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Whites TDI Beachhunter Off To New Home

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Well I decided the TDIBH was too much of a handful in the water so I decided to move it on to a new owner.

Hopefully I’ll not regret the decision but I got what I paid for it so can’t complain too much. One of Whites best for dry and wet sand hunting but never got much market penetration....I guess most want VLFs these days ?

Time to change my profile.......just five machines now ?


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I suppose Garrett could make the TDI Beachhunter again, but with the ATX I doubt it will happen. The various TDI models are probably history now, fodder for the modification market for years to come. Anyone interested in what might have happened if TDI development continued should follow the Fisher Impulse AQ development, as the AQ is basically a highly tuned and refined TDI.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2021 at 6:35 PM, Steve Herschbach said:

I suppose Garrett could make the TDI Beachhunter again, but with the ATX I doubt it will happen. The various TDI models are probably history now, fodder for the modification market for years to come. Anyone interested in what might have happened if TDI development continued should follow the Fisher Impulse AQ development, as the AQ is basically a highly tuned and refined TDI.

Unfortunately the future of the AQ is very uncertain,the most strange metal detector path i have ever seen from the begining untill now,and nobody knows still whats going to happen. 

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On 5/23/2021 at 1:54 AM, Tony said:

Well I decided the TDIBH was too much of a handful in the water so I decided to move it on to a new owner.

Hopefully I’ll not regret the decision but I got what I paid for it so can’t complain too much. One of Whites best for dry and wet sand hunting but never got much market penetration....I guess most want VLFs these days ?

Time to change my profile.......just five machines now ?


The TDI platform has a lot of punch but is hard to get the hang of.  I n fresh and salt--you are learning to turn it down.  The trick is not to wind up with a Dual Field--up at 12 uSc.

 Sorry you showed it the door--what will take it's place in the super depth category?  


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Hello Clive,

My only water machine is the Excalibur.....and to be honest, it has enough punch for me. As I have gotten older and wiser, I now really focus on sand movement and will hunt these areas on every occasion possible. As I’ve mentioned before, my conditions are quite rough and even setting the scoop accurately is a challenge.....digging targets beyond 12” into the sea floor is futile so speed and target accuracy (composition and physical location) is the secret. A buoyant, large coil PI is not the tool for these conditions. Lower beach hard pan and shallows then the TDIBH is formidable. For the first time in 25 years, I do not have a beach PI detector. I’m learning the Excal more and more and it is quite an impressive machine......I run her in minimal DISC with as much sensitivity before it naturally falses......and then investigate ANY threshold breaks and remove a few inches of sand for “inconsistent / one way nulls”.........there’s quite a bit in that audio !

 But there is nothing like your bare feet to feel the sea floor and deciding if it’s worth hunting......I’m getting the feel with dive boots as well. ?

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Tony Im shocked thought you were a P.I purist for life.  Mind you it's the conditions that dictate and when you know your grades and contours super depth is not necessary.  At the same time Its good to have that option.  This is why I like the Anchor Electronics Barracuda--very deep --even with a small coil and great in black sand.  The Equinox is a good counterpart to the Excal too--just gives you a few more choices--you can knock out alloys, speed it up in fast surge, and run a gold box checker.  Handy where you are competing with a lot of hackers--you head to the junk and let that beat them lol.

The small SNPI Diver coil is very good too--be a good one to put on a DF. 

Where I hunt down south all the local pros run Excals and I can tell you--they miss a lot--especially where there are inclines--interference zones.  The Excals flaw is that it holds threshold while losing depth.


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I think it was the TDIBH’s big floaty box and big floaty coil that beat me in rough water......I thought about rehousing the board into another enclosure but someone made me a great offer on the detector. Another PI in the future.............more than likely.?

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On 6/4/2021 at 2:37 AM, PPP said:

Unfortunately the future of the AQ is very uncertain,the most strange metal detector path i have ever seen from the begining untill now,and nobody knows still whats going to happen. 

All true, but immaterial to the final product, if it ever appears. If Fisher can produce a AQ that’s built right, and is on the market for a year without suffering massive failures, then I may very well get one. They can’t be updated or serviced without returning to the factory, and my faith in First Texas was shaken to the core by my experience with them in the last year. I simply do not trust them now, and it will take a lot of people getting them, and reporting no issues, before I’ll take that dip again. Still, they might pull it off, and I hope they do.

I get where you are coming from Tony. In rough water, the TDIBH is a lunchbox full of air.

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On 5/23/2021 at 1:54 AM, Tony said:

Well I decided the TDIBH was too much of a handful in the water so I decided to move it on to a new owner.

Hopefully I’ll not regret the decision but I got what I paid for it so can’t complain too much. One of Whites best for dry and wet sand hunting but never got much market penetration....I guess most want VLFs these days ?

Time to change my profile.......just five machines now ?


I think you did the right thing. I used one here for a while and I liked the Fisher AQ Much better.. If your hunting rough waters the Nox is not the right machine and even the AQ, I doubt can take the banging surf.

Like you, I love my Excalibur's and I just came across a great deal. Cost me 170.oo for 3 Excalibur's. Rough shape but I salvaged many good parts. The main thing, 3 working excal hearts. 




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