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** Lost Gold At The Dead Man's Mine ** A Miners Journal **

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16 hours ago, GhostMiner said:

   Oh, & here is something else about those claims. Just a couple of yrs prior to selling the claims to this person the claim owner had leased them to greenhorns from New York State who had gold fever. They had never mined before just like the other guy. The cost? He charged them $25,000 for a lease. Did they get any gold? I heard maybe an ounce before they went bust. Can you say ouch? Or predator?

The seller sounds like he could be one of the guys selling on (ouch)bay.

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10 hours ago, rvpopeye said:

That guy selling worthless claims is headed for a blanket party ,,, or worse  ! ?

Oh AYUH  GM ! You are describing a series and it seems you are already into it 3 stories !  ? I think you might even have enough for a Boxed Set !   "Gold: Tales of Tailings

(I didn't copyright that, or copyright search . It's yours if it clears the search ....) 

Not bad LOL.

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   May 26   2002



   There was .7 of an ounce in the pan this morning. Everyone is in a good mood and ready to work out here. Once again, all four of us headed up to the site and Jacob wanted to do a bit of digging before returning to camp. So all four of us worked the dig and I couldn’t help but think of the old days when Jacob was here back in 1936, 1937. I could almost see the old crew digging away with us shoulder to shoulder. I looked over at Jacob and he was hard at it and was really moving gravel. 

   The weather was perfect for working, cool and sunny. By lunch break I could tell Jacob was getting tired and I suggested we all go down to camp for something to eat. Vern shut down the pump and we drove back to camp and had a good lunch together while talking about the claims and the gold. It just doesn’t get any better than this.

   All four of us got back to work and Jacob put the pick and shovel down and took samples until nearly dark. We have really made good progress today and washed 19 yards of gravel. All the pans Jacob tested were looking rich as well. He always made sure to show us the good ones to keep us working hard. Based on what I was seeing I am expecting close to an ounce tomorrow at the weigh.  

   TO BE CONTINUED ...............

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Camping, getting gold, working hard and staying in shape. Getting gold stories from one of the guys from the 30s. Who wouldn't jump at the chance and bust butt to get a chance to hit it big? Heck, if you found enough and didn't loose out on too much, I'd still be happy with that!

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8 hours ago, Tahoegold said:

Camping, getting gold, working hard and staying in shape. Getting gold stories from one of the guys from the 30s. Who wouldn't jump at the chance and bust butt to get a chance to hit it big? Heck, if you found enough and didn't loose out on too much, I'd still be happy with that!

   Absolutely! There is nothing like hearing about the old days from a guy who's been there & done it. I will always remember that season.

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  May 27   2002     Part One


   The entire crew was up early and we did our cleanup right after breakfast and saw a whopping 1.4 ounces of gold. What a great way to start the day and we all headed up to the digsite. We had quite a large trench going but still nothing to even remotely compare to the crew of 1936. That area is amazing to see but Jacob is confident we can achieve the same results. If we get our permit approved I know we will make a larger dig site but by hand I can’t imagine digging that much gravel in one season.

   We were fired up but Jacob reminded us to pace ourselves. He said it’s a long season and a long way to the finish line. So we worked a nice and steady pace and even Jacob got in the trench and chopped away at the gravel. I always worry when I see him in there working hard but he won’t have it any other way and he knows when to stop.

   That’s exactly what Jacob did around lunch time. Before we went back down to camp for our break he showed us one of his test pans brimming with coarse gold. He gave the crew a wink and a smile. That is always a good sign.

   TO BE CONTINUED .............

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   The next part of the journal will talk about some exploration based on something Jacob told us. It will take us on an adventure to the remote northern areas of the mountain that are off our claims. What happens is something I have never forgotten and never put in my own journal. This will be the very first time I have written about this part of the 2002 season. 

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7 hours ago, GhostMiner said:

  May 27   2002     Part One


   The entire crew was up early and we did our cleanup right after breakfast and saw a whopping 1.4 ounces of gold. What a great way to start the day and we all headed up to the digsite. We had quite a large trench going but still nothing to even remotely compare to the crew of 1936. That area is amazing to see but Jacob is confident we can achieve the same results. If we get our permit approved I know we will make a larger dig site but by hand I can’t imagine digging that much gravel in one season.

   We were fired up but Jacob reminded us to pace ourselves. He said it’s a long season and a long way to the finish line. So we worked a nice and steady pace and even Jacob got in the trench and chopped away at the gravel. I always worry when I see him in there working hard but he won’t have it any other way and he knows when to stop.

   That’s exactly what Jacob did around lunch time. Before we went back down to camp for our break he showed us one of his test pans brimming with coarse gold. He gave the crew a wink and a smile. That is always a good sign.

   TO BE CONTINUED .............

Now that had to be a good sight after so much searching! But, I know there's all levels of mining. This is just a few guys with a shovel and a sluice. An oz and a quarter for this kind of mining is kinda good! I guess you can really call it prospect mining. Because once you find the concentration, now a days, you can bring out the heavy equipment and really risk big money, or get a big payday. At least you can spend less like you are trying to find the right spot.

   At any rate, that day reminds me of the beginning days of the '36 crew. You must have had a hard time sleeping just thinking of what could be! Livin' the dream!

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