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Gps With Built In Camera?

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Is it worth spending more money to get a GPS with a built in camera? Since I am not very good at marking waypoints and generally get confused on all the numerous GPS functions, I was wondering if the camera equipped units could record a photo of my current location and mark it for me automatically as a waypoint? Sure wish there was a GPS that only had basic functions, and a compass pointer and could still get me back to my car after a day in the woods and be water resistant and under $150? The camera units are upwards of $400-600 from Garmin, which is a bit steep for me.

I never understood why GPS, cell phone, and digital camera and camcorder makers have to pack in hundreds of functions on their gizmos, which mostly confuse the users?

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I hardly use my dedicated GPS, prefer smart phone with map app that doesn`t require a mobile conx. Camera and all those other features are there, save waypoints, tracks etc same as dedicated GPS. Only con for me is it is not waterproof nor as rugged.

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tvanho, if you are comfortable with your iPhone or Android phone I agree with Norvic that you already have a gps and camera and compass.  Get a purpose built rugged case if it's something you'll take in the bush.  I use google maps on both android and iphone and it's adequate for basics and is simpler than a dedicated gps for sure.  Very few menus to figure out and if you use google maps on a computer easier yet.


I use my phone gps for off and on road vehicular travel, cause I always have my phone then.  When I'm in the bush I use a dedicated gps 'cause I'm a gadget guy,  my dedicated gps has better location performance (be sure to get a dual mode glasnoss/gps), I like and use a lot of the features, it's inherently much much more rigged.


As far as a camera helping you with general gps usage, I dunno.  Never thought of it 'til I read your post.

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Thanks guys , BUT I am still a holdout on a cell phone .The last one I had in my shirt pocket, fergot it was there as I was scoping out a new creek for gold,leaned over, and out it fell into the drink,ruined.


This time, am wishing for at least a water resistant smart phone like the Motorola Ext G phone or an Otter rugged watertight case to enclose the phone in, but since I am a cheapskate , am trying to find a plan that lets me roll over unused minutes/data as long as possible? A lot of plans these days,the unused minutes seem to expire at 30 days?


Needless to say,I know nothing about phone Apps to speak of? Are they free, almost free,how do you install them? If you have GPS on your phone, how do you keep the govt from tracking you, altho that could be handy in an emergency...

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It is a learning process with the mobile phones and apps, if this is your first go at GPS I`d go for the cheaper ones either Garmin or Magellan(only ones I`m familiar with), with the Magellans I feel easier to use but doesn`t lock on sats as quick as the Garmins.

With the pace manufacturers bring out new features in GPS`s you`ll find the less cost of the cheaper ones less of a sting, then once you feel comfy with the one you`ve got you`ll better able to decide on smart phone or GPS with lots of features.


I don`t believe anyone can track you with a GPS they are only receivers.


Like wirelessguy, I`m a bit of a gadget guy too and have been using GPSs for 20 years or so, thus feel if your not a gadget guy go for the cheaper one. You can`t go wrong with either of those manufacturers, their cheaper ones are still very capable and a great way to get your feet wet.

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I have a garmin 650t, it is preloaded with maps, however to make it useable after I brought it home I found out that in order for it to properly plot my route, I needed to spend an additional $100 on top of the $600 the unit cost for an additional map that supported that feature.

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Tvanwho, I am similar in my tech ability. I opted for the GPS with a camera thinking I would get a picture with GPS quadrants on the picture. That is not the case, I just get pictures and I feel that is a waste as a low end unit and a cheap camera would have cost less.


If I had to do again.I would go for the cheapest one I could get, used would be fine.


I like the KISS principal myself. "Keep It Simple Stupid".

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Tvanwho, I use an inexpensive e-trex unit, which you have to download maps to, which is kind of a pain. I also have used my phone(any digital camera on a phone does record gps location, you will not see lat n lon on photo, but it is in the data and can be read in details portion of most devices).

Lately I have taken to printing out google earth screen shots of interested areas, they give my very good idea where im at and i can flip over and jot down notes.

As a side-note I believe these newer units that record all of this info are easily shared and stored, so if a person or group were so inclined they could track all your meanderings and use for thier own purposes.

Its no secret that they withdraw any area w serious potential here in wy that they can, and a website with everybody's way points would be excellent tool to see where we are visiting.

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Trouble for me is my brain is thinking in the slow lane as I will be hitting the 60 year old mark soon. Heck, I got lost repeatedly in Phoenix as soon as I got out of my parents driveway a few years back. It was rather embarassing. Even my father noticed and my 75 year old mothers memory was 10x as sharp as my feeble memory ability at 58. Simple is defintely better for me now,as in metal detectors ,GPS,and cell phones,computers. Yes, the old KISS rule along with Murphys Law I always remind myself of these days. Life was definitely easier back in the days of analog  knobs, switches,meters on our gizmos and fewer options to choose from...maybe thats why the GoldBug 2 is still around as its easy to operate and still gets the small gold?

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