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Deeptech Vista X User Review Video

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Here's a video i did of the X Steve 

Sorry its so long but tried to get in the attributes in under a hour LOL.

50 gain and threshold 40 all potentiometers go zero to 50..disc point is where it just drops out


Nickle 14.5" 
Indian Head 13" 
Z Penny 13" 
Copper Penny 12.5" 
Clad Dime 12.25" 
Silver Dime 12.25" 
Silver Quarter 14" 
Half Dollar 15.25" 
Silver Dollar 16.5" 
.58 Cal. 3 Ringer 13.5 
C.S.A. Rectangle 23" 
U.S. Oval 25" 
Breast Plate 23"


Nickle 34 
Indian Head 38.5 
Z Penny 39 
Copper Penny 43 
Clad Dime 44.5 
Silver Dime 45 
Silver Quarter 46 
Half Dollar 48 
Silver Dollar 50 still solid 
Coke Can flat 45 
Square tab 34 

The X has very good Disc actually a sweet disc its gone when its gone on the dial just today I set my second disc on 38.5 to low/high tone a .58 caliber three ringer and hunted in a trashy area and picked some deep 3 ringers out by checking on second disc and if the tone was flip flopping I almost KNEW it was a bullet!! 

You can set the 2nd disc to break up (flip flop from low to high tone) on a target which I like for exactness or silence the target or accept etc.. 

If you dont want to hear a low tone for disc'ed items just turn the iron volume to zero.then its a single tone with full disc on either first or second disc. 

You can use both disc to create a notch window if you like to your exact requirements say nickles.Set first disc right below nickle and second disc right above or on edge of breaking then you have a user defined notch to check a target with . 

You push trigger forward to use second disc and pull for a all metal no tone accept all mode like a pinpoint.theres 2 triggers for either right or left hand operation. 

Machine is on 12 Volts with Drop in battery holder like say a Infinium with quarter turn door. 

The Gain control is the receive gain.A amplifier for the returned signal and can be tweaked for hot ground or more benign ground 

The Threshold is the depth/target size control and decides how weak a signal you can hear the lower you set it the more signal it takes to break though the higher you set it up to a point of say 45 the less signal it takes to over come it.even in deep woods EMI free areas you will overdrive it into instability as a sizzling chatter..Im running it right on edge of sizzle for best depth and even smallest of targets. 

The I've dug no big iron with the X since running it now about 25 hours.Even in my big iron sites.I hear it but know its iron by the way the tones sound even n just nail reject.of 20.And picked brass out of the sites of all shapes and sizes. 

Crown caps also sound ratty. 

The knobs are very tight and you can set them and wont bump them out of tuning..One thing to show the exactness of the disc is I can cancel a flattened beer can and still hit a Quarter Clean 


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Those are pretty impressive tests for depth, seem to be bit deeper than my Tejon. I actually rely on the signal not cutting too clean, I use the scratchy or marginal signal when identifying targets. As an example if I put my alternate disc to pull tab I can often tell if a square tab is there especially if they are flat as they will have a subtle broken signal.  Another example is if I set the discrim to middle dead on nickel and it is scratchy it is a nickel or in lucky cases a gold ring or ear ring. Bottom of nickel mark is almost always a beaver tail and top of nickel is almost always a smaller square tab.

Over all how do you like the machine in the field?

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  • The title was changed to Deeptech Vista X User Review Video

Hi Kac!

I like the X very very well!

But I like about all the DeepTechs.in my soil they are nice and deep.

The new design to my ears has enhanced audio traits over the other already great audio traits DeepTechs.The added second disc is nice to have if needed.Yuo push trigger forward fro second disc and pull for all metal center is first disc.

What I like the moat about it is its what i wanted a Tejon to be for years but never happened.

I'm an old school hunter and grew up on analog and the X just feels like an old friend to me.But has some modern twist.

They may not be for everyone and especially the newer generation of hunters .To them it may seem antiquated or lacking.But if you like to hunt and dig targets without meters and even be able to hunt in more modern trash areas where the old Vistas cant then its a win win.

I actually feel the X has a cleaner disc of targets Vs the Tejon.But unmask as well as the Tejon and that's hard to do .I've always considered the Tejon to be the best single tone analog unmasker made.

One thing for certain is the big iron that trips up the Tejon to make you dig it will not happen as often on the X.you know big iron very easily on the X.

The build quality is very good and is weather proof but not water proof.

To me its a straight up analog with some modern twist .and it just flat out makes finds.And can hunt iron very very good and go very deep.and can also be used in parks etc the same as any other full disc non-metered machine you've ever used with same type outcome.

It has ability to control the Receive signal through threshold control.Very NICE!

The Audio is everything on the unit .very rich and nuanced with subtleties.

Makes you decide instead of the machine deciding.YOU feel more at one with the soil with  the unit instead of  feeling like I do alot of times with some machines that your disconnected from the soil by a artificial barrier.

Is it the greatest machine ever made? NO but it is a machine I ENJOY and I can make it feel right to ME.And I like the as one with the soil alot of machines dont offer as much as  we move on in technology.









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So both triggers do the same thing? Just lefty and righty? Be cool if they came out with a similar concentric coil like Tesoro had, I think that small Rx is killer in trashy areas and hard to beat.

Did they work a deal so Blisstool is no longer sold in the USA directly?

For anyone reading the posts on the Vista X and only have a VDI machine may really like the machine. Analog machine really sharpened my skills hunting as you need to have a consistent swing to determine target size and type. Still amazes me that I know what a dime sounds like and a penny etc. and have a good degree of certainty of how deep. There are many targets I would have skipped if I relied on numbers and don't necessarily dig any more or less trash than I do with a VDI.

Thanks for sharing the video Keith

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Yes both triggers do the same thing.its for left or right handers.instead of having to mount the trigger in the pole in the center like on tejon they opted for under the control box and I'm sure its a engineering thing.

There may be a concentric in the works but have no solid info.

as far as the BlisstooI have no idea?




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  • 10 months later...


Just came across your review and have to say this has my interest.  The fisher 1270 comes to mind with its dual disc feature and gobs of gain and volume sensitivity.  While the 1270 was a clunky heavy beast the X is just the opposite and with seemingly improved performance.  Old style analog audio, now your talkin my language!

I may just have to try one of these?





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I agree Tom. The X has my interest too. I wonder if my cable extension for the Deeptech Gold would work on the X. Looks like it could go deep on gold rings.

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