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Everything posted by F350Platinum

  1. Thanks! I'm using the Coiltek 10x5. I really like that coil, it's much easier to ground balance than the 11". Feels like using a knife instead of a pick. ? I believe the button is related to the house I don't have permission to hunt yet. It's really old.
  2. Turning IB up to F2=3 renders most iron as iron with no false tones, but at what price? It also adds an iron tone to bottle caps. Made it easy not to dig them on the beach. Depth isn't an issue, dug a Mason Jar lid at over 14". That's probably pretty common tho.? I'm learning, this is the first time I tested anything.
  3. You're right! It would have the stars in a circle above the eagle. This must be an Indian wars button... Thanks!
  4. The coins just kept coming today, the only relic I dug was a small Zippo lighter. This landowner has been very generous, I literally have hundreds of acres to search. Of course most of it is covered with corn or too much jungle. The only house I haven't asked him to let me hunt is his own. ? The farmhouse produced 5 silver coins, hopefully there will be more when I can get to the rest of it. ?
  5. Since Ida came through the weather has been great. Three days of 70s and today in the low 80s with a strong wind. Got two new permissions, a field with construction materials and a lot of old trailers and equipment in it, and a fairly new house. I first went to the farmhouse and hunted around a bit. Got the bracelet, two dimes and a nickel, all modern. Went across the street to the field and dug the quarter and 3 pennies. Again all post 1982. There isn't much here, but I did dig the WW1 service button. Sadly the shield fell out, but I have it. this is the field, but I really want to get permission to the house next door, I am working on it: Finished up the field with some (5) of the next picture, 32 coins in one day. Felt like being at one of my campgrounds. The oldest coin is a 1944 wheat, I got 4 quarters, one dime, 4 wheats, 17 memorials pre-1982, and 6 Zincolns. Sadly the '44 isn't steel, and the 1968 quarter is clad. ? This is the house. It is pretty new, but the coins say it is much older than it looks. It's been quite a weekend.
  6. I got out for a while last Thursday morning to the farmhouse. Dug this bracelet, it is iron and brass, maybe some gold plate. It has hand engraving on it, and "Japan" stamped into the back. I estimate it at around the 1970s. I've been a little concerned that using iron balance at F2=3 (max on the 600) might be a bit extreme, so I re-buried the bracelet at about 4" and tried every IB setting. Got some interesting results: Iron/brass/gold plated bracelet 4" deep with 90 degree swing to check FE=0 19/20 no iron tone Fe=1 19/20 short iron tone Fe=2 -1/-2 sometimes 18-20 mostly iron Fe=3 -3 to -5 solid iron tone F2=0. 19/20 no iron tone F2=1 19/20. No iron tone F2=2 19/20 no iron tone F2=3 19/20 iron tone Park 1 5 tones all metal sensitivity 23 Since this object is both iron and brass, I would expect the results I get at FE=1 and F2=3. I was a bit surprised by FE=2 and 3. If I don't use F2=3, I get a lot of this due to false tones: I dug all these at FE=2, after going over an area I feel I have pretty much wiped out. This is all I found there. Interested in input. ?
  7. Good hunting GB, looks like you're in for some silver from the wheat dates. I love a new site. Demographics may play a part in your finds, I'm finding that to be an issue here - just the frugality of citizens - that and the fact that other detectors have been used at some of my places. One that held great promise yielded only a Mercury dime after a soil turn. Regardless we take what we can get.
  8. There are a couple of other markets in the Low latency game, TV viewing and video games. The desire to use handheld consoles and not be tethered to a television have helped the market. I've been hoping the bone conduction companies would see these uses as well as our own for safety concerns, i.e. situational awareness. Guess I better grab more backups... ?
  9. Hey dogodog, Sorry to read this. Ida came here too, my area specifically got two back to back tornado warnings. Luckily it didn't happen. We only got about 2" of rain, and here we haven't had any in about 2 weeks. It's just been hot and humid. Later last night we had a freight train line come through with high winds. Hope y'all can look at any bright sides that show. ? It never ceases to amuse me how nice the day after a rough one is.
  10. Jeff, have I missed this point somewhere? I run F2=3 a lot (max on the 600), especially where there are a lot of bottle caps. If I'm really gonna miss gold, I'd like to know. ? I have found tiny silver... Just hoping I'm not opening a can. ?
  11. Gotta say I like it a lot over the 11" stock coil. I've been using it since I got it a couple of months ago. I'm out at least 3 times or more a week and have written much praise. I won't debate any of the testers who have done depth comparisons, there are too many variables. I've used it in the farm, on the beach, in the river, campgrounds, everywhere. I've dug dimes over a foot deep on the beach, pulled coins out from under nails, near playground steelwork and pulled targets out of hard to reach places for the 11". I find it much easier to ground balance than the stock coil. Everywhere I was with the 11" and thought I'd wiped it out I found more stuff. Not so much after that. ? I only lose 1" of sweep width, and it's much lighter than the stock coil. I can run it until the battery needs charging. I'll write it yet again, I may not take it off. ? For me it was worth the $$.
