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Everything posted by vanursepaul

  1. You wouldn't have even been acknowledged by Minelab yet,,,def not ML AU
  2. Good luck with that...I can send you my tracks file but you would get dizzy going in circles
  3. I didn't think you had to do that just to change between difficult and normal
  4. After i hunt for alittle while i always settle down and zone out,,, that is equivalent of not listening to all the background noise, then when I do go over a target, is almost the same feeling as with a fish bites, BAM! It will turn me around and my tracks... another good example zoning out or tuning out would be when my mother spoke to me using my full name. That also made me turn in my tracks lolol
  5. Yeah thanks for the settings... To be honest it must have been sharp enough to catch my attention...I had been detecting for awhile and I was kinda zoned out...When I went oooops, What was that... But it wasn't as sharp as some I have heard, it was more of a broad signal, until I scratched it a bit...then it started acting more like a nugget... I changed the settings and tried it with normal ground and it was just crazy ...acting like everything was a target.. I jacked up the sensitivity too...bad idea I list it in the noise.. So it was a good learning day for me.... I will tell you I had a hard time putting audio smoothing on high..... Lolol You can tell by the picture it is a weirdo nugget...I m afraid it will fall to pieces when I put it in the acid ....
  6. Well they say, "Even a blind squirrel will pick up an acorn every now and then..." Finally got my first 7000 fatty today! Seems like once I disregarded Chris Porter's pointy finger and got lost, I finally got one. This is the same one who lets me borrow his extra battery, ferrite ring, and feeds me spaghetti for supper... Here you go...this is a weird one and maybe that's why no one got it yet.... By the way, I was having a hard time with noise over the damp salt and desert pavement, but I remembered I had printed out Lunk's settings so I thought I would give them a try... Within 5 minutes I got this nugget.....coincidence???... This was on a hammered club claim so what do you think my settings were for the rest of the day.. PS I have Steve's settings printed out too, but there was no way I could use them here, it was just too noisy already.... Thx everyone.. Paul 4" deep, damp ground, in a clod, .75dwt Cleaned it up a little with some salt and vinegar
  7. I'm off for the next 2 days, so I will be a bookworm.... We have a storm coming in so it's all good.
  8. Another consistent hunter!!! Carry on CaliforniaGold!!! Love reading your posts.
  9. I agree with flak.... The dollars and cents has zero to do with the actual fun of being part of this lifestyle for must of us.... I never looked at this as a business to make money.... I look at it as a way to get out of town and stay sane..(as possible) If I had had to equate this on a business profit and loss sheet I would be doomed...so I don't..... I am also close to retirement, but I am not worried about what I paid for my detector....in fact that's one of the big reasons I got the best unit available while I am still working...so I could pay for it up front ! When I do retire I won't have to study about if I can or can't afford to buy the detector that gives the greatest edge on producing more gold in the poke than any other known detector today. I would hate to be in retirement, living on my fixed income and sitting on the couch wishing I had bought one of these detectors while I was working.! It doesn't use any gas, and it doesn't require a trailer.. I guess you could say the 7000 IS a major part of my retirement scheme. And thank God I already paid for my healthcare when I decided to join the military. And.... If I get bored and decide to move to an area that doesn't have gold, then I will sell it.... And pick up my beach detector..... Oh, wait a minute, that's part of my retirement GoBag too'' I have a lot of my friends and family that gasp when I tell them what ML7000 retails for...... I just point out in their shed or garage to that big old bass boat that has a gas sucking motor hanging on it that costs more than my detector! Yeah, you just keep sacking up those "little dinks" Lucky..... I have seen your poke when it is full.... and I have seen it empty ....after you sell the gold....!!! That's what is impressive to me..you don't hoard it...you just use it for whatever you want and then have fun going out and doing it all over again. Your group is consistently on the gold...That's easy to see.. Carry on... Paul
  10. I've been to Chicken too.... and I don't recall seeing a whole lot of eligible ladies in that area either...just a bunch of stinky feet men running around the campground with their eyes glazed over talking about the big gold they were gonna get .... tomorrow!!!! lolol
  11. Goldbrick is just scared I might find that half-blind girl that can't smell too well before he does!!!
  12. What town should I be sitting in when the report comes out Barry???? Stakes in hand.....GPS on hip..... feels like the OK Land Rush.... hahaha...
  13. Either that or someone ate a banded duck!!!! lolol Nice collection of stuff! Is that a clock key in the front center???
  14. How come i haven't already become a member of this yet BArry????
  15. I am loving this educational thread---pour it on guys and ....gals--- BTW, Do we have any gals on this thread ???? --- lets hear it if you are out there.... Is there anyone that read this whole thread out there that didn't learn at least one thing???? paul
  16. Been happening for years--the newbies find those signals and are not smart enough to ignore them....lololol
  17. Well, woweee..... I would have discriminated that out in my mind because it had to be a BOOMER!!!
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