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Everything posted by phrunt

  1. Because now you have to sign up to get it, this means they get your name and email address and try sign you up to their news letter, great for marketing reasons and they'll also know how many owners have updated, good for research purposes.
  2. V6 doesn't support older coils. Only X35 and High Frequency HF coils will pair, this is the primary reason I am avoiding it, why do an update that takes away coil support, seems mental. And all it adds is another option for WSAudio headphone support, so unless you need that there is no reason to update, in fact it's detrimental to update as you make your detector worse with less coil support. I'm not sure if you can roll back, I hope so.
  3. They maybe having DNS server syncing problems with the new domain name explaining why it's up for some and not others. Ok I've got it sorted, for me the problem is very odd, if I use a VPN I can get it to work. If I try do it locally it does not work. So if I use a USA based VPN server it works fine, but using no VPN I just get SSL errors so if anyone is struggling to get it to work try a VPN if you have access to one.
  4. You're likely seeing it from your cache from when it was working. It's certainly not working at the moment. Their website is going extremely slow (big increase in traffic no doubt with people trying to get the update, and the update site address is completely offline. It's up for me now
  5. Thanks for doing that Jeff, I didn't really need another detector anyway, I'm trying to kick the habit and there is no Detector buyers anonymous in my area.
  6. Ply would add a lot of weight so I don't really like that idea if you're walking along dragging it, I'd personally make a poly carbonate skid plate to use as a way to mount the coil in it, I'd drill and use cable ties to hold the winding in place where I wanted it and If I never wanted to change it's position I'd put some glue down too, even just hot glue so it can be removed easy enough and I'd attach small round conduit PVC piping to the bottom of the skid plate to drag it around in the front, middle and back, I'd use something like Nylon rivets to hold the poly skid plate onto the PVC pipe, plenty of them. If the PVC pipe ended up too hard to drag little plastic wheels could be added to the ends of it using plastic screws.
  7. I like it Doc, the only thing missing for me personally is a little nugget bottle zip up bit on the side like the DD leather covers have, my reason for this is prior to having a cover with this I used to store my gold bottle in my pocket, and one day I found 7 grams including a 4.2 gram nugget, and while pulling my scoop out of my pocket I must have also unknowingly also pulled this little plastic bottle out of my pocket too and lost in the grass. I didn't realize I lost it until about 20 minutes later when walking back to the car. Had I had a little zip up bottle holder spot on my cover this wouldn't have happened. I need my bottle on me to put my finds in so my backpack isn't viable as I just dump it somewhere for my food and drink and go back to it when I need it so my bottle can't go in there. I don't want to rely on wearing clothes that have zip up pockets or something, it's easier just to have a cover with a bottle holder zip up pocket. Fortunately JW and I went back at night with torches and found my bottle but I've been so much more careful since always putting my bottle into that little zip up side pocket straight after loading it with nuggets 😉 Other than that your cover is perfect and looks great.
  8. I'm trying to be positive and hoping the reason for the delay in Manticore coils is because they wanted a mass field test of the new design with us early adopters are testers before committing to it on the accessory coils in case they need modification. They've had such a bad run with coil quality over various detectors they're probably just hoping this time they've got it right before releasing more when it's a totally new design. I haven't seen anyone with Manticore coil's breaking yet, so it's looking positive.
  9. yea, bit crazy the day they release an update and everyone is excited they didn't have their website ready to serve it out I'm sure they've got their IT tech's on it, but takes some of the buzz away from a new update. Sounds a good one though, I like the FE T.ID on/off option and the Faster Target ID but I'm very disappointed to see nothing in there about improving gold mode, that was really my deciding factor if I'd get a Deus 2 or not and it appears they're not able to or don't want to improve its small gold performance at this stage.
  10. I like the way he explains how the AI coil works, Good luck with it all Northeast, at least it's a cheap and easy for you now so hopefully it makes your next trip a successful mission.
  11. Wow, that seems just what you are after, I can't imagine they're very sensitive but if you're chasing some big stuff, I wonder if they'll hit a 2 grammer with any depth. They look nice and light and all you'd need to do is make a suitable skid plate it seems.
  12. What about towing it around behind an E-bike?
  13. Yes, my impression of the Deus detectors is the detector is the coil, the control pod is just a dumb terminal to give the user an interface to operate it by, which is why they also can be controlled from the headphones. I can see why the Deus coils are more expensive for that reason, although in saying that they're not all that much more expensive, they're also good quality which is more than I can say for some coils out there. VLF people need to put perspective into pricing, all their coils are dirt cheap compared to GPZ coils and even simple mono coils for the GPX series cost a lot, and often make VLF coils seem cheap even Deus coils. 🙂 We can't get into semantics about coil's being more expensive because they have components in them that are cheap such as processors, if you're having that argument every single detector is overpriced, as they have the same processors in their control pods etc. We all know some detectors like the GPZ and GPX are hideously overpriced, but they're worth what people will pay for them, and the GPZ in particular sold very well for a $10,000 detector. Buying a coil for the Deus is like buying an entirely new detector, it's a really cool concept in that way, my Deus 1 can be a low frequency detector, or one of the highest frequency detectors on the market all by changing the coil.