  12. Depends on the bush. ? Not so sure about Yew, but American and English boxwoods last hundreds of years. They also take that long to grow. If the bush has a distinct smell (kinda like a cat box) it is a boxwood. Yew is more common in New England, I never saw a boxwood until I moved to Virginia.
  13. Wow, if you had found it yesterday I would be nervous... Bad enough Ida came in on the anniversary of Katrina. My thoughts and well wishes go out to everyone affected by that storm. It will be here Thursday. ? Probably a good thing because it will break the heat wave.
  14. Great trip to visit doggo and again I'm jealous of your Barber. ? You've had quite the trip! ?
  15. The brass Dandy button is mid 1700s to early 1800s. Should appear to have a soldered on shank "alpha" style, if any of it is still there. You have to really clean it to see makers marks if any. If it has a waxy smooth feel when cleaned up it is a Tombac and mostly zinc. That would indicate early to mid 1700s. These are the kind of things I find in the fields especially right near my house. Love it that you got a shot at the old stuff! I probably skipped a lot of horse shoes out there ?
  16. Nice diverse haul, GB! Looks like you got a big ol' brass "Dandy" button there. Great draped bust and Barber, I still haven't got one of those. Sorry Henri ate up your time. The pin looks interesting, any stones? They used a paste of sort to create them early on, and it probably doesn't weather well. Looks like one survived. I've found lots of buckles that were nickel plated, the chrome plated stuff comes along later. Don't have specific dates for you off hand. Great stuff. ? Could your unknown object be a chair or cane tip?
  17. A real good trick I've learned is when you get a very strong signal, especially in the mid 20s or high 30s, try swinging the coil a foot or more above the target. If the signal is still there up to 3 feet above, it's big iron or a beer can. If it disappears at a foot or gets very weak you have to investigate. I search in farming/hunting areas and beer cans and large pieces of iron, even wheel rims are everywhere. Ax heads, you name it. Bent/curved and heavily rusted nails and spikes will get you a lot too. I would imagine the numbers are at least similar between the Equinox and Vanquish. On the Equinox you can push the iron bias a bit and avoid more nails, but you pretty much have a good site when you find nails. You will have to dig some of them anyway to get to the better stuff later!
  18. Thanks! I like camo. Probably too much ? It's from Steve's Detector Rods, I think I was the first to get one when he came out with them. It's real rigid, light and strong. I was looking for a cover that wouldn't overheat the unit, especially at the beach. Got the matching DI sticker. Used to have a DetectEd red belly like Pinger, it was good. Despite my efforts to allow the unit to shed heat, I've had one time recently where the display started to go after a long hot hunt. Good thing I was pretty much done. I wonder if most heat is dissipated through the front of the unit.
  19. The DI sticker covers/protects the buttons without issue if put on correctly which isn't easy. ? It does not protect the screen but those protectors ML provides will. The screen is pretty tough itself.
  20. As Valens Legacy wrote, if you are out in the sun and the screen starts to fade or becomes hard to read the machine is overheating. Happened to me using a commercial cover. It is very likely that what you are proposing will do this. I put one of the Detecting Innovations stickers over the keypad and a bumper around the box, that's it.
  21. What a brutal day. The "feely" temperature was 105, but it was wicked humid (I live between two rivers) and there was no wind in the morning. By noon there was a little wind, so I decided to hit the farmhouse. Brought my lopper and a battery hedge trimmer to cut the brush under the clothesline, I was kind of stoked. Working under the clothesline was tough at best. There was no breeze there and it was right out in the sun after I cleared it. Couldn't really cut the brush too low, but it didn't matter. There wasn't anything there. ? I'll check it again after a good rain, but nothing but a weak 14/15 well over a foot deep. Just couldn't dig anymore. I did see the outhouse though... ? It would require more clearing to get to it. Anyway, I spent the rest of my time between breaks at my truck for AC and water under the trees, I did manage to dig two memorials, a 1976 and a 1978, a small aluminum heart shape that says "start knitting here", and the relic of the day, an old hose end nozzle in great shape. It says "Franklin Made in USA" on it. After all this time it still works. It was about 4" under the ivy and roots, and was a 21/22. There are two really old trees in front of the house that have roots everywhere so digging is tough, not to mention the carpet of English Ivy. I guess something was better than nothing. ? Didn't dug too much trash but did want to remove stuff that might mask other stuff. Think I'll wait until things cool down a bit.
  22. WOW! ? It was a brutal day here too. I bet that tone when you found the walker was impressive. I got a 34 on my recent '42, knew what I had immediately because I dug a couple of silver quarters near it. Silver Rosies and mercs are great too but not hefty like that half. ? Congratulations on a great hunt. Looks like you'll be busy for a while checking dates on those wheats, hope ya find something valuable.
  23. I did and was jinxed right from the go. ? My wife gave me a few things back. It does distinguish between crystals and lab or real diamonds. That's about it unless you're willing to spend over $200.
  24. Sorry I meant the "evil eye" charm you dug. Ring looks great, it does have an unusual hallmark. Gotta get me a gold testing kit to check some of the things I've found. The local jeweler said I could bring finds anytime but I don't want what I find to get out there so much.
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