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Ongoing Equinox Coil Ear Breakage Issue

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On 12/6/2020 at 7:26 PM, Joe D. said:

This is now coil #2 to break on me! I guess knocking on wood, and crossing fingers had little effect!


6 hours ago, FloridaSon said:

Caused by tightening the coil bolt to the point it flexes the ears leading to breakage at a common weak point. That weak point may be caused by the ear being to thin and/or the colder plastic flow when casting the part.


5 hours ago, PimentoUK said:

Here's an example of cracking on the weak point in the moulding, this one from a UK beach hunter.

So I have a total of 5 hunts about 20 hours of time on my coil solution. Again, a [solid] plastic coil stiffener is epoxied to the coil. Then a plastic side plate is added to both sides. Each coil ear is now 1/2" thick!  Let you guys know when I have 500 hours on it. I have also removed the two center coil supports for weight savings and water drag.



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Obviously it must be a design fault as so many folks have reported this problem,but must admit i have never had any issues with any coil lugs snapping in all the decades that i have been detecting.Currently still own and use 50 coils in my collection and non have ever cracked but i will admit that after hearing about this Equinox coil lug issue i did invest in a coil lug strengthener from Ebay.

The only coil i thought i would have issues with but never did was the stock coil on my original T2,rather than tightening the coil bolts up really tight and possibly bending the lugs in and stressing them i usually add a small spacer and pack the rubbers out so they dont bend it.


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    Well,  I'm back from Georgia! I didn't get to do a lot of detecting! But my coil tab repair held up for the little i did!

   Mostly hunted and spent time with my 85 year old dad, and my adult nephews! Three of the four of us got a deer! I was the last; with no wait! Walking to the blind, i jumped an eight point! He ran fifty yards and stopped to look back at me! Light's out!? Shortest hunt I've ever had! Now if only i could do that with a gold coin, or a big diamond ring!?

   I'm planning on using my coil till my repair fails! Than I'll send it back for replacement! I looked closely at my stock AT Pro coil ears! They are nearly identical to the Nox coil ears! They have a good amount of scoring, and six years of hard, but careful use, and have never failed!

   Take that for what it's worth, but i still say it's a ongoing flaw with the thermoplastic, or moulding process that ML is using!??

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Great job! Hope they both hold up well!

   Did you make the handle yourself, or buy as is? Also, did you move the pod back, or where you able to leave it in place? ??


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Nice job on the repair, AND the 8-point!  Can't beat that, LOL -- not even to your blind yet, and you jumped a good one?  Congrats!


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