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Climate Change And Prospecting… Welcome To The Bonanza

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4 hours ago, Hard Prospector said:

Not so fast!  Many of these same climate experts were saying back in the 1970's we're headed into the next ice age..........don't toss out that snow shovel just yet

I seem to remember a couple of weeks ago about an article on Yahoo talking about the Atlantic Ocean and an ICE AGE about to happen.

So there you have it about it getting to hot and a lot of droughts, if the Ice Age returns when you go out please carry 2 shovels.

To many people say it is man made climate change, I have always called it Mother Nature and she is female and  not a man.

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Geologically speaking we are over due for an ice age.  If you look at past cycles.  But the massive increase in the earth’s overall temperature (natural or man made) has probably put a pause or end to that cycle.   It is interesting how much the Earth’s temp has exponentially increased since the start of the industrial revolution.  Climate is changing, that is obvious over the past 45 years alone of my life.  Might change back, might not ?‍♂️.  Who cares, let the next gen fix it, that what the old gens taught me ?.

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  • 4 months later...

Caution, politically charged danger zone. Please keep it lighthearted. Thank you. :smile:

The original post posits how some aspects of climate change (climate has never been static, only causes are debated) might be beneficial for some. And that’s true. There will be winners and losers. So how might it benefit a detectorist or prospector? That’s’ the subject of the thread. Detecting Californias massive burn areas in gold country has actually been on my mind, after the ash washes off, but before stuff grows up too much. And stuff grows fast here!

But drift off into politics and I’ll have to possibly delete posts, and even lock the thread. Let’s try not to go there. The forum membership just keeps getting better and better, but newbies might not yet know the score here, hence the warning.

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3 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Caution, politically charged danger zone.

Although I do believe climate change is a threat (I completed a Master of Sustainability and Climate Policy at university) this post was written with my tongue firmly planted in my cheek.. Like Steve I also started thinking about the possible benefits of climate change when a huge fire ripped through a nearby prospecting area.. For those who thought I was getting all political about the subject, I can only apologise.. Maybe my extremely witty sense of humour went straight over their head.. or got lost in translation somehow.. ?  

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Ask any ACTUAL scientist who has been given all the data and the actual method of the AGW theory and they all say 'This is complete BS'. My science background is in Phytology where Co2 is a very important factor....it took me less than 60 seconds of reading it to realize that this is a major con-job. The climate has been changing significantly ever since the end of the last Ice Age approx 11,000 years ago, both up and down. The infinitesimal increase we are currently experiencing is absolutely nothing compared to what Mother Earth has performed to our planet in the past. Nature has adapted and evolved perfectly well to all of that and will continue to do so I suspect lol  

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I want to get out more in the winter as a relic hunter, as it's the season where the fields are open. The past year was great, this year looks a little colder so far, but if the trend is warming it's fine with me. If it's more toward ice I'll have to move South. However if it warms more they'll plant more. ?

I also want to grow coconut palms in my yard. ? Banana palms are the best we can do at present. ?

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