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Natural Green Jade With Gold

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I thought everyone might enjoy looking at some interesting nephrite jade, this snake necklace and leopard ring were carved by a friend in China from untreated natural dark green nephrite jade with naturally occurring gold.







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This is the first of this stuff I've seen, it comes from the Xin Jiang area in China same as that giant gold nugget found by the farmer while plowing his land. That doesn't narrow the area down very much, for a comparison Xin Jiang is an area about the size of California... its all very tight lipped as they don't want a billion people swarming into the gold fields looking to get rich.


Xin Jiang is also a major jade producing location too, Chris Ralph could tell you all about the relationship to the gold and mineralization I'm sure... I'm not far enough into his book to do the subject justice.


My friend in Xin Mi has chrysoprase mines located near some of the largest gold producing area in Central China, the property covers a couple of mountains and valleys. It has been in his family for generations and never been prospected for gold in the time his family has farmed it, jade mining has been fairly recent. next time I'm there ill take a little time and look around a bit, might even bring the zed along. Angela, my wife asked our friend about hunting for gold on his land and he was all for it, said it would be OK any time... just, seems not likely if none has ever been stumbled on before that his land would have gold on it.

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Amazing stuff if that's gold. We have a lot of nephrite around Central Wyoming where I live, I used to find it when I was a kid. It was associated with rubies out there but I never even considered gold.

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having not had any of this tested i can't tell for certain what the metal mix is, but this comes from the studio of a guy who is very famous for his carving and i'm told this is gold by my friend who has written a dozen books or so on China's master jade carvers. she just flew in this morning from shanghai and brought a bunch of stuff for my wife from these guys for the jade jewelry book she is working on and i thought the jade with gold was pretty cool looking and was a good fit here.

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Great post. Very beautiful work.

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That is some top notch material. I would love to make some jewelry with it. If you could ever lead me to a source, I would be indebted. Thanks for sharing.

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