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XP DEUS Goes High Frequency?

Steve Herschbach

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My thoughts are that they will have to come up with a miracle with V4 being a good prospecting detector, As it is the Deus cant handle bad ground at all, the thing is seriously chatty on mineralised ground as it is and that is on a lot lower frequencies now. As is you have to reduce sensitivity by a huge amount to get it to work smoothly, greatly reducing depth and considering its no depth monster any how. Do yourselves a favour and wait to see will it work at all. :)  :)

I am actually on my second Deus, after the first one I said never again but I did. Its sitting in the corner now, and I have being wondering will I sell it or not or do I wait for V4? We were hoping for a multi frequency suitable for ground with low phase nos. or maybe the beach but alas not to be. Most of my lands balance in the sixty's and some even lower, below 40 on the F75. It has being a huge anti climax for a lot of European hunters. Might just keep the control box just in case and sell the rest off as a Deus lite.

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This is my first forum post so please be gentle on me.
As an XP employee I am very limited what I can say, only that I have tried a very basic version 4 prototype and it really worked well on bad soil.

I am confident prospectors will find great benefits with this upgrade.


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XP UK, welcome to the forum. I think you will find a very good group of calm and knowledgeable detectorists here. There is interest in the DEUS as a prospecting device, but it could use improvement. Hopefully some good feedback from members of this forum can help make those improvements happen. I would refer you in particular to this thread by forum member goldbrick at http://www.detectorprospector.com/forum/topic/104-xp-deus-in-the-goldfields/

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Well XP UK it is good to see you on this forum. For you to say V4 handles bad ground is good enough for me to, not do any thing rash, and sell off my Deus just yet. For me the Deus' achilles' heel was its difficulties with use after ground balancing to lower ground phase soils which was in turn resulted in poor depth in these conditions. If V4 finally addresses this issue, we will all be on to a winner, not only will it has the potential of being a good prospecting machine but also those higher frequencies will love the tiny cut hammered coins and maybe even the fine gold chains on beaches.

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XP UK is no less than Gary from Gary's Detecting,so he should have some good knowledge of XP detectors :)

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Well that is great if true. Again, I have noted a very close similarity to what prospectors look for in a detector compared to what UK hunters are looking for. Which is the ability to pull non-ferrous targets out of ground with difficult mineralization profiles and very often, large amounts of ferrous trash. There also is the shared emphasis on the ability to recover very small low conductive target responses. Because of this I have scoured reviews of European machines and have found Gary's site and field tests to be a literal gold mine of information. Check out his website at http://www.garysdetecting.co.uk and in particular the reviews section at http://www.garysdetecting.co.uk/fieldtests.htm


When I had the opportunity to visit the U.K. myself my decision to bring the F75 as my main unit was largely influenced by Gary's reviews at that time of both the T2 and F75. I also had the CTX 3030 and MXT along but they saw minimal use. Metal Detecting Ancient Coins at Colchester, UK - 10/1/2010

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