around it. Keep that DD for dry sand beach and low iron trash areas, if your not sure on trash level then run the disk so it just breaks at iron but not a clean signal and if you come across a target hit it at a few angles. Lastly round steel bottle caps can be disc out just at the foil mark so you don't lose the small gold on the 8x9 concentric. DD will struggle.
  19. I saw the Kruzer has a 9" concentric, think that would be a killer combo on that machine. I prefer pots over buttons, so much finer to tweak than clicking though some numbers.
  20. The plates are brass, the reeds are steel and rusted away. Shape looks like it was punched out and the F is stamped. I wish the top and bottom were still around but it is possible they weren't in the area where I found it, possibly a throw away as I found a bucket fairly deep full of broken glass nearby. It was located near foundation that looked to be a chicken coop where I found an old trap (possibly for fox or weasels). Great dig on info, Thanks
  21. I wouldn't cast that T2 aside if you have a concentric coil on it. Bet it will still find more stuff than any new machine with a DD on it.
  22. Considering the r&d has been done 100x over on machines the only real costs is the molding for the plastic housings etc. Nokta seems pretty conservative on part shapes, ie same housing on Amphibios & Kruzers. I think the pressure will be more on First Texas and Garret than Minelab in the low cost machine realm to start coming up with something that can go head to head in that market. Minelab seems to be comfortable with their high tech mid to high end price range. I have seen many users start with a lower end machine and end up with a Minelab unit. Nokta seems to be playing it smart and going for a wider range of consumers. I always wondered if the majority of sales of these machines are to existing detectorists rather than flat out new users? Starting to think dirt fishing is more similar to regular fishing in the way people collect fishing rods, detectorists seem to collect detectors.
  23. Wasn't a number, just the letter F, guessing its a note to make it easier to assemble. No other marks on it.
  24. I had looked into getting the TDI Beach Hunter but for the amount I hit the beach I couldn't justify the costs and instead sprung for a SeaHunter MK2. That little stock 8" coil hit the penny at a foot with no problems in wet sand, think it really fades at 14" but still a huge upgrade in depth when compared to a IB machine. I can well imagine how nice that GPX is in the salt, I would be scared to use one out there. I do love the hip mount for the SH, makes for easy all day swinging especially considering the control box seems to be weighted for neutral buoyancy. Your definitely correct on the wash out with new sands over the old. I noticed the dunes are really chewed up. Soon the weather will be too cold for most and I'll toss my neoprene waders on and hit the surf when it's a balmy 35-40. Like to get more hours on that pi. Pin pointing with the PI has been a bit tricky, seems to ring off the edge of the coil rather than the middle like a IB machine. I am a PI noob I'll admit it 🙂
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