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More New Generation Coil Questions Than Answers


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Just call me a skeptic when it comes to coils and the never ending parade of "new improved with super duper wire" or other marketing claims.

I watched at Moore Creek while with first the GP series and then the GPX series while every year like clockwork a new super duper coil became the rage. Lots of people showed up with the coil of the year. Then the next year it was a new super duper coil, and last years winding wonder was forgotten.

I am not singling any particular company or coil out but in general I think it is marketing bs. For me it boils down to DD or mono, the general size and shape I desire for my given task, combined with weight and build quality.

I don't believe any coil will turn a GPX into a GPZ. There is that little matter of the electronics in the box and what it does.

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I've never been able to replicate any kind of performance gain outside a normal margin of error for any of the new Coiltek or NF coils I've bought since my older fiberglass models that I bought used when I started detecting for gold. The biggest difference I see is between potted and unpotted coils, the unpotted go bad much easier.

Maybe the added weight of the new models is just a ton of epoxy resin...no idea. It'd be nice to at least have some kind of basic idea though before outlying $400+

My personal suspicion is that a lot of performance gain is just due to confirmation bias. But this new generation is the first where something is definitely physically different - different geometries and more weight, so I want to test it out, still looking for people who would like to participate.

Also one thing on comparing coils directly, they should be used on the same machine with the same settings, and if compared to a different coil the area of the coils should be as similar as possible. Since the pulse power is staying the same then the flux density across the coil will change if the coil size varies, and thus the sensitivity will change.

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Hey Wes, on a side note, don't know if you got your shaft yet but I just got a replacement shaft for my GPZ delivered an hour ago, they covered it under warranty. I think I had a similar problem to yours, mine rotated a lot and then the plastic key broke off.


Anyways, might give them a call and remind them if you are still waiting for yours because they definitely have them in stock now.

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I think that with rare exceptions stock factory coils are better than most people give them credit. The manufacturer is trying hard to optimize the machine for the task and cutting corners on the coil just makes no sense. Real effort goes into making coils that match the machine well for best performance. If I am biased at all it tends to be in favor of OEM coils.

On the flip side I am thankful for the aftermarket folks providing optional sizes and shapes the manufacturers never bother to build.

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  • 5 months later...

Just wanted to resurrect this thread, as many more users would have swung around an Elite, Evolution or Detech Ultimate coils by now. 

In the tests I have done I know that a 15" Evo is as sensitive if not more sensitive than a 15x12" Commander (which was my baby for many years), and as deep if not deeper than a 16" NFA. 

Also, the 12" Evo is almost as sensitive as a Commander 8" mono, and as deep as an older 14" mono. 

And lastly, the Detech 15" DD Spiral seems as Sensitive as a stock 11" DD, but has the depth of an 18" DD. 

I think it's in this way of being sensitive and deep at the same time that people are drawing comparisons to the Zed. 

Be interested in hearing from users who have had a bit of time on their new-gen coils. 


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  • 2 years later...

old thread, but to add my 2 cents... i have the 14" coiltek mono elite and 19 nf evo. i was lucky enough to get my elite over a 20 gram nugget at 14" in extreme ground. the 19 evo i have not recovered a deep target yet, but it is much easier to pin point targets. the rim is much more sensitive than the elite. you can pinpoint with the coil perpendicular to the ground, the elite does not excel at this task


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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, with a spiral wind, the smaller the coil, the spiral binding of wire is wider and wider, making the hot spot in from the edge. On a 14x9" Evo, the field of detection is virtually along the centre of the coil, more like a DD coil. 

The bigger the coil, it has less turns, so the stack of wire is not as wide, and a spiral wound coil starts to behave like a bundle wound coil. I think that's what you are seeing with the 19" Evo. 

There will soon be another new gen coil to consider for one's arsenal, the 12x8" Evo. I've done some preliminary tests, and it is doing all the right things so far! Just don't want to jump to any conclusions too soon.

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