  14. I'd be a bit embarrassed if I was producing detectors in this price range with an arm cuff stand that serves no purpose as it never reaches the ground and to replicate the mistake on their latest and greatest.... I completely understand though, I'm building a cabin at the moment, I'm no builder not even close but taking on the project as I love a good challenge and getting builders these days costs more than getting a heart surgeon as we're in the middle of a building boom that's been going on some time. Either way, measurements tend to be where I go wrong, I check, recheck and check again and then cut in the wrong place, kinda like XP has done with their arm cuff feet, cut on the wrong marking making them too short by a few inches 🙂 For me I'd have to factor in the price of a better shaft like SteveG makes but they're mighty expensive, especially by the time I get it shipped from the US to NZ, I could buy another brands SMF for just the price of buying the shaft and shipping/taxes so I'd need to go more Jeff's PVC route. Jeff's idea is great and I'm going to replicate it on my Deus 1 as all i do now is lay it on it's side, no point trying to stand it up so I'd like a solution, it does feel a bit like buying a new Mercedes and making it a plywood spoiler and bolting it on to make it look more like the sportier AMG model though. 🙂 I'm seriously considering a Deus 2 now with plenty of reports of it having good Target ID's, although I think I'll get one on the second hand market as I can't justify the new price, very few appear to have sold in NZ and I missed one that went up for sale that was virtually new with a good price reduction so hopefully another pops up at some point, no rush for me coming into winter.
  15. Makes me want to just by a horse and ride it to my detecting spots, probably a bit like the old timers did, going full circle 🙂
  16. My only experience with E-bikes is borrowing JW's wife's E-Bike which she has very kindly lent me on a few occasions as JW has his own, I think he has a couple of them now and I must say they're amazing, I want one. I made the mistake of using the throttle too much though and drained down the battery but it still held on the entire day, they just fly uphill with peddle assist and the throttle for that extra punch.
  17. The 24k is a fantastic detector, I can't fault mine, if anything the only problem I've noticed with it being the Garrett model is the battery charge recognition is calibrated for AA's at 1.5v, Garrett supply 1.2v rechargeable batteries with it, which is great seeing it needs so many batteries, but it doesn't report the battery life correctly because of this, the same problem the Vanquish had which was fixed in a firmware update. Aside from that, it's a really good detector, I couldn't be happier with my 24k, and as a dedicated gold VLF out of all my dedicated VLF's it's the one I choose to use. I just hope Garrett get the 6.5" concentric coil to market for it as soon as possible, and if they produced the entire Whites range of coils I'd be happy and buy the lot.
  18. I need to get around to doing that for my Deus as the thing is a pain so I just lay it on it's side, I want to give it a fair chance as a prospecting machine, I don't like it as a coin machine in my conditions, that I'm confident of. I wouldn't mind trying a Deus 2 out, but I just can't justify buying another detector as lately I'm more disappointed than I am impressed. The Equinox and GPZ were the last times I was truly very impressed by a detector. I hope to try a Deus 2 rather than buy a Deus 2 🙂 I hope to stumble into someone with one at some point, however unlikely that is around here. Oddly even in the NZ Facebook groups the Deus 2 hasn't taken off, a couple of guys bought one but you don't hear much out of them as to how they're doing with it, one a beach hunter seems to be pretty happy with it. If it was cheaper I'd jump on it, but the pricing of these machines is getting ever so hard to justify when detectors from Turkey are so cheap for such good detectors.
  19. Whites lives on in the 24k, it's just a shame Garrett have taken so long to make accessory coils for it, it is sure not helping its sales with the lack of coils. I think they should also take a serious look at making a Garrett TRX too, the Pro Pointer AT is fantastic, my favourite pinpointer but the TRX is a different animal and has advantages the other pinpointers on the market do not, such as the tip sensitivity and overall sensitivity really so it's different enough to the Pro Pointer AT they could easily accommodate both. I would guess Garrett would make it better quality too, as the Whites version I think has a few quality control problems, I have 3 of them and 2 of the 3 are bad, hopefully the 3rd lasts as I won't be buying another Whites version ever.
  20. Yes, Rutus seems to make the great detectors but has no worldwide distribution outside of Europe. They need to fix this quick smart. No one wants to buy a detector with effectively no warranty and that's what you basically do when you order from overseas, it ends up costing so much to send it back and such a hassle you just don't want to bother. Hopefully they expand and approach dealers in other countries about taking on their product as they genuinely do seem to make good detectors.
  21. It also has the arm cuff stand that doesn't reach the ground like the Deus 1 doesn't it? That's gotta be one of the biggest screw ups of a detectors design I've seen as it's so obviously a problem.
  22. The Vanquish had a bit of a laughable update though, it came with rechargeable batteries for the 540, yet because rechargeable batteries in AA are 1.25 volts and standard AA batteries are 1.5 volt's it never registered the rechargeable batteries as fully charged on it's battery meter, it also just flicked off when they were running low on voltage even though they still had life left in them due to the rechargeable having a lower voltage to begin with. The reason for the 1.1 update said.... The upgrade also includes improved battery handling capability for all models, as well as a new low battery alert. Nice way to cover up a blatantly obvious screw up 🙂 The Vanquish was a well tested detector in performance, absolutely fantastic I think but they missed something so stunningly obvious it's funny really. I can just see it now, sitting around the board room table working out how to justify the higher 540 cost, let's throw in some rechargeable batteries too, that will help. OK good idea! Yet for some odd reason they'd never bothered to think about the different voltages.
  23. yea, it looks great fun, those Italians sure know how to put on a fun event that draws a wide range of people.
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