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The Gpx6000 Adventure Begins!

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Well, the 1st week of 6000 fun is now done....the result is 45 bits of gold weighing 7.19 grams...just shy of quarter ounce. Upside is that most locations that I've flogged to death are producing gold again and I've gotten used to the low groan signals that indicate deeper small gold. Biggest bit so far is just .71 grams and that was @ 8" deep. I'm sure the sizes will improve soon lol.

Only downside is that the stem lock is now starting to loosen...I'll blame the 14DD coil as it provides a lot more canting movement due to its width. Its like it has worn down the grip coz of the numerous re-adjustments. There's a lot to love though...low weight (crucial for me coz of my damaged shoulder), reduction in ground noise, ease of use, the excellent 14DD coil near powerlines and just sheer performance on small gold. 32.9 grams to go..... 



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Great going! You're making me envious as each and every nugget (flake as Aussies call them) are an achievement to be proud of.  It's not getting any easier, each one gone is another one that can never be found again.

It's sucks to be in the business of making gold detectors as one day their business is gone, the harder gold is to find the less desirable their detectors are but they're sure good at milking it while it's there ?

I'm confident you'll pay that puppy off and at least break even, you're off to a good start, I'm rooting for you.  As Goef said, forget the minimum wage, we're doing this for fun..........

It sucks your shaft is showing signs of failure already, another problem I've got to look forward to, hopefully the aftermarket steps in with good quality shafts if it does pose a problem or someone comes up with an easy pin solution upgrade to fix it, so far mines rock solid and I'm not holding back, if it's going to fail it will fail with how I use my detectors, funny this mindset is normally something I'd have for a couple of hundred dollar detector.

I don't follow gold prices but gold price being $450 USD for 1/4 of an ounce? that's not too bad for a week.  I'd be happy with that, not so the monetary value as I don't care about that but more so the success level of finding that much gold in a week.  If I found that in a week here I'd be super happy.

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I prefer to call small gold 'bits' instead of 'nuggets'.....over a gram and I'll certainly call em the N word lol. Unless a few multi gram pieces turn up, I reckon Ive got another 6 weeks or more until it pays itself clear. Im happy with that. 

Minelab or hopefully Nokta will continue to push the envelope and get some good tech for us in coming years....we all know that there is plenty of deeper ground with deeper gold out there. If the new machine provides an extra 30% improvement each time, they will sell detectors. I see a GPZ replacement (still Bi-Polar PI) with GeoSense and CC coils in the future....

There's already a guy in Western Australia selling a shaft-lock replacement for the 6000. Looks suspiciously like a tent pole clamp. Maybe thats all that is needed!

Yeah I'll get AU$560 for the 7.1gm  easy. 


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16 minutes ago, Reg Wilson said:

Over a gram and it's a nugget? Spare me!

A nugget is over twenty ounces. Anything less is a bit, lump, or in my case, a colour. Next thing a speck will be called a nugget. Get real.

I know Reg... me and you started waaaay back in the 80's and multi-gram and multi ounce pieces were then common. Not so much now....Ive had to re-evaluate what I think due to the ever decreasing size of 'regular' gold. No way would I have ever thought that I'd be saying this now either...back then. Unless we get new access to a private property, or we finally get the actual, real deep-seeking detector that can focus on those big, deep lumps, my pathetic 1 grammers are my only solace on the 'nugget' horizon.

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@Aureous - I am noticing the lock weakness also with the larger coils. Have you heard that terrible creaking noise the locks make when the 14dd tilts? Yikes! It sounds like a wood beam getting stressed near breaking and the hollow coil amplifies it like the body of a banjo.  Put some strings on that thing and you will be able to play it!

I find that pulling it out and wiping off the dust helps. I won’t change the locks or want something to add more weight to the thing though, I love how light it is and want to keep it that way.

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So far I am lucky, the head phones charge like you would expect, every thing else seams to be OK also, wish the best for every one else.   

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Well done and no doubt the 6000 will soon pay for its self and then you are in the profit zone. Good feeling.

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