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White's MX Sport - Sweet Home, We Have A Problem

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3 hours ago, Andy Sabisch said:

There will be a 6x10 and 950 coil coming or should be available as we speak . . . . I had the chance to test both and saw a notable difference over the stock coil.  Of course with both of the optional coils not being solid, it will make them difficult to use in the water.

ridge runner said his came with a 6x10.  

but what is best one if all you was going to do is relic hunt? 

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Personally I have always been partial to the 6x10 and 4x6 coils for relic hunting with my MXT Pro.  But not sure if I would make a switch to the Sport from the Pro if I already had the Pro . . . more coils available and a proven performer.  The MX Sport offers a number of adjustments and features not found on the MXT Pro but as some have indicated, it does have some issues with the stock DD coil that it comes with.  There have been posts about using the prospecting mode with VCO turned off and selecting 2 tones . . . there will be some tweaking for each person based on site, conditions and preferences. 


As more get out there, there will be more feedback - positive and not so positive . . . . all of which can help in the buying decision

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Here's my observations, take a coin and sweep it across the stock coil. Do you notice that the edge of the coil is as deep a the center? I mean if you can hit a coin at 10" at the center what about the outside edge if the coil? For me it is still 10" or 9" on the outside of the coil. The fields of the coil seem to intersect the closer you get to the coil itself. 

A quarter on the surface will make on long tone but down in a hole if you get the center of of the coil over it and sweep back and forth then it responds more in line with other detectors. On most detectors the DD coil has two small fields on the outside and one large "blade" down the center. If you watch the mxs vs mx5 vs mxt comparison when the mxs does the coin and nail test the coin sounds off at the back edge of the coil. It doesn't hit it in the center but from one side of the coil to the other. The coil hasn't stopped seeing the target during the sweep, all 10" of it. Basically the stock coil is a hot mess. My big question is, with the 6x10 does the modulation work?

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20 hours ago, Steve Herschbach said:

I really hated making that post – it was like kicking an old friend when they are down.

That's not how you treat a friend. You help them back up!

The info in Steve's post is very helpful to us at White's, but when you have trouble with a detector we hope to be your first call. Overall the response to the MX Sport has been very positive. But we have had one other report like Steve's about the audio response. Our engineers are digging in to see what happened and how many units it may have affected. Judging from initial reports- most folks who bought an MX Sport aren't having any problems out there. But we'll see.

You guys know better than most about White's commitment to its customers. It helps us immensely to hear feedback from you, so please share your thoughts with us in the future. Easier to troubleshoot and figure things out that way vs digging through forum posts (though we obviously do that).

The positive reports and reviews don't help us improve as much as hearing about hang ups and problems, but we need to be made aware of them ASAP in order to help you. If anyone has issues with a White's detector, we take care of them. That's the White's way of doing things. And we're only a phone call or email away, unlike some other companies...

Tom Boykin


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"If anyone has issues with a White's detector, we take care of them. That's the White's way of doing things. And we're only a phone call or email away, unlike some other companies..."

This has been my experience with White's.  I certainly hope, if there is an issue, it gets resolved to the benefit of White's and the consumer.  I haven't had a chance to test my Sport because shortly after receiving it, I had a major orthopedic injury which will keep me down for about 6 months.   

I continue to attest that White's service is unmatched in almost any company in any industry, with which I have dealt. I have faith that any issue will have a quick remedy.  

Steve, I really appreciate your expertise as well.  Thank you for an informative forum. 

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I wasn't going to bring it up as I'm sure it will open a can of worms but' when I first got the new MXT ALL pro with the 10"D2 coil I pulled it out in a trash filled picnic grounds and got bombarded by a mess of tones and it full blown washed me out, well I might also add from that day onwards I didn't like the coin mode, but obviously that was all me because it was already a proven and loved machine.

well I bought the smaller coil, but the mxt never really kicked off for me as a coin machine, but can't say I remember trying the D2 coil again.

i do see something strange going on with the MX sport and the STD coil... Too much gain? confusion from multiple targets? Wrong coil for the job....?


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Luke - We're on the case, our two best guys Jacob and Brian are going through the software right now. If there's an issue they will find it. It's much easier to respond to direct input (phone call, email, Facebook message) than have to sift through forum posts to find people who are having a hard time with a machine.

The whole reason I started working at White's was how they treat customers. Stopped in one day and knew they were real people listening to what I said, and not just waiting for their turn to speak. We're trying to uphold that legacy while also moving forward with new technology and being more present online since that's where our customers go for information and to share the hobby.

I don't speak for the whole company but consider me a "representative," along with Steve Howard who is pretty active on various forums. I'm on our Facebook page throughout the day so that's a direct line to the company during business hours - https://www.facebook.com/whiteselectronics/


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Hello Tom,

Welcome to the forum. I am very glad you took the time to post and I very much appreciate your message.

I see a common misperception about metal detector companies, the assumption being they are big corporate entities. Along with that perception comes a raft of assumptions about business practices and motivations. Usually not good perceptions.

The reality in my experience is that metal detector companies are much more in the mom and pop business sector. They are made up of relatively small numbers of nice, decent people who go to work each day just trying to do a good job. The intentions by and large are always good and the desire always to make good product people will like and buy. Being human mistakes happen sometimes, and nearly all the companies go out of their way to solve customer problems as best they can. White's has always been acknowledged as being one of the very best in that regard.

Anyway, I am sure it will all get sorted out to everyone's satisfaction. In my case it is partially sky high expectations, maybe too high for what at the end of the day is a mid range detector, not a new flagship model. The problem there honestly is there are mid range offerings these days that challenge the flagship units for sheer performance, so the bar is being raised across the board on expectations.

Truly, I wish nothing but great success for White's and the good people who work there.

Now, I have a herd of relatives to entertain. You all have fun and be nice while I am away!

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