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Big Cigar Band..18k...15.6 Grams Size (us) 8 ...19 Plus Inch's

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8 hours ago, Skullgolddiver said:

Curious to hear the tone mode now?

I'm actually looking for a killer precise sound to be sure is worth to dig it...

Big depth is already a terrible enemy for me with only my hand to move sand?

I agree. For now I am not looking to chase super faint, whisper signals seeking max depth. Frankly, the areas I hunt I generally don't lack for targets. So my goal is more to see how well I can use the machine to pick better targets. That may mean just using my ear in all metal mode, or seeing if the discrimination system really is all it is supposed to be. On one hand the disc system is touted as amazing new technology, and on another the only serious long-time user of the machine eschews using the discrimination at all.

We are now being told the disc modes are more a tool for beginners. That kind of puts a dent in the idea a person is going to be able to use this machine to focus on ring range targets while getting PI type depths. I once had this idea I would be putting the machine in tone mode and only digging clean ring signals, moving the numbers more in my favor compared to an all metal PI. Now I am not so sure that will be the case, and is really the number one item I need to sort out with the machine.

It could be the depth loss in employing the disc modes removes much of the reason for having a PI, once again making a VLF the better option if discrimination is the goal. I suspect this will prove to be the case for places like Florida. As always I assume it will depend on the location, with some areas calling for all metal, and some for discrimination. But I'm having doubts the discrimination system is the magic bullet it was being sold as at one point.

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12 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I agree. For now I am not looking to chase super faint, whisper signals seeking max depth. Frankly, the areas I hunt I generally don't lack for targets. So my goal is more to see how well I can use the machine to pick better targets. That may mean just using my ear in all metal mode, or seeing if the discrimination system really is all it is supposed to be. On one hand the disc systems is touted as amazing new technology, and on another the only serious long-time user of the machine eschews using the discrimination at all. We are now being told the disc modes are more a tool for beginners. That kind of puts a dent in the idea a person is going to be able to use this machine to focus on ring range targets while getting PI type depths. I once had this idea I would be putting the machine in tone mode and only digging clean ring signals, moving the numbers more in my favor compared to an all metal PI. Now I am not so sure that will be the case, and is really the number one item I need to sort out with the machine. It could be the depth loss in employing the disc modes removes much of the reason for having a PI, once again making a VLF the better option if discrimination is the goal. I suspect this will prove to be the case for places like Florida. As always I assume it will depend on the location, with some areas calling for all metal, and some for discrimination. But I'm having doubts the discrimination system is the magic bullet it was being sold as at one point.

I hope it has good modulation like the infinum does for    picking targets to dig.I imagine the ATX was about the same.

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40 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I agree. For now I am not looking to chase super faint, whisper signals seeking max depth. Frankly, the areas I hunt I generally don't lack for targets. So my goal is more to see how well I can use the machine to pick better targets. That may mean just using my ear in all metal mode, or seeing if the discrimination system really is all it is supposed to be. On one hand the disc systems is touted as amazing new technology, and on another the only serious long-time user of the machine eschews using the discrimination at all. We are now being told the disc modes are more a tool for beginners. That kind of puts a dent in the idea a person is going to be able to use this machine to focus on ring range targets while getting PI type depths. I once had this idea I would be putting the machine in tone mode and only digging clean ring signals, moving the numbers more in my favor compared to an all metal PI. Now I am not so sure that will be the case, and is really the number one item I need to sort out with the machine. It could be the depth loss in employing the disc modes removes much of the reason for having a PI, once again making a VLF the better option if discrimination is the goal. I suspect this will prove to be the case for places like Florida. As always I assume it will depend on the location, with some areas calling for all metal, and some for discrimination. But I'm having doubts the discrimination system is the magic bullet it was being sold as at one point.

I've been able thanks to your topics on the GB, to use it like a "wall"point between dig/not dig signals...In fact, the depth loss is really consistent, to reduce the machine (TDI) to very similar performance of a VLF...

Almost useless...

I never hunt (or I try to),in sanded in places, so the depth is a so and so factor for me... However, If, and I repeat IF, the iron sound is really noticeable in all metal, compared to the gold signal, is already a success.

Right now, due to my way to plan the action, a TDI or a Ctx is not so different...This is the main reason of my focus in this machine...You'll see answers to your questions in next hours, so all we are waiting for your report...

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So, if Disc mode is just for beginners, that must mean that Disc mode won't go any deeper than a VLF.

Hopefully that is not the case, but if it is, at least we still have awesome All Metal depth, quiet operation and really nice tones.

I will probably be using All Metal most of the time anyway.


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18 minutes ago, Badger-NH said:

So, if Disc mode is just for beginners, that must mean that Disc mode won't go any deeper than a VLF.

We do not know that it means that exactly. Until it gets thoroughly tested it is an open question. But definitely being soft sold at the moment versus a year ago.

Frankly, a top performing PI that could be switched to getting any kind of halfway decent disc is a big advance, and beats running to get a second detector. Right now your PI disc options are the White's TDI Beachunter tones, or the Garrett ATX ferrous function. The Garrett feature is functional at shallow depth only... I relied on tones instead, much like one would do with the TDI.

Whatever... I'll figure it out. Alexandre was kind enough to offer a Skype session with him and Willy to explain any questions I might have, but frankly once I have a detector in hand I have all the answers I need at my fingertips. Ultimately with detectors I only trust my own use to tell me things I need to know. I just need a little time to see how it goes.

The disc may not have much if any depth advantage versus, say, a CTX 3030 with a 17" coil on white Florida sand. The very same disc might slay the CTX on a black sand laden volcanic island beach. Location rules all, and generalities are just that.

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Alexandre has stated repeatedly that disc (multitone or mute) reduces maximum depth by approximately 10%. We will soon have solid experience here as to how that works out, but if you hit a ring at 18” in all metal, 16” in multitone would still be great.

Again, we will see. One thing for sure it will be NOTHING like the penalty the TDI incurs when you turn GB on. The AQ is designed quite differently.

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It would be nice to see how it will perform on the California beaches that have black sand lines.  And of course I wonder about the fringe of just how far laterally it will pick up a target.

If Joe shows a target 20" deep then I would 'think' that you could see 12" on either side (not from the center) of the coil.  Results will show up soon on that one also.

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Always great videos OBN.

Two things I can think of that I would like to see:

1) A test with the same set up shown in the video but with an arrangement of nails on the surface similar to Monte's nail board test. With the gold ring at some depth, can it be detected through the nail field without just all metal detecting the nails too? I've seen the videos of nails placed on top of a ring and it being detected clearly, but that is not what I'm looking to discover.

2) I spend the great majority of beach hunting in all metal, and when there is iron in the area, I like to have an easy switch to do an iron check on the target. Most places when in the water, the switch has to be done blindly, you know how that is! With the AQ, what mode would be the best to do a quick check against all metal response; and would you like that as an easy push button or toggle feature?

OK so it was really three questions.

Good to see there is more information coming out.

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