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Denis' Impulse AQ Findings From France

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  • The title was changed to Denis' Findings From France (impulse Aq)

2 hours ago, ALEXANDRE TARTAR said:

Does anyone know the US medal?

It's quite a bit out of focus but appears to be from a particular VFW post in California.  I assume the post number is on there (lower left lettering) but I can't discern it.

"Upon further review" it looks to be from this post in El Cajon, CA:


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5 hours ago, ALEXANDRE TARTAR said:

Thank you for the information, Is it personal and can we find the owner?

I don't know if they had any identification on them such as serial number or initials. I did some looking to see if I could identify approximate date they used that design and did not find information that was useful.

The organization's facebook page is: https://www.facebook.com/VFWPost2275/

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5 hours ago, ALEXANDRE TARTAR said:

Is it personal and can we find the owner?

One possibility is that this tag was tossed into the ocean near the beach as a memorial to a now deceased veteran who was involved there or nearby during the 2nd World War.  tvr's idea of contacting the post can't hurt.  They might even request that it be returned to the sea (attached to a rock so it doesn't so easily wash ashore) but I'd let them advise if they choose to respond.

Thoughtful of you to try and return it.

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6 minutes ago, ALEXANDRE TARTAR said:

I sent an email I keep you informed!

Now that you've posted a better photo (thanks for that) I've noticed that the title is "VETERAN OF FORE N WARS" (sic).  It makes me wonder if this tag/medallion is a generic format that allows the customer to enter letters and numerals (up to a limit) to be printed in certain areas -- here above the flag and around the lower rim.  I also only count 36 stars on the flag, and seven (not 13) stripes.  (There was an official USA flag with 36 stars but the layout of rows was different than shown on your medallion and it was only in use from mid-1865 to mid-1867.)  Kinda strange someone would go to the trouble of making a meaningful medallion with such misrepresentations....

And now I'm even more curious to read what the VFW post responds!

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Some nice finds there. Nice video. I see he's using a detached control head in the video?


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