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XP Metal Detectors Factory Expansion

Steve Herschbach

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XP is a company going places and they scored a home run with the XP DEUS in particular. Rechargeable coils are not my cup of tea but I admire what the company has done in pushing design boundaries. When they get around to putting DEUS capability in a more traditional package with less expensive coil options I will have to have one.


Anyway, business has been good for them and they just finished an expansion of their facility to better keep up with demand. http://www.xp-detectors.co.uk/the-new-xp-factory-is-finished/ I wish them success going forward and will keep an eye out for whatever new products they have in the future.


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In my opinion this kind of coils are not any kind of issue. You can recharge fast by one AA battery or any USB power bank so... this your choice so I understand it.


Lightweight, easy to operate, and new high kHz coil at first part of 2016... who knows...

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I understand it is fine for many people Shelton - I do not dispute that. I do not want to charge my coils - period. I also do not want each coil to basically be an entire metal detector, making what would be a $150 coil into a $400 coil. I am perfectly content with less expensive coils that can be swapped out quickly with a cable connection. As I said, this is my personal preference, not criticism of the company or its products.

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Yeah the detector in coil was something I considered a no no, but I took the plunge and now with the ver 4 upgrade coming out soon, I can see a plus for it in that to be able to use all of Ver4s upgrades you will need the new coil that uses those new features. For less than a complete new comparable detector you can buy the new coil and you basically have a new detector. It has grown on me and I feel we might see more companies adopt this innovation. No doubt horses for courses but.

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I have to agree with Steve on this one. I cant understand why they did not separate the coil battery and transmitter from the coil itself. I never understood the idea people have "buy a new coil and you have a new detector thing" when you can only swing one detector at a time. The new coil with its high frequencies sounds good for prospecting but the fact is that the Deus cant handle bad ground and most people just leave it on GB90. Unless V4 has something new with regards to GB on bad ground I just don't see the point of higher frequencies.

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I don't have a problem paying $400 for a Deus coil. Heck I paid that more than a few times for Nuggetfinder and Coiltek P.O.S. coils that come unglued and fall apart or start falseing in less than 2 years. A Minelab CTX 3030 6" coil is $299?  When the new coil comes out I intend on buying one. While I am not enamored with the Deus' prospecting abilities in it's present form I must say it may be my all time favorite detector because it is a joy to swing and I just flat out have a lot of fun using it. And isn't that what hobbies are about?

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It was just an offhand comment, I did not know I was starting something! My intent with the thread was to recognize XP and I certainly admire very much what they have done with the DEUS. It is a great little unit with a lot of very happy owners. I would recommend it very highly to anyone looking to pull non-ferrous targets out of dense ferrous trash.



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