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Bad luck

Hello everyone, I have the following problem and I want some advices.

I am a minilab safari owner and I have problem with the circuit board. The Minelab dealer told me that I have to replace it and the cost is 450 (530$), he told me also that it is better to buy something else (maybe he wants to sell).  I don’t know what to do. Replace it or buy something new? In safari I love the simplicity, the auto-tracking ground balance, the FBS technology, the depth, and that is silver killer machine. I dislike the slow processor. I have 500$ and I can’t put extra money. I do beach metal detecting mostly but also, I go to parks, fields and mountains.

What do you suggest, fix it or buy something knew and most important what metal detector?

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 It’s lots of new killer machines out there now days. Maybe you shouldn’t be giving that detector that much credit you do. It could be that killer guy behind it that makes that machine so hot.
 I’ve been known to be wrong but with the money you have it could buy a good used detector. Just maybe that newer model could be the killer you’re looking for.

 Whatever you may do make it the best for you.


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How about parting out the safari to make a few more dollars to add to your fund. With the extra money plus your $500 you could get something new. Just a thought. I'm kinda in the same boat but for a different reason. I wish you well with  your choice.

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1 hour ago, George1971 said:

Safari costs almost 1000$ and Vanquish almost 500$. Why is there this difference in price? Maybe because it has 28 frequencies instead of 3? Also, I want adjustable threshold. I know that Vanquish has only faster processor.


Sigh.  Not sure where you got the notion on Vanquish using 3 frequencies, that has never been published as a spec by ML.  Regardless, # of frequencies used in MF has no bearing on performance (i.e., more does not equal better in this case and in fact the opposite can be true), that has been debunked by Minelab themselves in their published writings on Multi IQ and there is a some controversy surrounding the underlying marketing approach that ML took with FBS and touting 28 frequencies.  Bottom line is that ML is somewhat opaque on their secret sauce and what is actually under the hoid with these multifrequency detectors so A to B comparisons based on objective specs are difficult if not impossible. 

What is key is how the signals are processed and Multi IQ used by Vanquish and Equinox is ML's latest generation multifrequency standard in terms of signal processing and destroys FBS on target separation due to its superior recovery speed. FBS may have a slight edge on super accurate IDs on deep silver (kind of a narrow capability to hang your hat on), but both detectors will detect targets just as deep. The Equinox 600 at $650 would run rings around the Safari in terms of versatility and has threshold control, so too would the 800 obviously, with even more features.  But you only have $500 to spend, so I recommended the Vanquish.  My recommendation would be to not reinvest the $500 into the aging Safari platform, but to consider saving up for a more modern and versatile Multi platform like Equinox.

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