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Hey All, just thought I would say a big thanks to all who have purchased and used the coils so far and enjoying their abilities. It looks like the coils are certainly kicking some goals.

The coils are designed to provide different options for your detecting and compliment the already brilliant GPX6000. To hear they are running very stable and sensitive is just what we planned for and all three sizes are proving their capabilities.

Phrunt - I am glad the coil has helped your unit and I am sure the 10x5" will be dynamite on the small stuff for you. Thank you for the support.

From my experience over the years most detectors and coils will be somewhat noisier when tilted on their side as they are seeing more interference especially when no ground is under the coil (i.e: tilting on a flat surface when compared to running up the side of a creek bank). It doesn't necessarily mean the coil is faulty - if the coil is behaving poorly when in a normal orientation then this could indicate a shield issue. 

Enjoy your days - Trev

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27 minutes ago, Coiltek said:

Phrunt - I am glad the coil has helped your unit and I am sure the 10x5" will be dynamite on the small stuff for you. Thank you for the support.

Thank you Trevor, I'm incredibly happy I bought the 14x9" and I couldn't help but contact Dan quickly to order the 10x5" after experiencing the 14x9" before he sold out no matter how hard I tried to resist ?   Thank you for making your coils, I've always thought Coiltek make great coils, love the 10x5" Nox coil too and realistically I've never been disappointed with a Coiltek coil, I have quite a few of them, particular favourites are the 11" AI coil for the legacy GPX and also the little Joey 10x5' for the legacy GPX, both brilliant coils.  I also appreciate you communicate with your customers.

The 6000 coils are looking like they're going to be a very welcome addition to anyone's toolkit.   I want to reiterate that I appreciate that Coiltek made coils for the 6000, I'm sure others will appreciate that as much as I do once they give them a go.   It's very likely I'll end up with the 9" too to complete the set, I do hope you'll end up producing a smaller DD, I'm sure many will agree with me it really needs to be happen, I'll commit to buying it now if you'll commit to making it ?

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Most of the talk has been about coil shapes and sizes...the excitement reminds me of kids ordering ice cream in a store....I’d like to know more about how they are built compared to your competitors? NF goes into a little detail about their construction methods on their web site...I could not find much on yours...What are the components that go into the build quality of your coils? From out side to inside. 


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6 hours ago, phrunt said:

“I  do hope you'll end up producing a smaller DD, I'm sure many will agree with me it really needs to be happen, I'll commit to buying it now if you'll commit to making it “?

@Coiltek  I SECOND THAT, definitely interested in a smaller elliptical DD!  Thank you for supporting us users also!

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The 6000 must have some large scale shielding relating issue on it's stock coils then. Because in the same location as other 6000's, mine acts the same as the other machines - so it doesn't seem as if it has a coil fault unique to my specific machine/coil. Unless literally all the coils sent on 6000's to the US at the same time all had shielding issues? If that's speculation then I'd love to hear an actual, non speculative answer that makes logical sense. Because this one single issue is enough to make me sell my 6000 as soon as I can get an Axiom in hand to replace it with no prospecting downtime.

It's totally unusable in some locations, purrs along just fine in others. It's not a loose wire/failing cable/bad connector type problem. 

That we have to spend another $400 on another coil just to potentially fix what sure appears to be a factory problem or design issue is pretty low IMO, if that is really what is happening.


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Well I don't know about these 11" coil problems especially this Axis thing, all I know is the difference between my 11" and the 14x9" Coiltek is night and day.   I can go up sidewalls of gully's fine, lift up over rocks, tilt that bad boy around all I want, hell I can swing it in the air like a lasso and it not go crazy and it's a bigger coil and gets more EMI as JP wisely pointed out.  This is the major reason I disliked the 6000, it was not fit for my purpose how it arrived to me, I don't hunt on flat ground, rarely ever do I have flat ground, and even my flat ground is covered in thyme bushes and schist that I'm going up over and around but mostly I'm on a rocky hillside or in gully's on angles so a detector that had to be kept flat on level ground was something for me that was not suitable.  My little 10x5" Coiltek should arrive today too, so I'll give it a spin, can't imagine I'll be disappointed.

It's more like using a normal detector now, you know, one that works well.  Happy to video anything for anyone, can't video my 11" now as off on a flight to go to the rubbish bin.  I've shipped my 11" off to the service agent now to be looked at, or binned or whatever they do with it.  The problem is the NZ service agent has a policy if they don't find a fault with something you send them they charge you something like an $80 fee (can't remember the exact figure) along with the $50 return shipping after spending $50 to get it to them, ends up quite an expensive exercise for an "iffy" problem.  It's getting up to near half the Coiltek 10x5" price just to get the coil looked at if they say they can't fault it and it's a coil I'll likely never use again anyway unless it works as well as the Coilteks, and maybe for the people with a good one it does, if that's the case that's awesome, I'd love a 11" size that works as well as my Coiltek and it sounds like for many people their 11" does work as well as the Coiltek, so who knows.

I just wanted to know if its faulty or if that's just how the Minelab coils are.  I'm that confident now they can't say it's not faulty that I sent it off.  I've seen Aussies send theirs in to be checked and have them sent back no fault, and many others have sent them in and had them replaced as a "precaution" as they couldn't fault it.  One person sent theirs in a couple of times and eventually one of the Minelab guys took it out into the field for the weekend and used it and managed to fault it then so I'll see how it pans out, if they send it back no fault It's getting open heart surgery then smashed to pieces and put on Youtube ?

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8 minutes ago, phrunt said:

...if they send it back no fault It's getting open heart surgery then smashed to pieces and put on Youtube 


Please do. Something just seems fishy here to me. Unless I'm missing something, there seems to be a large scale issue with poor cable/coil shielding. As usual though, Minelab's complete lack of response makes it impossible to do much but guess.

I'd send mine in to the shop, but I know what the response is going to be, based on others who've sent in with the exact same problems. And I can't lose a full month of prospecting out of a short 3 month season for no reason. So I'm just going to sell it once Axiom's become available and stick to the locations where it works ok for now, and thus I won't be able to cut it apart and see for myself since I need to sell it to fund the Axiom.

I did take some video showing normal and unstable operation, not quite sure where to post it though as really this has nothing to do with Coiltek and I just have written the 6000 off myself now - I'm now positive there is some kind of issue - so it seems pointless to make another dedicated thread on the problem since I know it exists, and don't really care if no one else sees it or not.

Jen's point about cable shielding might be a good first place to look though if you cut into things. I'll be curious to see.

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stricks very useful 11" coil X-ray, the coil cable doesn't look wrapped in foil to me, would the X-ray not pick up the foil as a solid mass and not show the wires inside it if it was foil or braided?  The GPZ 7000 coils have no extra shielding in the cable and I find the 7000 very good with EMI, if not excellent.


The GPZ 7000 coils have no shielding inside the cable, the shield is just a little blue wire going down from the control box to the coil.   You'll see on this photo of my 19" Coil where I was adding the plug end back onto it to use it on an X-coil adapter.  I suspect the stock GPX 6000 coils also have no shielding in the cables.  Perhaps the aftermarket do, I know some do.


Keep in mind something like braided shielding inside the GPX cable might cause a big nulled out area on the coil, with the 6000 easily picking up the solid mass of metal, as it already picks up the wires no troubles.  The best method is the wires that matter having their own individual shielding to keep the solid mass of metal size down.

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