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 I am using the Trond Wireless Transmitter and Receiver and wireless headphones with my GPZ 7000 and am liking it. I have it plugged into my WM 12 and have had no issues. I had a friend try the set up, the only difference on the set  up was he had it direct to the headphone jack. He said there was so much EMI, couldn't use it. Does anyone else use this set up and are there any issues?


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Hi Norm,

I haven't used the Trond system but assume it's Bluetooth?

I have tried 2 x different Bluetooth tx/rx systems (Avantree & TaoTronics) on the GPZ, a while ago now, to see if they could be used as backups to the WM12 in case of failure or failure of me to recharge it ?

From memory both were usable if required from the headphone jack but they did have noticeably more background interference type noise & the WM12 was preferable for that reason. 

The Avantree Bluetooth system did work well on the SDC2300 for me though?

I'm no wireless tech but had assumed it was either something to do with the channel/s Bluetooth inherently selects on the 2.4ghz band or that the Bluetooth units not being made specifically for metal detectors aren't as well shielded as other purpose made devices. I could be wrong on both counts?

I didn't experiment with placement of the tx either. May need to move it around & see if it improves at all?

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Good point Phrunt!

When I tried the Bluetooth systems my WM12 was turned off on the GPZ so I would assume any noise/interference would be worse when on. 

Have heard nothing but good reports on the Quest Wirefree system but yet to try it myself.

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Along with Simon's idea, you might also check to see if the wireless device itself is interfering with the GPZ due to close proximity to the GPZ control box.

Reason I say this is because my phone will interfere with the GPZ if I bring it within about 1 inch or so of the control box. I noticed this the first week I had my GPZ as I had my phone in my pocket. I thought the coil was picking it up but it was EMI and not signal, and was actually the phone getting too close to the control box. From memory - it only interferes if the phone is basically touching the box, and worse at some parts of the control box than others.

If your friend is mounting the aftermarket devices to the control box, he might try removing them at least a foot away and see if the problem persists.

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 Yes the transmitter was mounted on the control box just behind the arm rest, more than likely the problem.

                                                                              Thanks for the replies  Norm

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On 9/26/2020 at 11:43 PM, normmcq said:

I have it plugged into my WM 12 and have had no issues.

Even though you are asking about your friend's setup EMI, I just have to ask you why are you doing it this way instead of plugging the b/t r/t right into the headphone jack?  It sounds like you are chaining two wireless systems together causing the wireless propagation delays and latencies to add up.  Plus you would be susceptible to dropouts by two wireless systems. Where are you mounting the WM12 and b/t combo?

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I have my WM i2 chest mounted, out of headphone jack to B and Z Booster to Bluetooth. Is this not the correct way to do it?

 I am wireless from detector and headphones. My friend had the bluetooth directly into detector headphone jack with Bluetooth transmitter fastened just behind the arm cuff.                                                                                                         


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2 hours ago, normmcq said:

I have my WM i2 chest mounted, out of headphone jack to B and Z Booster to Bluetooth. Is this not the correct way to do it?

 I am wireless from detector and headphones. My friend had the bluetooth directly into detector headphone jack with Bluetooth transmitter fastened just behind the arm cuff.                                                                                                         


Obviously that works but if your WM12 and Booster are chest mounted not sure why you need it wireless from there to your H/P, just plug the phones into the booster and tuck the wire.  Unless you are removing your harness or whatever you have the WM12 and Booster hooked to) you still remain untethered from the detector which is the main goal.  The only logical reason to use B/T would be to get rid of the wonky reception of the WM12 altogether (GPZ>BlutetoothTransmitter (via H/P Jack) wireless to BT H/P).  I must be missing something unless your goal is to keep the booster in play.  In that case, you could hook the booster up to the H/P jack on the GPZ then hook the transmitter into the Booster jack.  I think having to deal with two wireless systems simultaneously just sets you up for a multitude of issues ranging from propagation issues and latency delays, to having to deal with batteries in the WM unit, booster, AND the bluetooth transceiver.  But if that works for you - don't fix what ain't broken, I suppose.

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I'm curious what is lacking on the WM12/GPZ that makes it's audio require 3rd party modules? Wireless headphones I get. But the boosters I don't understand since I cannot see a situation where both the volume on the WM12 is insufficient and headphones are not the better option at that point.

The audio is digital and fairly pure tones, so there isn't much EQ to do. You can limit volume and alter tones inside the GPZ. A compressor/limiter I could see the usage of but no one makes one of those.

I haven't done a test, but I have to guess it's around 90-100dB at full blast, which is enough to damage hearing. The WM12 can go loud enough to literally make my ears hurt, and I've played punk and metal drums without ear protection for 25 years so my ears aren't exactly ultra sensitive.

I must be missing something since everyone seems to be using boosters, but I genuinely cannot figure out what purpose they serve on a GPZ.

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