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Gold Kruzer Target ID Numbers?

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Something that I wrote and posted somewhere?? 

The full ID scale on all Nokta Makro machines is 00-99, but they have used different ferrous/iron ID scales (or ranges) on their different detectors, i.e. 00-10, or 00-40.

So what is the difference?

A wider ferrous range is good for relic hunters so they can accurately set what level of iron they wish to ignore. This as a result compresses the non-ferrous ID scale, so you get more stable ID's, but can group certain targets close together. A very wide ferrous range is also used on detectors intended for gold prospecting, because there can be a very fine line between hot rocks and gold, especially nuggets that can have some form of ironstone attached to them.

A very narrow ferrous ID scale is more geared towards the coin hunter, as it spreads out the non-ferrous scale, giving you greater separation between good and bad targets. This is important when notching out troublesome junk targets such as say pull tabs, so you are less likely to reject good targets in the process.

As a handy reference, I thought I'd put up the ferrous scale used in their various units:

FORS CoRe, Gold and Gold+ use: 00-40

Red Racer: 00-40

Gold Racer: 00-40

Fors Relic: 00-20

Racer 2: 00-10

Simplex+: 00-15

Kruzer 14 & Multi Kruzer use: 00-15

Gold Kruzer: 00-40

Anfibio 14 & Multi use: 00-15

Anfibio 19: 00-40

The IMPACT is quite unique in that it uses two different scales depending on Search Mode.

DI2, DI3, DI4, DI99, COG use: 00-15

Deep, Gen, VLX & STA Modes use: 00-40

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With the Gold Kruzer the first year I hunted in Micro mode. The next year I hunted in Deep mode. This year switch back to Micro mode which is the better than Deep mode for micro gold like the mode says. Disc set at 22 takes out nails. 

This detector is a true relic hunter too. A true relic detector to me means it will hit on iron relics which I like a detector  to do. I like the GK24 9.5 x 5 dd and the GK19 7.5 x 5 dd. I like concentric coils but I don't like the concentric coil with this detector. I would really like to see an 8" coil.

I think you would enjoy the Gold Kruzer. Depth is good in my mild ground. 61khz hitting my 10" test dime.

Coils to use.JPG

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I ordered a Gold Racer. I think it will be about as good as I can get in heavy coal/coke areas near many of the older areas here with the iMask feature. I like the extended iron range so discrimination can be more precise much like the AT series has. I am also hoping the 56khz will work better around high emi areas that are difficult with my other machines. I know a PI would work better in many of the spots I hit but a dig all approach isn't possible on lawns and parks. The other thing I do like the Gold Racer over the Gold Kruzer is there is a wider choice of coils for it from CORS.

Hopefully will be here next week and I can put it through it's paces.

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11 hours ago, kac said:

I ordered a Gold Racer.

(I originally thought you said simply 'Racer' which prompted my post, which I've now edited.)

I look forward to you reporting your experiences.  I know Steve H. was (and still is) a fan of this detector for native gold detecting, combined with coin hunting abilities.  I think it was the first detector ever released that operates at >30 kHz and is a decent coin detector.  Many since then as we all know.

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Gold Racer is a great machine! Yup, the first high frequency machine with target id. If White's had listened to me and made a 48 kHz MXT they could have done it, but it took Makro to listen. I still have the one below, my late prototype test model. The pitch mode is fun for park jewelry hunting - zip, zip!

The Gold Kruzer is basically just an updated Gold Racer, but I still kind of prefer the Gold Racer. Not much call for waterproof in the desert, and there is something to be said for drop in batteries. A little better balance also with the underarm battery location.


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8 minutes ago, Rick N. MI said:

Steve, How do the Gold Racer and Gold Kruzer compare?

Comparable detectors regarding performance. The Kruzer adds waterproof and built in rechargeable batteries. Like I said above, I kind of lean Gold Racer. Not for any performance reasons, simply the physical design of the Gold Racer suits me better. Except for the power knob sticking out the back. That should be on the touch pad like everything else.

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Hi  Steve ,is  the target Id on the racer better then gmx?My gmx seems to up average a lot of targets  even if they have a little depth to them. The iron id masks a lot of targets if  I knock   out  nails. I go by how the zip sounds and look at what the numbers are doing to decide on what to dig.It also depends on where I am.I love it in the tot lots.

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