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Hour Run At Park And Snagged A 10g Ring


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Yes the 10x12 is a dd, not ideal coil in high trash. I did dig more ring pulls because I deliberately set my 2nd disc to just above and wanted to concentrate on the better roll tones. Ring pulls at depth are tricky becaue of their shape and being hollow. Ones at depth are harder to tell apart from good targets. I do have my ear for the square tabs though on that machine.

After that run I was able to hit the old church yesterday. Turns out the church was build in the 1900's, back yard only had 4-6" top soil and much below was coal and coal ash. Oldest coin I found was a 1935 wheatie. Will be going back there soon as I only covered a small area.

I ended up leaving the Tejon home due to chance of rain.

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2 minutes ago, kac said:

After that run I was able to hit the old church yesterday. Turns out the church was build in the 1900's, back yard only had 4-6" top soil and much below was coal and coal ash. Oldest coin I found was a 1935 wheatie. Will be going back there soon as I only covered a small area.

Coal and coal ash (I think the Brits call the latter 'coke').  Sounds like you're in need of new detector to handle that.  ?  Mark Gillespie has done well in similar conditions with his White's TDI/SL turning up the delay to ~18 us.  (He's posted that here -- I'm too lazy at the moment to go find it.)  I'm thinking the Tarsacci MDT may do well there, too, but I don't read those posts as carefully.

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12" is a deep hole.   Glad there was treasure at the bottom of it.


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Yes it's called coke, area effected goes out about 15-20 from the building and after that is low quality soil with gb in the mid 40's-60's. The MK is really chattery in that area even at 5khz so I was running at 14khz. Tejon is quieter those conditions but probably will just get masked out. Do wish I had a TDI for that.

12" is the deepest I ever dug for a ring, ring looks to be lost in the early 1960's, I believe I tracked down the owner that maybe living in the next state over. None of his phone #'s were working so I popped a letter in the mail. Be cool if he was the owner and I can return it. Hopefully I'll hear back soon.

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Quick update. I researched the school and found out it was no longer in existance but came across some yearbooks. In one of the yearbooks was a guy with the same initials that graduated in 63, the other books didn't have people with the same initials. I traced the name to 2 people that lived in the area with the same name and only 1 came back that was the right age for the person at 75 that had graduated from that school.

Next I tried to contact him but the 2 phone numbers were no longer in service so I popped a quick letter in the mail and asked if he lost something in the park back in the 60-70's. He also used to coach soccer in the fields.

A week later he called back and turned out he had just moved. He said he lost a class ring and had replaced it and lost that one too. He said it should have his initials inside jpd which it did.

He came down this morning and was really happy I found it. Not often you get the chance to return something like that 50+ years later.

Bit of back story on the park is there was a ball field where the ring was that was moved in the mid 70's. At that time they excavated all the sand from the field and back filled it. This may explain why the target 12" down where other finds of that period are usually in the 6" range.

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Well that's a fine story, and your an even better person for such a good deed, i hope the guy was real happy, and you find a better ring to replace that one. Maybe your next ring will be 2 inches for your good karma!

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