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Steve, could you be a little more specific, like driving directions from Tucson (50 mile radius) to one of those big nuggets.



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The map shows you folks have the lions share of gold occurrences in area. How much of that area is accessible, not just by vehicle but legally?

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It really is a very generalized map that encloses regions made up of both producing and non-producing areas. The area in Alaska and Canada shown as productive would look more like Swiss cheese if it was more detailed.

Access in Canada and Alaska is often only by small aircraft at best. The western U.S. is far more accessible but that last few miles can be a real killer. The entire thing is a patchwork of private and government lands, and the government lands very often are covered with mining claims.

I found living in Alaska that access was 100 times more difficult than what I am experiencing in the Lower 48 states. Nearly everything in Alaska is claimed and so you need a combination of air access and a deal with the claim owner to get anything done. Canada is similar.

Whereas here in the western U.S. I figure I already have enough areas of interest to last me the rest of my life. They may or may not pay off but there is plenty of ground for me to go detect. The main issue is getting the land research process figured out but once that is done potential areas abound.

Here is a map of gold claims in the western U.S. which mirrors the gold producing areas:


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On private land is permission becoming more difficult with time? in NQ OZ we are having some of our land being purchased by international tourist interests and environment agencies that do not welcome locals even if prepared to pay for the right, whereas a fair few of our cattle station owners are welcoming us with a fee for that right. Also do you folks require a mining right or as in QLD Oz a fossicking right with annual payment? Seems as prospecting gains popularity, more and more restrictions are the go.

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Yeah, gotcha Fred, might just do that, need a change from our barbwire beer.

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