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What's The Largest Item You Have Dug????

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So my question to all is what is the largest item you have ever dared to dig. Mine was a 11 1/2'' bronze sun dial. I thought at first I found the worlds largest coin!!! Well it was a vintage 1980's sun dial. I got a good laugh and put a scratch on it, cause the target was so large. At 5'' pin pointing went out the window. (I still have it) I would love to hear your stories and photo's alike. Please don't be afraid to embarrass yourselves!!! We all had a what the hell am I thinking moment.


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I've dug plenty of plow shares and other large iron items including a small diameter partial axle and various suspension springs for farm equipment.  I saw someone dig a leaf spring assembly and carry it off the field (doh).  I dug a very heavy partial Parrot shell projectile.  But the most unusual and large find I dug was a large 3- inch base diameter and about a foot and half tall brass candlestick holder at the beach.

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Dinner on the beach, sounds reasonable to me. Thats great stuff Chase. Thank You

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1 hour ago, Chase Goldman said:

I've dug plenty of plow shares....

Gee, Hugh, you stole my answer.  But I'll post a picture (not of mine, but very similar).  Funny thing was that I had passed over mine more than once because my other detectors (e.g. Fisher F75) went into overload screem.  But the Eqx doesn't do that so -- out it came.  It wasn't at all deep -- one of the lobes was practically exposed at the surface of the ground.  And if that wasn't funny enough ?, I attached it to a heavy handle to make a tamp to compress mole hills but it turned out to be much better at shin banging.


1 hour ago, dogodog said:

Please don't be afraid to embarrass yourselves!!!

If I were concerned about that do you think I'd be going out detecting in public in the first place??

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There exists a SoCal lost treasure story involving a gold-filled strongbox that had been aboard an ill-fated stagecoach. The driver foolishly stopped in the bottom of a dry wash to take advantage of flowing  water to quench  his horse's thirst. The reason that water was flowing was because it was raining heavily in the nearby steep mountains uphill of the parked stage coach. The sound of clattering boulders upstream alerted the driver and passengers of an approaching flashflood, so they all safely fled to higher ground. According to what I read, the mangled wreakage of the stage was later  found "several hundred feet" downstream, but without the strongebox. Supposedly it was never found. 

So my buddy and I, some 80 years later, detectors in hand, went seeking it. And we found the stage coach, but so had someone, perhaps many someones, before us. On the top of a pile of rocks, sort of like a shrine, was piled pieces of rusted iron wagonwheel rims, wagon springs, and bits of chain. Really. Detecting carefully, I recovered one non-ferrous item: a woman's brass costume jewelry broach circa 1890s. 

Working back upstream for a couple of hours, I finally got a faint, but large, broad, signal. The deeper I dug, the more confident I became that Little Jimmy was going to be on the cover of "Treasure" magazine. At nearly 4 feet down I hit a very rusted heavy iron plate. Widening the hole, I found that the dimensions of the plate was approximately 24" x 16". Whoo hoo! Maybe the gold-filled strong box? Nope, just a big old rusty Iron plate. The biggest, and most disappointing, target I have ever dug.

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Sidebone horseshoe, that sun dial I would have passed over. Like to keep my targets small enough to fit in my pouch and light enough my pants stay up.

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4 hours ago, AU_Solitude said:

90lb anvil in a mining camp.

Back when I was doing secondary school we had two anvils they were 1 hundred weight and a 2  hundred weight (112 pound and 224 pound) most of us 16 year old could life the 1 Hundredweight but only my mate and I could lift up the 2 cwt. the guys said who was he strongest so we put the 112 lb on top of the 224 lb anvil and tried to lift it my mate dropped it and I won. It was hard to keep the small one on top of the other but I did it 336 pound with no handles.All this came in handy when I notice a anvil in a farmers shed. He was a tough old guy and said if I could lift it, the wife and could detect his property I found out latter that he would not let anyone else on his farm.

The second largest fine is this Dingo trap. The largest was a Air Magnetic Aluminium survey marker in the middle of nowhere, but I have no photo. The dingo trap was a Metre (>3 ft) deep, under some hard calcite in virgin ground between two good gold spots. You can imagination my disappointment when I finally got through the calcite to find that a goanna had been caught by it and dragged it 10 ft in to his burrow under the calcite.


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I found this large silver cross at the beach in the wet sand a couple of years ago. The only markings I could find were "17mm",  "19mm", "21mm", "23mm" and "TAIWAN".



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