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12 minutes ago, dogodog said:

Here's my all year set upIMG_2215.jpg

Thanks for the post!

KAC's hand digger is unique for sure. I've considered it but want to get a Ranger first.

That Grave Digger shovel looks like a really tough one. It's important to have the strongest one you can get, when they break you are done, literally until you can get another. Cool!

I'm sure everyone who reads this will be interested in what the difference between the two pinpointers is? ?I also have 2 Carrots but only bring the second along in my gear bag on long trips as a backup. Mine both work the same, they didn't until I realized one was set to less sensitivity than the other. Learned recently via video how to adjust the Carrot in water.

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For the Pointer difference. One seems to false a lot in the damp or wet ground and chase things that are not in the hole. Works perfectly well in the dry. The other is oddly the opposite. Also the audio is less loud for one vs the other. 

My buddy uses a Ranger it's a pretty awesome shovel. At the time I wanted to get one but they were unavailable so the GD instead. It's just as good in my opinion. The only thing a shovel can't overcome is an old buried stone driveway. Invent one of those and I'm in.


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1 hour ago, F350Platinum said:

I have a pruner, sometimes I'll bring a lopper on the golf cart when I know I'm going to be digging in root areas or have something specific to dig. Most try to dig around roots to avoid damaging a tree or bush. Always remember on a permission what's there isn't really yours! ? The places I have permission to dig are poorly maintained, so sometimes I have to also get permission to maintain them, mowing, trimming overgrowth for access, that sort of thing. Here there are laws regarding cutting brush near waterways.

Looked at that saw, it is really nice. ?

Oh, I'd only do the root cutting on my own property and with small or dead roots.

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1 hour ago, dogodog said:

And I run two garret pointer's oddly they perform different.

I compared my Garrett Carrot (well used) to an almost new one that I sold recently.

On low and medium sensitivity, they were almost identical in terms of overall sensitivity and closing range (ratcheting). However, on max sensitivity, the newer one had an extra inch to an inch-and-one-quarter in overall sensitivity. However, it still "maxed out" at the same spot my older Carrot did.

Oh, and the target I was using was a 9v battery.

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9 minutes ago, dogodog said:

For the Pointer difference. One seems to false a lot in the damp or wet ground and chase things that are not in the hole. Works perfectly well in the dry. The other is oddly the opposite. Also the audio is less loud for one vs the other. 

My buddy uses a Ranger it's a pretty awesome shovel. At the time I wanted to get one but they were unavailable so the GD instead. It's just as good in my opinion. The only thing a shovel can't overcome is an old buried stone driveway. Invent one of those and I'm in.


? There are a lot of gravel roads where I live, I've gone after an Equinox 30+ ID a few times in them. There are tools that make that a bit easier:222824092_31JBsuReuL._AC_SY780_.jpg.868b001f64a7cb3c0408974ff3b7c091.jpg

I've always found the coin. It takes a lot of patience. Do you want to know what that target is?

Some might say "Why would I want to spend $100+ on a shovel?"

I never want to know the answer to that. ?

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$100 on a shovel, Its a good thing my wife does not detect, because she would have 0 problems getting a $100 shovel, A $500 custom leather finds bag, Oh and a pair of $1000 Italian designer detecting shoes. Getting her into the hobby could be costly. 

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12 hours ago, F350Platinum said:

Remember too that Predator Tools is an offshoot of Lesche, I believe a family member or relative. It's a "better mousetrap" if you will.

Pretty sure George Lesche (the original designer) is now with Predator, along with at least one other family member (daughter/wife?).  My suspicion is that the Lesche brand was either sold off or spun off, possibly with other family members (children, etc.)  If you look closely, the Predator products are a cut above.  For example, the sheaths have rivets to prevent the sharp edge of the handheld digger from cutting through.  (That happened to me with the popular Lesche digger.)

Phrunt had a problem with his Lesche brand Sampson bending and got a local welding shop to re-enforce it.  That shortcoming is less likely on the Predator version.  Compare the two carefully and you'll see that the Predator is more robust.

In some cases (maybe all cases) the Predators cost more.  I didn't know about Predator when I bought my tools but from now on that's the company I'm going with.  (Actually I have their Raptor which has no competition, AFAIK.)

Good thread, BTW.  mh9162013's finds pouch reminded me I wanted one of those, so I just ordered one on Ebay.

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I pack lite, parks I just use the hand digger and leave the foot digger home or in the car. If I'm using the Kruzer I use the other pulse pointer.


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18 minutes ago, kac said:

I pack lite, parks I just use the hand digger and leave the foot digger home or in the car. If I'm using the Kruzer I use the other pulse pointer.


Are all your hand tools made by you? That is one thing I never tried in my life - welding.


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