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Who Are The All Time Greats In Jewelry Hunting?

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 Awesome Chesapeake Bay Video! Now that was the heyday of water detecting!

  Plentiful finds, few regulations, few Mcmansions clogging the shore!  And no taxpayer funded renurishment sand to bury everything, and suffocate the natural environment!

Now I'm sad!?      ??


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Now i need to go take an antidepressant, and eat ice cream!???     ?? 


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Oh, my ... 51 gold in ONE DAY!

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Met an older gent out beach detecting back in January.  He was just digging around in the dry sand using a small homemade scoop.  I went over to chat and see what detector he was using.  It was some home modified  beat frequency detector.  Had no idea what beat freq was til I got home and googled it. lol

He told me he had been detecting for over 50 years.  Him and his buddies used to do things like raking the beach and digging deep holes when the beach was sanded in to get to the gold jewelry.

I asked him where he sold his gold and he said he took it to a Jewish fella in the Manhattan jewelry district.  I asked how much he paid for the gold and he replied 2 points under spot price.  I was surprised he was getting such a good deal and told him the best I saw was a refinery online that paid 5 points under spot.  He replied...well, I get that price because I sell to him by the pound.  

They don't call it the good ol' days for nothing.  lol


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Thats an amazing total for a day. My very best back in the early 1980's was 9 gold in 1 day using Eric Fosters Aquasport. Thats when it was just so exciting cause there was no competition. It's a lot harder today.


Originally Allan Hassell started off with a Garrett deep Seeker sealed in plastic tube before going to the Aquasport Which only 3 come into oz as far as i know. Allan had one i bought the second one on a friday night took it home and it went bang and the electronics was stuffed. I took it back to Ian Aiken this is before ian went to Minelab and got the third one which was on the wall as a demo but i had no other options as the other one would have to go back to Eric Foster at Protovale  U.K.

I still have both copies of Bob Trevillian & Frank Carters books Diamonds In The Surf printed in 1982 & Diamonds In The Surf Second Adventure 1983. We did make reference to these as our bible.

In every lifetime, there must be an adventure.........A quest to far off lands, an encounter with danger, the chance to explore the unknown,.......The search for treasure is one such adventure. 

One of there great finds in Chesapeake Bay was a diamond ring  weighing 2,35 cts . It was appraised at &13,000 and was the only ring found that day by Bob in 1982. 

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I was suggesting one of the Joe OBN's video to someone here on the forum days ago and now, even better there's an entire chapter on those mens who wrote the history of jewelry hunting...I'm fascinated to found today traces, names and environment clues from the past.

In a way or another, things done like that many years ago are still applicable and for sure the rarest thing is to find someone who can share his knowledge and techniques without to hide little secrets.

I do this thing since 2005 and found nothing relevant but trash for the next three years after.

When I was in need of a slap on my face to wake up brain and start doing the right things I found Jim Brower, Gary Drayton and recently Clive Clynick books to be really helpful.

Those guys are currently on the field, not writing so much...Just like I do when God open the water doors..

Believe it or not, the magic wand is however working part time. I found all theories to be revisited place by place, day by day and twice too.

Talking about old good days, five times in 15 years I've been able to go back home with more than 5 rings or pieces (gold only).I don't even count stainless, silver or fashion things...

Still learning, still improvement to do, still trying to defeat sand levels...



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 Man!! Do you all ever sell anything!!?

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