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Deus 2 Vs Nokta/Makro Legend

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That's why I've been thinking with the Legend for me, it really needs the aftermarket coil support I can't have on the Nox, without that there is very little difference, the Deus 2 is a substantially different detector and increasingly looking the more appealing of the two for someone like myself that really doesn't need another similar detector.

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Having owned several Equinox and Deus detectors along with most of Nokta Makro's detectors since the Racer 2, I have zero problem recommending all of them.

I have had a minor issue with each manufacturer......Nox Bluetooth transmitter issues, Deus butterfly coil charging clips constantly breaking, Gold Racer coil knock sensitivity. 

Minelab warranty service was outstanding. XP service was too. Nokta Makro......not good but there was no USA repair facility at the time.

I have dunked my Noxes, beat the crap out of them, dropped them (all five) and treated them like I would treat a good pair of hiking boots. So anyone that thinks the control pod can't taking a beating is mistaken. Sure, some of them leak. Same for all of the Nox coils which I have treated like a tool instead of a classic car that I want to keep in mint condition.

The exact same goes for the XP Deus components and the Nokta Makros too. Outstanding design, build quality, durability and function aside from the two components already mentioned.

The Deus 2 costs almost twice as much as the Legend. Maybe there will be some major performance differences in addition to the underwater ratings and uses of the Deus 2 vs the Legend. 

I really like the looks of both detectors.

I already have a Deus 1 with both HF coils which can do something that the Deus 2 can't which is run at frequencies above 50 kHz. So, the Deus 2 even though it has much better audio choices than Deus 1 just doesn't fit my needs as well as the Legend, which has no nonsense underwater capabilities (no antenna) and has grip vibration along with plenty of outstanding features which on the surface rival the Equinox. Having been a Simplex user and admirer, I look forward to owning a Legend.



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26 minutes ago, Steve Herschbach said:

Maybe somebody commented on this already, but I've not read the whole 8 pages - sorry. :smile:

It seems to me there are two different things going on here. For a person who does not have a multi, specifically an Equinox, the Legend offers an alternative that may be as good or even better, at a lower price. Certainly a chance it is better waterproofed, and NM would be crazy to have messed that up, after all the guff Minelab gets over it.

But what about people who already have an Equinox? Except for the possibility of better waterproof integrity, the Legend seems a side step at best. The Deus 2 on the other hand, looks more like a possible upgrade over an Equinox, one that combines what is best in the Deus and Equinox in one machine.

Long story short that's why I have a Deus 2 on order. As an Equinox owner, I'm not seeing enough difference in what I have already to really be attracted to the Legend. If anything it is too much like Equinox, down to the straight shaft, when I'd prefer an S rod.

Anyway, just my take on it. The Legend will no doubt be of huge interest to new buyers, but for us Nox owners, I think less so, with Deus 2 offering more the idea of an upgrade from what we already have.

XP Deus 2 Owner's Manual just released

Totally agree I have both the Legend and the Deus 2 on pre-order. But after reading the Deus 2 manual I'm seriously thinking about just dropping the order on the Legend. If the Deus 2 beats the Legend to market good by Legend order. I already have an Equinox 800 and haven't had any of the issues people talk about with the build quality. Other than build quality being possibly better on the Legend I can't see any reason to get it. It's highly unlikely the Legend is going to outperform the Equinox on it's first try (I could be wrong).

The Deus on the other hand appears very well thought out and has a bunch of advanced features I really look forward to using. And yes it also has a clock! If a person is on a budget I can see taking a chance on the Legend. But if it's not why not just go for the sure thing, which is the Deus 2. I have more confidence that the Deus 2 will be up to the performance standards of the Equinox than I do the Legend. 

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6 hours ago, Jeff McClendon said:

I already have a Deus 1 with both HF coils which can do something that the Deus 2 can't which is run at frequencies above 50 kHz. 

   Hey Jeff,

   I'm in a little late on the conversation, as I just finished moving up to Melbourne (That's Fl., not Aus.?) yesterday!! ??

   My question is, do you, or anyone here, think that higher frequencies can be added to the Deus 2 with a download, the way ML did with the 4 khz? I'm sure yes! And was the lack of a higher frequency intentional on their part, as not to totally step on their previous model???

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No clue as far as adding frequencies via an after release update.

I also don’t see any reason to add higher frequencies since the Deus 2 is more of an all around multi purpose detector.

The Deus 1 HF coils were originally designed for XP’s gold prospecting detector the Depar 600 which was later modified and became the ORX. The HF coils lowest frequency is 13.1 kHz and the highest is 81 kHz so those coils encompass the medium to very small sized gold nugget range and use the highest frequency of any gold prospecting VLF on the market today. So obviously the HF coils were gold prospecting specific coils that also are great for relics and for target separation. They actually were never fully supported on the Deus 1.

Looking at the specs for the Deus 2, it is not specifically geared for gold prospecting (only one Gold Field mode whereas the ORX and even the Nox have two) and its 40+ kHz high end frequency is on the low side for really small gold nugget prospecting especially if its SMF tech struggles with high iron mineralization. Using the really high single frequencies available on the Deus 1/ORX HF coils of 50 to 81 kHz actually helps in high iron mineralization.

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I don’t care about getting higher frequencies, I just want the 5.5”x9.5” Deus 2 coil for better separation and working in tight locations. 40 kHz is just fine on gold, as evidenced by Equinox, because multi adds extra punch on gold, or at least Multi-IQ does. I’d not argue an ORX or Deus 1 might be the better solution for the gold prospector, but I’d not write the Deus 2 off either. I’m not anyway, as I fully intend to put it to use gold prospecting. Well, sort of…. if I can put my GPX 6000 down long enough to give it a spin. :smile:


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In this video he mentions it will support a new version of the Go Terrain App that's coming soon.

It's in French so you have to use Youtube translator.

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