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5 hours ago, Norvic said:

Precisely it is perceived as showing off by some, especially those that attack and call it BS eg. we build flash houses with good looking exteriors that too is considered showing off by some, I will be "showing off" (tongue in cheek) my new vehicle and its prospecting setup shortly on a separate thread. I see such as just the fruit of our labors. Certainly I do understand you don`t wish for forum members to be considered as showing off by showing their finds, that adds to their threads.

 You may be a Yank Steve, but no diff to us Ozies, all individuals for sure, I certainly am not going to judge you by broad cultural differences by many, many are influenced by more of our human failings than just the individual thus is often way off the mark. Come on down and experience more of that hospitality that JP showed you, tis the fruit of life.

Looking forward to seeing your rig Norvic.? My favourite hobby is trying to set up the perfect rig, ? I like my creature comforts so a shower every night and a cold beer or two after with a good bed off the ground preferably under something solid not canvas is the go fir me.

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5 hours ago, Norvic said:

I see such as just the fruit of our labors. 


Alot of people question my reasoning for running my air conditioner in my house colder than recommended. I receive a good wage and am happy to pay for it and certainly don’t go home to be uncomfortable.

I’m pretty keen to see your set up aswell, I’ve just bought a camper trailer and am in the process of getting set up myself so all ideas are welcome.

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13 hours ago, Norvic said:

I have noted as JP has when showing off gold a lot react jealously immediately, you just learn wisely with age not to show off gold, but that all is part of our crazy hobby.

I had this happen too, found my first decent nugget and couldn’t help but show it off. The first person I showed, you could see the seething jealousy and rage behind what seemed like a calm face. 

I honestly don’t understand why? People go out and work their butts off to find the stuff yet it sends others round the bend when someone becomes successful at their hobby or livelihood. And I am by no means successful at it, at all.

Gold can be a fickle game, yet I enjoy it to no end and look forward to my next outing.

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I think gold attracts more than its fair share of this type of human behaviour, mainly because it’s seen as being ‘got for free’, my brother in-law once said to me “its all right for you living the life of Riley” meaning I had it easy and just went around picking up gold just laying there on the ground!! I once calculated I worked more hours in a few months than he did in a whole year working for the local council. When you find yourself getting excited about the idea of a flushing toilet and the ability to turn on a light without having to start the generator you soon learn about “The Life of Riley” and how alright and easy it is.?

No gold is easy gold, all gold even the ‘easy gold” takes effort and determination. I do however find myself getting the fever when I see someone’s gold finds but never begrudge them for their successes, you have to be “in it to win it” and often with gold “what’s for you won’t go by you”. Another saying I like is “there’s no rush in the Gold Rush”. 

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12 hours ago, Jonathan Porter said:

Looking forward to seeing your rig Norvic.? My favourite hobby is trying to set up the perfect rig, ? I like my creature comforts so a shower every night and a cold beer or two after with a good bed off the ground preferably under something solid not canvas is the go fir me.

Actually JP tis almost the same rig I had way back, you just didn`t see it set up in camp just on the road. Hardly took a photo back in those days, too busy but have taken a few of the new back to the future setup.

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On 2/3/2021 at 3:26 PM, Gold Catcher said:

Perhaps I am a little ignorant here, but why is actually that ML is distrusted or even hated by apparently quite a few in Au (and beyond))? Shouldn't they rather all be happy about the fact that ML makes the world's best detectors which they could greatly benefit from?  What am I missing? Thanks in advance for some education on that topic ? 

You are a little new to this, and there is lots of history behind all this. The core issue with Minelab is zero direct customer communications on even the simplest things. So little things fester, because answers are never provided.

But all companies have a “thing”, and I have a sarcastic streak. So a few years ago I came up with these:

Just to get you going here are some new metal detector bumper stickers for you....

First Texas - Even we don't know how many we make or what they're for!

Garrett - We already made a flagship detector so quit asking for one.

Minelab - The most hated name in detecting!

Tesoro - Search for the past with detectors from the past.

White's - Anything happen while we were sleeping?

I zero in on the weak spot. It is interesting, because Tesoro and White’s died later for the reasons stated. Companies that do not mind their Achilles Heel often die by it.

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6 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Minelab - The most hated name in detecting!

Thanks, Steve. I think those bumper stickers still would make ML look the best when compared to the other ones ?. Love and hate seem to have a close connection. Perhaps a clever marketing strategy?

"Love and hate are intimately linked within the human brain, according to a study that has discovered the biological basis for the two most intense emotions."


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I've been gone a couple days and I don't even know what brought on this topic.... but I'm all in!!

I made up my mind last year that I was not going to be putting up with BS people any more... trying to make everyone happy is the fastest way to the end... fire at will 


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On 2/5/2021 at 10:27 AM, strick said:

I made up my mind last year that I was not going to be putting up with BS people any more... trying to make everyone happy is the fastest way to the end... fire at will

OK, but don't forget -- you asked for it.

Strick, your dog is ugly.

(Hmmm.  How does that edit thing work, and where did it go???!!!!  I think I just shot a BB and am soon going to be staring down the barrel of a bazooka.  :ohmy:  How can I fix this?)

"Beauty is only skin deep."  (...not enough...)

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."  (...better...?)

How about this from https://www.comicskingdom.com/hagar-the-horrible/2021-02-04


On a less serious note (while I'm still shaking in fear), one thing I've noticed over my many decades:  whether or not crowing about one's favorite 'thing' (team, movie, famous person, favorite beer,...) may or may not be a sign of strength, tearing down someone else's is a sign of weakness.  We've seen that here a few times (maybe more than a few).  There's a way to be sensitive and objective and a way to be obnoxious and subjective.  One is a lot better than the other.

So back to the orignal (OT) to try and be fair, I'd show you a picture of my dog but I don't have one, just two beautiful cats.


Adendum:  Strick, you're a good sport.  (I hope your dog is, too.)  After seeing this an acquaintance informed me that classy people see their pets as every bit worthy of respect as human family members.  Then she said:  "and, BTW, don't quit the day job as you'll make even less at comedy."  When I replied "but I'm retired" she quipped "I know."

You may be wondering who that wise sage was,... one of my cats.

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